Publications of Alexander Girg
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Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
136 (2), ukz016 (2019)
Ecological and social correlates of natal dispersal in female and male Thorn-tailed Rayadito (Aphrastura spinicauda) in a naturally isolated and fragmented habitat. The Auk 2.
Journal Article
7 (20), pp. 8363 - 8378 (2017)
Variation in fine-scale genetic structure and local dispersal patterns between peripheral populations of a South American passerine bird. Ecology and Evolution 3.
Journal Article
25 (3), pp. 650 - 659 (2014)
No relationship between female emergence time from the roosting place and extrapair paternity. Behavioral Ecology 4.
Journal Article
280 (1752), 20122228 (2013)
The genetic rescue of two bottlenecked South Island robin populations using translocations of inbred donors. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 5.
Journal Article
83 (6), pp. 1335 - 1343 (2012)
Male extrapair nestlings fledge first. Animal Behaviour 6.
Journal Article
10 (3), pp. 516 - 532 (2010)
A genome-wide set of 106 microsatellite markers for the blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus). Molecular Ecology Resources