Publications of Stefan Leitner
All genres
Journal Article (52)
Journal Article
164 (4), pp. 835 - 844 (2023)
Bursts of white noise trigger song in domestic Canaries. Journal of Ornithology 2.
Journal Article
10 (11), 1099 (2021)
Extensive GJD2 expression in the song motor pathway reveals the extent of electrical synapses in the songbird brain. Biology 3.
Journal Article
52 (10), e02722 (2021)
Barred buttonquail males outlive females. Journal of Avian Biology 4.
Journal Article
162 (4), pp. 1163 - 1172 (2021)
Seasonal and diurnal variation of vocal behaviour in duetting White-browed Sparrow Weavers. Journal of Ornithology 5.
Journal Article
10, 2577 (2019)
Duets recorded in the wild reveal that interindividually coordinated motor control enables cooperative behavior. Nature Communications 6.
Journal Article
Die neuronalen Grundlagen von Duettgesang – eine neurophysiologische Freilandstudie. Jahrbuch - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (2019)
Journal Article
8, e43194 (2019)
Accelerated redevelopment of vocal skills is preceded by lasting reorganization of the song motor circuitry. eLife 8.
Journal Article
285 (1887), 20181270 (2018)
Influence of early-life nutritional stress on songbird memory formation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 9.
Journal Article
1, pp. 60 - 63 (2018)
Kanarengirlitze auf der Azoreninsel Corvo: Nachweis erbracht. Vögel 10.
Journal Article
7, bio038026 (2018)
Neural activation following offensive aggression in Japanese quail. Biology Open 11.
Journal Article
220 (6), pp. 1065 - 1071 (2017)
Lombard effect onset times reveal the speed of vocal plasticity in a songbird. The Journal of Experimental Biology 12.
Journal Article
298 (3), pp. 209 - 216 (2016)
Breeding status affects the expression of androgen and progesterone receptor mRNA in the brain of male Damaraland mole-rats. Journal of Zoology 13.
Journal Article
Wie Geschlechtshormone den Vogelgesang regulieren. Jahrbuch - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (2015)
Journal Article
16, 19 (2015)
Using the canary genome to decipher the evolution of hormone-sensitive gene regulation in seasonal singing birds. Genome Biology 15.
Journal Article
11 (8), 8 (2015)
Hatching late in the season requires flexibility in the timing of song learning. Biology Letters 16.
Journal Article
61 (7), pp. 30 - 32 (2014)
Von Grünpflanzen beeinflusst: Brutverhalten des Kanarengirlitzes. Der Falke 17.
Journal Article
11, 38 (2014)
Breeding status and social environment differentially affect the expression of sex steroid receptor and aromatase mRNA in the brain of female Damaraland mole-rats. Frontiers in Zoology 18.
Journal Article
68 (1), pp. 230 - 240 (2014)
Environmental and genetic control of brain and song structure in the zebra finch. Evolution: International journal of organic evolution 19.
Journal Article
94, pp. 67 - 75 (2013)
Heterospecific exposure affects the development of secondary sexual traits in male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Behavioural Processes 20.
Journal Article
Gene und Umwelt: Wie beeinflussen sie Verhalten und Physiologie bei Singvögeln? Jahrbuch - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (2013)
Journal Article
63 (1), pp. 122 - 127 (2013)
Testosterone-dependency of male solo song in a duetting songbird - Evidence from females. Hormones and Behavior 22.
Journal Article
26 (5), pp. 434 - 440 (2011)
Multisensory non-photoperiodic cue advances the onset of seasonal breeding in Island Canaries (Serinus canaria). Journal of Biological Rhythms 23.
Journal Article
22 (3), pp. 566 - 573 (2011)
Developmental stressors that impair song learning in males do not appear to affect female preferences for song complexity in the zebra finch. Behavioral Ecology 24.
Journal Article
116 (2), pp. 113 - 119 (2010)
No correlation between song and circulating testosterone levels during multiple broods in the domesticated canary (Serinus canaria). Ethology 25.
Journal Article
79 (6), pp. 1381 - 1390 (2010)
Developmental stress and female mate choice behaviour in the zebra finch. Animal Behaviour 26.
Journal Article
276 (1669), pp. 2881 - 2886 (2009)
Song learning in domesticated canaries in a restricted acoustic environment. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 27.
