Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior About Us Overview People People at the MPI of Animal Behavior A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ä Ö Ü All NameEmailPhoneLinksDr. Urs KalbitzerIMPRS Faculty, Research Scientistukalbitzer@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesPersonal Website Blog Youn Jae KangIMPRS Doctoral Studentykang@ab.mpg.deDr. Fumihiro KanoAffiliated Scientist, IMPRS Facultyfkano@ab.mpg.dePublication Referencespersonal website Dr. Pavan KaushikPostdocpkaushik@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesTwitter Brigitta Keeves-von WolffSpecial Project 7531 94505 22Publication ReferencesAniMove AniMove Summer School Snapshot Europe Dr. Lara KeicherIMPRS Alumni, International Fieldwork 7732 1501-913Publication ReferencesTwitter Sofia Lunde KjærlandField teamChristin KlingeTechnical Assistantcklinge@ab.mpg.deProf. Dr. Barbara KlumpAffiliated Scientistbklump@ab.mpg.dePublication Referencespersonal website Sabine KnopfAssistant to the 7732 1501 25Myriam KnöpfleIMPRS Doctoral Studentmknoepfle@ab.mpg.deDr. Jens KoblitzAffiliated Scientistjkoblitz@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesDr. Jenna KohlesIMPRS Alumni, Postdocjkohles@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesDr. Andrea KölzschAffiliated Scientistakoelzsch@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesDr. Gisela KoppAffiliated Scientist, IMPRS Facultygkopp@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesGoogle Scholar Personal website Karin Koß 7732 1501-45Regine KrämerHR Officerrkraemer@ab.mpg.de07732 1501-11Monika KromeTechnical 7732 1501-20Publication ReferencesKajal KumariIMPRS Doctoral Student, IMPRS Student