Publications of Gaelle Fehlmann

Journal Article (10)

Journal Article
Fehlmann, G.; Martin, J. M.; Safi, K.; Aplin, L. M.: Wild sulphur-crested cockatoos match human activity rhythms to access food in the urban environment. Urban Ecosystems (2024)
Journal Article
Christensen, C.; Bracken, A. M.; O'Riain, M. J.; Fehlmann, G.; Holton, M.; Hopkins, P.; King, A. J.; Furtbauer, I.: Quantifying allo-grooming in wild chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) using tri-axial acceleration data and machine learning. Royal Society Open Science 10 (4), 221103 (2023)
Journal Article
Fehlmann, G.; O'Riain, M. J.; Kerr-Smith, C.; Hailes, S.; Holton, M.; Hopkins, P.; King, A. J.: Using behavioral studies to adapt management decisions and reduce negative interactions between humans and baboons in Cape Town, South Africa. Conservation Science and Practice 5 (7), e12948 (2023)
Journal Article
Bracken, A. M.; Christensen, C.; O'Riain, M. J.; Fehlmann, G.; Holton, M. D.; Hopkins, P. W.; Furtbauer, I.; King, A. J.: Socioecology explains individual variation in urban space use in response to management in Cape Chacma baboons (Papio ursinus). International Journal of Primatology 43, pp. 1159 - 1176 (2022)
Journal Article
Fehlmann, G.; O'Riain, M. J.; Furtbauer, I.; King, A. J.: Behavioral causes, ecological consequences, and management challenges associated with wildlife foraging in human-modified landscapes. Bioscience 71 (1), pp. 40 - 54 (2021)
Journal Article
King, A. J.; Fehlmann, G.; Biro, D.; Ward, A. J.; Fürtbauer, I.: Re-wilding collective behaviour: An ecological perspective. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33 (5), pp. 347 - 357 (2018)
Journal Article
Fehlmann, G.; O’Riain, M. J.; Hopkins, P. W.; O’Sullivan, J.; Holton, M. D.; Shepard, E. L. C.; King, A. J.: Identification of behaviours from accelerometer data in a wild social primate. Animal Biotelemetry 5 (1), 6 (2017)
Journal Article
Fehlmann, G.; O’Riain, M. J.; Kerr-Smith, C.; Hailes, S.; Luckman, A.; Shepard, E. L. C.; King, A. J.: Extreme behavioural shifts by baboons exploiting risky, resource-rich, human-modified environments. Scientific Reports 7, 15057 (2017)
Journal Article
Fehlmann, G.; King, A. J.: Bio-logging. Current Biology 26 (18), pp. 830 - 831 (2016)
Journal Article
Fehlmann, G.; O'Riain, M. J.; Kerr-Smith, C.; King, A. J.: Adaptive space use by baboons (Papio ursinus) in response to management interventions in a human-changed landscape. Animal Conservation 20 (1), pp. 101 - 109 (2016)
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