Department of Migration


Myriads of organisms travel great distances on their search for suitable food, wintering and mating grounds. Our planet resembles one large pulsating organism, in which all of the organisms that are continually moving are breathing life into it. Understanding this pulsating life and its underlying mechanisms allows a better understanding of the ecologically dynamic processes on a global scale.

We strive to understand and predict which decisions animals will make on their journey, how animals will interact with their ever-changing environment, and the consequences their migrations have on ecosystems and humans. Above all, this insight will enable us to predict the impact that we humans have on these processes and allow us to understand the future consequences.

Research - The Migration Groups

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Book cover

Give animals a voice

October 22, 2024

A picture book, based on the science of animal disaster forecasting, inspires children to listen to animals more

How cranes navigate their complex world

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Flying like an eagle

Flying like an eagle

September 16, 2024

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In the Media



October 14, 2024

Revolutionäre Forschung zur Schwarmintelligenz der Tiere more

Martin Wikelski with stork

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<span><span>BR IQ - Wissenschaft und Forschung</span></span>

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