Publications of Grace Helen Davis
All genres
Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
37 (11), pp. 942 - 952 (2022)
Using optimal foraging theory to infer how groups make collective decisions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 2.
Journal Article
10, 801850 (2022)
Life in 2.5D: Animal Movement in the Trees. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3.
Journal Article
12 (7), pp. 1158 - 1173 (2021)
Estimating encounter location distributions from animal tracking data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4.
Journal Article
41 (2), pp. 246 - 264 (2020)
Do monkeys avoid areas of home range overlap because they are dangerous? A test of the risk hypothesis in White-Faced Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus capucinus). International Journal of Primatology 5.
Journal Article
141, pp. 29 - 44 (2018)
Estimating the robustness and uncertainty of animal social networks using different observational methods. Animal Behaviour 6.
Journal Article
3, 102 (2015)
Commentary: Four ways in which data-free papers on animal personality fail to be impactful. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution