Publications of Edith Sonnenschein
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Journal Article (8)
Journal Article
139, pp. 1237 - 1265 (2002)
Structure, geography and origin of dialects in the traditive song of the forest weaver Ploceus bicolor sclateri in Natal, S. Africa. Behaviour 2.
Journal Article
18 (3), pp. 1124 - 1131 (1998)
Sex difference in the size of the neural song control regions in a dueting songbird with similar song repertoire size of males and females. The Journal of Neuroscience 3.
Journal Article
117 (10), pp. 333 - 337 (1993)
Waldweber - der lange Weg zum Bruterfolg. Gefiederte Welt 4.
Journal Article
26 (3), pp. 295 - 307 (1992)
Antiphonal duetting and sex hormones in the tropical bush shrike Laniarius funebris (HARTLAUB). Hormones and Behavior 5.
Journal Article
116, pp. 197 - 199 (1992)
Die Karriere der "schiefen Würger". Gefiederte Welt 6.
Journal Article
111 (1), pp. 220 - 233 (1989)
Ontogeny of song in captive duet-singing slate-coloured boubous (Laniarius funebris). A study in birdsong epigenesis. Behaviour 7.
Journal Article
55 (2), pp. 86 - 96 (1984)
Biology of the slatecolored boubou and other bush shrikes. Ostrich 8.
Journal Article
63 (2-3), pp. 112 - 140 (1983)
Mate-guarding and other Functions of Antiphonal Duets in the Slate-coloured Boubou (Laniarius funebris). Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie Book (1)
Avian migration. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2003), 610 pp.