Publications of Krisztina Kupan
All genres
Journal Article (9)
Journal Article
32 (3), pp. 428 - 439 (2021)
Offspring desertion with care? Chick mortality and plastic female desertion in Snowy Plovers. Behavioral Ecology 2.
Journal Article
10, 15576 (2020)
Successful breeding predicts divorce in plovers. Scientific Reports 3.
Journal Article
9 (18), pp. 10734 - 10745 (2019)
Mate fidelity in a polygamous shorebird, the snowy plover (Charadrius nivosus). Ecology and Evolution 4.
Journal Article
161, pp. 186 - 194 (2017)
Interacting effect of two social factors on 18-month-old infants’ imitative behavior: Communicative cues and demonstrator presence. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 5.
Journal Article
64 (1), pp. 3 - 16 (2016)
Morphological and genetic differentiation among Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus populations in Macaronesia. Ardeola 6.
Journal Article
6, 32059 (2016)
Camouflage and clutch survival in plovers and terns. Scientific Reports 7.
Journal Article
41, pp. 73 - 79 (2015)
Feature or location? Infants and adults adopt different strategies to search for a hidden toy in an ambiguous task. Infant Behavior and Development 8.
Journal Article
22 (3), pp. 209 - 212 (2012)
Dogs’ gaze following is tuned to human communicative signals. Current Biology 9.
Journal Article
14 (2), pp. 259 - 268 (2011)
Why do dogs (Canis familiaris) select the empty container in an observational learning task? Animal Cognition