Publications of Willi Jensen
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Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
6, 34207 (2016)
Abrupt switch to migratory night flight in a wild migratory songbird. Scientific Reports 2.
Journal Article
279 (1742), pp. 3527 - 3534 (2012)
A tropical bird can use the equatorial change in sunrise and sunset times to synchronize its circannual clock. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 3.
Journal Article
49 (5), pp. 644 - 653 (2006)
Low ambient temperature increases food intake and dropping production, leading to incorrect estimates of hormone metabolite concentrations in European stonechats. Hormones and Behavior 4.
Journal Article
871, pp. 435 - 438 (1999)
Centrifugal force affects perception but not nystagmus in passive rotation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences