Publications of Daniel Piechowski
All genres
Journal Article (10)
Journal Article
28 (4), pp. 353 - 359 (2012)
Fragment size and local flower density influence seed set of the understorey tree Paypayrola blanchetiana (Violaceae) in Brazilian Atlantic rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 2.
Journal Article
205 (8), pp. 540 - 547 (2010)
Pollination and seed dispersal modes of woody species of 12-year-old secondary forest in the Atlantic Forest region of Pernambuco, NE Brazil. Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 3.
Journal Article
12 (1), pp. 172 - 182 (2010)
Pollination biology and floral scent chemistry of the Neotropical chiropterophilous Parkia pendula. Plant Biology 4.
Journal Article
23 (4), pp. 1162 - 1166 (2009)
Flower and fruit development of Parkia pendula (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae). Acta Botanica Brasilica 5.
Journal Article
22 (1), pp. 175 - 177 (2009)
The seedpod gum of Parkia pendula (Fabaceae) as a deadly trap for vertebrates. Biotemas 6.
Journal Article
2 (1), pp. 1 - 4 (2008)
The history of fragmentation of the lowland Atlantic Forest of Pernambuco, Brazil. Bioremediation, Biodiversity and Bioavailability 7.
Journal Article
198, p. 113 (2008)
Forest vegetation structure along an altitudinal gradient in southern Ecuador. Ecological studies 8.
Journal Article
2 (1), pp. 56 - 61 (2008)
Edge effects on germination, seedling establishment, and population structure of Parkia pendula in an Atlantic Forest fragment, NE Brazil. Bioremediation, Biodiversity and Bioavailability 9.
Journal Article
46 (2), pp. 203 - 204 (2007)
Bat visits and changes in floral nectar during anthesis of Parkia pendula (Mimosaceae). Phyton 10.
Journal Article
A fragmentação da Mata Atlântica em Pernambuco e suas conseqüências biológico-reprodutivas. Mata Atlântica e Biodiversidade. Salvador: Edufba, pp. 143 - 164 (2005)
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Reproductive ecology, seedling performance, and population structure of Parkia pendula in an Atlantic forest fragment in northeastern Brazil. Dissertation (2007)
Thesis - Diploma (2)
Thesis - Diploma
Vegetationsstrukturanalyse unterschiedlich beeinflusster submontaner Regenwälder in Ecuador. Diploma, 73 pp. (2008)
Thesis - Diploma
Strukturelle Analyse submontaner Vegetation im Südosten Ecuadors. Diploma, 82 pp. (2008)