Publications of Edward McLester

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Aung, T.; Hill, A. K.; Pfefferle, D.; McLester, E.; Fuller, J.; Lawrence, J. M.; Garcia-Nisa, I.; Kendal, R. L.; Petersdorf, M.; Higham, J. P. et al.: Group size and mating system predict sex differences in vocal fundamental frequency in anthropoid primates. Nature Communications 14, 4069 (2023)
Journal Article
McLester, E.; Fruth, B.: Golden-bellied mangabeys (Cercocebus chrysogaster) exhibit a larger home range and longer travel distances than those of bonobos (Pan paniscus) at LuiKotale, Democratic Republic of the Congo. American Journal of Primatology 85 (6), e23486 (2023)
Journal Article
McLester, E.: Golden-bellied mangabeys (Cercocebus chrysogaster) consume and share mammalian prey at LuiKotale, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Journal of Tropical Ecology 38 (5), pp. 254 - 258 (2022)
Journal Article
McLester, E.: Contact call acoustic structure is associated with inter-individual distances during antiphonal vocal exchanges in wild red-tailed monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius schmidti). Behaviour 159 (10), pp. 915 - 939 (2022)