Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior About Us Overview People People at the MPI of Animal Behavior A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ä Ö Ü All NameEmailPhoneLinksMaya DagherIMPRS Doctoral Studentmdagher@ab.mpg.deBeguide Bobo Naom DaovMSc StudentSarah C. DavidsonIMPRS Doctoral Student, Movebank Data Curatorsdavidson@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesMovebank Twitter Dr. Jennifer de Sousa BarrosPostdocsbarros@ab.mpg.dePD Dr. Dina DechmannGroup Leader, IMPRS 7732 1501-73Publication ReferencesGoogle Scholar Ephemeral Resource Adaptations Group Francesca DecinaIMPRS Doctoral StudentDr. Vlad DemartsevPostdocvdemartsev@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesDr. Francisco DénesAffiliated Scientistfdenes@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesDr. Daisy DentAffiliated Scientistddent@ab.mpg.dePublication Referencespersonal webpage Dr. Adwait DeshpandePostdocadeshpande@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesKatrin DieterAssistant to the 7531 9450574Dr. Serena DingIMPRS Faculty, Max Planck Research Group (0)7531 885904Publication ReferencesMax Planck Research Group Genes and Behavior Louise DucroixIMPRS Doctoral Studentlducroix@ab.mpg.deRegina DunzAnimal 7732 1501-18