In the Media


2024 winner in Animal Behavior more

The Guardian

Photos of the Year more


Dalle Maldive uno sguardo inedito sugli squali more


Striking drone image of young sharks hunting fish wins photo competition more


2024 Future Perfect 50 more


Navi im Kopf more

The Debrief

Expansive Echolocation Maps of Bats Unveiled in Groundbreaking New Study more

Kuhl's pipistrelle

Study reveals how bats use echolocation and vision to navigate over long distances more

Sharks and fish

Le altre intelligenze more

Angela Albi on TV

Meravigliosi squali more

octopus and fish

Kraken und Fische jagen erfolgreicher im Team more


Erstaunliches Teamwork: Kraken und Fische jagen gemeinsam more

octopus and fish

Octopus seen hunting with fish and punching them if they don't cooperate more

octopus and fish

Octopuses are now punching fish – and we have the footage to prove it more

octopus and fish

Oktopoden und Fische teilen sich das Kommando bei der gemeinsamen Jagd more

The New York Times

Punching Octopuses Lead Fish on Hunting Parties


Schwarmintelligenz: Vom wilden Tanz der Stare more

<span><span><span>Sierra Magazine</span></span></span>

What New Research and Indigenous Wisdom Teach Us About the Octopus—And Ourselves more


How Is Flocking Like Computing? more

Sharks swimming

Wie Schwärme sich entscheiden more

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