Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior About Us Overview People People at the MPI of Animal Behavior A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ä Ö Ü All NameEmailPhoneLinksMarius FaißDoctoral Studentmfaiss@ab.mpg.deResearchgate Google Scholar Prof. Dr. Damien FarineAffiliated Scientist, IMPRS Faculty Alumnidfarine@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesFarine Lab Social Evolutionary Ecology @ UZH Dr. Wolfgang FiedlerGroup Leader, IMPRS 7732 1501-60Publication ReferencesResearchGate LinkedIn Dr. Genevieve E. FinertyPostdocgfinerty@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesDr. Andrea FlackGroup Leader, IMPRS 7531 94505 23Publication ReferencesGoogle Scholar Bluesky Collective Migration Group Andrea FogatoIMPRS Doctoral Studentafogato@ab.mpg.deNarcís Font MassotIMPRS Doctoral Studentnfont@ab.mpg.dePersonal Webpage Waltraud 7732 1501-52Lester Fox RosalesIMPRS Doctoral Studentlrosales@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesFrancesca FrisoniDoctoral Studentffrisoni@ab.mpg.deCyrill FrommAnimal 7531 88-4906Prof. Dr. Barbara FruthGroup Leader, IMPRS Board Member, IMPRS Faculty, IMPRS Spokespersonbfruth@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesSarah FuchsschwanzAssistant to the Head of Administrationsfuchsschwanz@ab.mpg.de07531 94505 1107732 1501 29