Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior About Us Overview People People at the MPI of Animal Behavior A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ä Ö Ü All NameEmailPhoneLinksBin MaDoctoral Studentbma@ab.mpg.deProf. Dr. Adriana Maldonado ChaparroAffiliated Scientist, Max Planck Partner Group Leaderamaldonado@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesHeiko MarschnerTechnical 7732 1501-20Sierra MattinglyMSc Studentsmattingly@ab.mpg.deSaskia MerkAnimal Caretakersmerk@ab.mpg.deSilvana MielkeMaxCine Assistantsmielke@ab.mpg.deDr. Pranav MinasandraIMPRS Alumni, Postdocpminasandra@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesPersonal Website CV Claudio Manuel Monteza Moreno, M.Sc.IMPRS Doctoral ReferencesPersonal Website Google Scholar Dr. Tracy MontgomeryPostdoctmontgomery@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesPersonal Website Julia MörchenDoctoral Studentjulia_moerchen@eva.mpg.dePublication ReferencesDr. Kevin MorelleResearch 7732 1501-70Publication ReferencesLaura MoscadoField TechnicianDr. Inge Mü 7732 1501-27Publication ReferencesKerstin MüllerAdministratorkmueller@ab.mpg.deUschi MüllerICARUS 7531 94505-21Publication References