Journal Article
80 (2), pp. 99 - 102 (2009)
Morphometrics of White-browed Sparrow-Weavers Plocepasser mahali in south-western Zimbabwe. Ostrich 28.
Journal Article
3 (2), e1674 (2008)
Pollutants increase song complexity and the volume of the brain area HVC in a songbird. PLoS One 29.
Journal Article
54 (3), pp. 373 - 378 (2008)
Seasonality in song behaviour revisited: Seasonal and annual variants and invariants in the song of the domesticated canary (Serinus canaria). Hormones and Behavior 30.
Journal Article
148 (Suppl. 2), pp. 539 - 545 (2007)
Environmental factors affecting song control and song perception in songbirds. Journal of Ornithology 31.
Journal Article
67 (11), pp. 1478 - 1487 (2007)
Song and brain development in canaries raised under different conditions of acoustic and social isolation over two years. Developmental Neurobiology 32.
Journal Article
22 (6), pp. 554 - 557 (2007)
Green matters! Growing vegetation stimulates breeding under short-day conditions in wild canaries (Serinus canaria). Journal of Biological Rhythms 33.
Journal Article
274 (1626), pp. 2645 - 2652 (2007)
Socially induced brain differentiation in a cooperatively breeding songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 34.
Journal Article
147 (3), pp. 485 - 494 (2006)
Phylogeography of Island Canary (Serinus canaria) populations. Journal of Ornithology 35.
Journal Article
112 (6), pp. 554 - 563 (2006)
Male song quality, egg size and offspring sex in captive canaries (Serinus canaria). Ethology 36.
Journal Article
143 (2), pp. 159 - 182 (2006)
Repertoire and structure of duet and solo songs in cooperatively breeding white-browed sparrow weavers. Behaviour 37.
Journal Article
57 (4), pp. 305 - 317 (2005)
Estimating the complexity of bird song by using capture-recapture approaches from community ecology. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 38.
Journal Article
64 (3), pp. 275 - 284 (2005)
Immediate early gene (ZENK, Arc) expression in the auditory forebrain of female canaries varies in response to male song quality. Journal of Neurobiology 39.
Journal Article
272 (1576), pp. 2037 - 2043 (2005)
Parasites affect song complexity and neural development in a songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 40.
Journal Article
271 (1555), pp. 2381 - 2386 (2004)
Developmental stress selectively affects the song control nucleus HVC in the zebra finch. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 41.
Journal Article
60 (1), pp. 21 - 27 (2004)
Syllable repertoire and the size of the song control system in captive canaries (Serinus canaria). Journal of Neurobiology 42.
Journal Article
128, pp. 248 - 249 (2004)
Der Kanarengirlitz - ein Inselbewohner. Gefiederte Welt 43.
Journal Article
130 (2), pp. 102 - 108 (2003)
Flexible reproduction in wild canaries is independent of photoperiod. General and Comparative Endocrinology 44.
Journal Article
144 (1), pp. 86 - 92 (2003)
Mate fidelity in a population of island canaries (Serinus canaria) in the Madeiran Archipelago. Journal für Ornithologie 45.
Journal Article
138, pp. 233 - 254 (2002)
What is the adaptive role of neurogenesis in adult birds? Progress in Brain Research 46.
Journal Article
16, p. A728 - A728 (2002)
Androgen and estrogen receptor expression in relation to developmental and adult plasticity in the vocal control system. The FASEB Journal 47.
Journal Article
52 (4), pp. 294 - 301 (2002)
Female canaries that respond and discriminate more between male songs of different quality have a larger song control nucleus (HVC) in the brain. Journal of Neurobiology 48.
Journal Article
269 (1509), pp. 2519 - 2524 (2002)
Song and the song control pathway in the brain can develop independently of exposure to song in the sedge warbler. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 49.
Journal Article
138 (7), pp. 885 - 904 (2001)
Seasonal changes in the song pattern of the non-domesticated island canary (Serinus canaria), a field study. Behaviour 50.
Journal Article
40 (2), pp. 160 - 168 (2001)
Seasonal activation and inactivation of song motor memories in wild canaries is not reflected in neuroanatomical changes of forebrain song areas. Hormones and Behavior