Publications of the Research Group of Ephemeral Resources

Journal Article (47)

Journal Article
Baldoni, C.; Raptis, K.; Farantouri, M.; Lenzi, I.; Lim, K. S.; Menz, M. H. M.; Muturi, M.; Reisert, M.; Bedoya Duque, M. A.; Thomas, W. R. et al.; Dávalos, L. M.; Nieland, J. D.; von Elverfeldt, D.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Captivity alters behaviour but not seasonal brain size change in semi-naturally housed shrews. Royal Society Open Science 12 (3), 242138 (2025)
Journal Article
Duque, M. A. B.; Thomas, W. R.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Nieland, J.; Baldoni, C.; von Elverfeldt, D.; Muturi, M.; Corthals, A. P.; Dávalos, L. M.: Gene expression comparisons between captive and wild shrew brains reveal captivity effects. Biology Letters 21 (1), 20240478 (2025)
Journal Article
Hurme, E.; Lenzi, I.; Wikelski, M.; Wild, T. A.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Bats surf storm fronts during spring migration. Science 387 (6729), pp. 97 - 102 (2025)
Journal Article
Komar, E.; Szafrańska, P. A.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Keicher, L.; Koprowska, D.; Shipley, J. R.; Ruczyński, I.: Positive consequences of group living among male bats during spermatogenesis. The Journal of Experimental Biology (2025)
Journal Article
Calderón-Capote, M. C.; van Toor, M. L.; O'Mara, M. T.; Bayer, T. D.; Crofoot, M. C.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Consistent long-distance foraging flights across years and seasons at colony level in a neotropical bat. Biology Letters 20 (12), 20240424 (2024)
Journal Article
Dietzer, M. T.; Keicher, L.; Kohles, J. E.; Hurme, E.; Ruczyński, I.; Borowik, T.; Zegarek, M.; Choiński, M.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: High temporal resolution data reveal low bat and insect activity over managed meadows in central Europe. Scientific Reports 14 (1), 7498 (2024)
Journal Article
Halat, Z.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Kranstauber, B.; Komar, E.; Zegarek, M.; Kohles, J. E.; Muturi, M.; Calderón-Capote, M. C.; Ruczynski, I.: Foraging male particoloured bats use local enhancement and group facilitation during spermatogenesis. Animal Behaviour 217, pp. 123 - 131 (2024)
Journal Article
Keicher, L.; Shipley, J. R.; Dietzer, M. T.; Wikelski, M.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Heart rate monitoring reveals differential seasonal energetic trade-offs in male noctule bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 291 (2026), 20240855 (2024)
Journal Article
Kohles, J. E.; Page, R. A.; Wikelski, M.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Seasonal shifts in insect ephemerality drive bat foraging effort. Current Biology 34 (14), pp. 3241 - 3248 (2024)
Journal Article
Meierhofer, M. B.; Tena, E.; Lilley, T. M.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Voigt, C. C.; Troitsky, T. S.; de Bruyn, L.; Braun de Torrez, E.; Eldegard, K.; Elmeros, M. et al.; Gyselings, R.; Hoyt, D.; Janssen, R.; Jonasson, K. A.; López-Baucells, A.; Matlova, M.; Melber, M.; Perea, S.; Stidsholt, L.; Valanne, V.; Varghese, M. G.; Zavattoni, G.; Weller, T. J.: Re-weighing the 5% tagging recommendation: assessing the potential impacts of tags on the behaviour and body condition of bats. Mammal Review (2024)
Journal Article
Wikelski, M.; Quetting, M.; Bates, J.; Berger-Wolf, T.; Bohrer, G.; Boerger, L.; Chapple, T.; Crofoot, M. C.; Davidson, S. C.; Dechmann, D. K. N. et al.; Ellis-Soto, D.; Ellwood, E. R.; Fiedler, W.; Flack, A.; Fruth, B.; Franconi, N.; Havmøller, R. W.; Hirt, J.; Hussey, N. E.; Iannarilli, F.; Landwehr, M.; Müller, M. E.; Mueller, T.; Mueller, U.; Oliver, R. Y.; Partecke, J.; Pokrovsky, I.; Pokrovskaya, L.; Rubenstein, D. R.; Rutz, C.; Safi, K.; Santangeli, A.; van Schalkwyk, O. L.; Sequeira, A. M. M.; Sherub, S.; Ramesh, T.; Viljoen, P.; Wasik, K. A.; Wild, T. A.; Yanco, S.; Kays, R.: Introducing a unique animal ID and digital life history museum for wildlife metadata. Methods in Ecology and Evolution (2024)
