Publications of Milica Arandjelovic

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Kalan, A. K.; Hohmann, G.; Arandjelovic, M.; Boesch, C.; McCarthy, M.; Agbor, A.; Angedakin, S.; Bailey, E.; Wilungula Balongelwa, C.; Bessone, M. et al.: Novelty response of wild African apes to camera traps. Current Biology 29 (7), pp. 1211 - 1217 (2019)
Journal Article
Kühl, H. S.; Boesch, C.; Kulik, L.; Haas, F.; Arandjelovic, M.; Dieguez, P.; Bocksberger, G.; McElreath, M. B.; Agbor, A.; Angedakin, S. et al.: Human impact erodes chimpanzee behavioral diversity. Science 363 (6434), pp. 1453 - 1455 (2019)
Journal Article
Murthy, S.; O’Brien, K.; Agbor, A.; Angedakin, S.; Arandjelovic, M.; Ayimisin, A. E.; Bailey, E.; Bergl, R. A.; Brazzola, G.; Dieguez, P. et al.: Cytomegalovirus distribution and evolution in hominines. Virus Evolution 5 (2), vez015 (2019)
Journal Article
Kühl, H. S.; Kalan, A. K.; Arandjelovic, M.; Aubert, F.; D'Auvergne, L.; Goedmakers, A.; Jones, S.; Kehoe, L.; Regnaut, S.; Tickle, A. et al.: Chimpanzee accumulative stone throwing. Scientific Reports 6, 22219 (2016)
Journal Article
Schubert, G.; Stoneking, C. J.; Arandjelovic, M.; Boesch, C.; Eckhardt, N.; Hohmann, G.; Langergraber, K.; Lukas, D.; Vigilant, L.: Male-mediated gene flow in patrilocal primates. PLoS One 6 (7), e21514 (2011)