Journal Article
Baldoni, C.; Thomas, W. R.; von Elverfeldt, D.; Reisert, M.; Lazaro, J.; Muturi, M.; Davalos, L. M.; Nieland, J. D.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Histological and MRI brain atlas of the common shrew, Sorex araneus, with brain region-specific gene expression profiles. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 17, 1168523 (2023)
Journal Article
Froidevaux, J. S. P.; Toshkova, N.; Barbaro, L.; Benitez-Lopez, A.; Kerbiriou, C.; Le Viol, I.; Pacifici, M.; Santini, L.; Stawski, C.; Russo, D. et al.; Dekker, J.; Alberdi, A.; Amorim, F.; Ancillotto, L.; Barre, K.; Bas, Y.; Cantu-Salazar, L.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Devaux, T.; Eldegard, K.; Fereidouni, S.; Furmankiewicz, J.; Hamidovic, D.; Hill, D. L.; Ibanez, C.; Julien, J. F.; Juste, J.; Kanuch, P.; Korine, C.; Laforge, A.; Legras, G.; Leroux, C.; Lesinski, G.; Mariton, L.; Marmet, J.; Mata, V. A.; Mifsud, C. M.; Nistreanu, V.; Novella-Fernandez, R.; Rebelo, H.; Roche, N.; Roemer, C.; Ruczynski, I.; Soras, R.; Uhrin, M.; Vella, A.; Voigt, C. C.; Razgour, O.: A species-level trait dataset of bats in Europe and beyond. Scientific Data 10 (1), 253 (2023)
Journal Article
Keicher, L.; Shipley, J. R.; Schaeffer, P. J.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Contrasting torpor use by reproductive male common noctule bats in the laboratory and in the field. Integrative and Comparative Biology 63 (5), pp. 1087 - 1098 (2023)
Journal Article
Koger, B.; Hurme, E.; Costelloe, B. R.; O'Mara, M. T.; Wikelski, M.; Kays, R.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: An automated approach for counting groups of flying animals applied to one of the world's largest bat colonies. Ecosphere 14 (6), e4590 (2023)
Journal Article
O'Mara, M. T.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Greater spear-nosed bats commute long distances alone, rest together, but forage apart. Animal Behaviour 204, pp. 37 - 48 (2023)
Journal Article
Pohle, A.-K.; Zalewski, A.; Muturi, M.; Dullin, C.; Farkova, L.; Keicher, L.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Domestication effect of reduced brain size is reverted when mink become feral. Royal Society Open Science 10 (7), 230463 (2023)
Journal Article
Schindler, M.; Osterwalder, M.; Harabula, I.; Wittler, L.; Tzika, A. C.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Vingron, M.; Visel, A.; Haas, S. A.; Real, F. M.: Induction of kidney-related gene programs through co-option of SALL1 in mole ovotestes. Development 150 (17), dev201562 (2023)
Journal Article
Weber, N.; Nagy, M.; Markotter, W.; Schaer, J.; Puechmaille, S. J.; Sutton, J.; Dávalos, L. M.; Dusabe, M. C.; Ejotre, I.; Fenton, M. B. et al.; Knörnschild, M.; Lopez-Baucells, A.; Medellin, R. A.; Metz, M.; Mubareka, S.; Nsengimana, O.; O'Mara, M. T.; Racey, P. A.; Tuttle, M.; Twizeyimana, I.; Vicente-Santos, A.; Tschapka, M.; Voigt, C. C.; Wikelski, M.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Reeder, D. M.: Robust evidence for bats as reservoir hosts is lacking in most African virus studies: a review and call to optimize sampling and conserve bats. Biology Letters 19 (11), 20230358 (2023)
Journal Article
Wild, T. A.; van Schalkwyk, O. L.; Viljoen, P.; Heine, G.; Richter, N.; Vorneweg, B.; Koblitz, J. C.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Rogers, W.; Partecke, J. et al.; Linek, N.; Volkmer, T.; Gregersen, T.; Havmoller, R. W.; Morelle, K.; Daim, A.; Wiesner, M.; Wolter, K.; Fiedler, W.; Kays, R.; Ezenwa, V. O.; Meboldt, M.; Wikelski, M.: A multi-species evaluation of digital wildlife monitoring using the Sigfox IoT network. Animal Biotelemetry 11 (1), 13 (2023)
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