Publications of Wolfgang Fiedler
All genres
Journal Article (144)
Journal Article
85 (3), pp. 749 - 760 (2016)
Migratory connectivity and effects of winter temperatures on migratory behaviour of the European robin Erithacus rubecula: A continent-wide analysis. Journal of Animal Ecology 52.
Journal Article
3 (2), 150633 (2016)
Does influenza A virus infection affect movement behaviour during stopover in its wild reservoir host? Royal Society Open Science 53.
Journal Article
31 (1), pp. 1 - 18 (2016)
The EURING Data Bank – a critical tool for continental-scale studies of marked birds. Ringing and Migration 54.
Journal Article
46 (2), pp. 106 - 112 (2016)
Das Geheimnis des Storchenflugs: Was ein Hightech-Messsystem über die Spaltflügelkaskade verrät. Biologie in unserer Zeit 55.
Journal Article
2 (1), e1500931 (2016)
Costs of migratory decisions: A comparison across eight white stork populations. Science Advances 56.
Journal Article
115, pp. 69 - 79 (2016)
Variable allocation of activity to daylight and night in the mallard. Animal Behaviour 57.
Journal Article
54 (2), pp. 90 - 108 (2016)
Brutbestand, Bruterfolg und jährliche Überlebensrate von Kleinvogelarten – Ergebnisse des Integrierten Monitorings von Singvogelpopulationen in Deutschland (IMS) 1998 bis 2013. Vogelwarte - Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde 58.
Journal Article
85 (4), pp. 938 - 947 (2016)
The challenges of the first migration: Movement and behavior of juvenile versus adult white storks with insights regarding juvenile mortality. Journal of Animal Ecology 59.
Journal Article
6, 27976 (2016)
Extra-pair paternity in the socially monogamous white stork (Ciconia ciconia) is fairly common and independent of local density. Scientific Reports 60.
Journal Article
6 (24), pp. 8706 - 8718 (2016)
Wind estimation based on thermal soaring of birds. Ecology and Evolution 61.
Journal Article
3 (9), 160158 (2016)
Patterns and biases in climate change research on amphibians and reptiles: A systematic review. Royal Society Open Science 62.
Journal Article
156 (3), pp. 667 - 677 (2015)
Evaluation of aerodynamic parameters from infrared laser tracking of free-gliding white storks. Journal of Ornithology 63.
Journal Article
38 (1), pp. 54 - 62 (2015)
Nomadism and seasonal range expansion in a large frugivorous bird. Ecography 64.
Journal Article
9 (7), e102440 (2014)
Modelling the progression of bird migration with conditional autoregressive models applied to ringing data. PLoS One 65.
Journal Article
9 (6), e100764 (2014)
Movements, home-range size and habitat selection of mallards during autumn migration. PLoS One 66.
Journal Article
9 (12), e114810 (2014)
Tracking post-hibernation behavior and early migration does not reveal the expected sex-differences in a "female-migrating'' bat. PLoS One 67.
Journal Article
45 (2), pp. 131 - 139 (2014)
Great flexibility in autumn movement patterns of European gadwalls Anas strepera. Journal of Avian Biology 68.
Journal Article
51 (3), pp. 684 - 692 (2014)
Large frugivorous birds facilitate functional connectivity of fragmented landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology 69.
Journal Article
9 (7), e101927 (2014)
Morphological change to birds over 120 years is not explained by thermal adaptation to climate change. PLoS One 70.
Journal Article
60, Sonderheft, pp. 20 - 25 (2013)
Auf dem Weg zu neuen Methoden: Rund-um-die-Uhr-Beobachtung ein Leben lang. Der Falke 71.
Journal Article
49 (5), pp. 115 - 134 (2013)
Ergebnisse von Flugtunnel-Tests im Rahmen der Entwicklung von Glasscheiben mit UV-Signatur zur Vermeidung von Vogelschlag. Berichte zum Vogelschutz 72.
Journal Article
60 (11), pp. 446 - 447 (2013)
Von Beringung, Voliere und GPS-Loggern: Die Vogelwarte Radolfzell im Wandel. Der Falke 73.
Journal Article
8 (11), e81365 (2013)
Contrasting patterns of genetic differentiation among blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) with divergent migratory orientations in Europe. PLoS One 74.
Journal Article
8 (4), e59110 (2013)
Multiple weather factors affect apparent survival of european passerine birds. PLoS One 75.
Journal Article
8 (8), e72629 (2013)
Flexibility of continental navigation and migration in European mallards. PLoS One 76.
Journal Article
50 (1), pp. 15 - 20 (2012)
Movebank – eine offene Internetplattform für Tierwanderungsdaten. Vogelwarte - Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde 77.
Journal Article
49 (4), pp. 803 - 813 (2012)
Multi-temporal distribution modelling with satellite tracking data: Predicting responses of a long-distance migrant to changing environmental conditions. Journal of Applied Ecology 78.
Journal Article
153 (3), pp. 713 - 726 (2012)
Individual behavioural variability of an ecological generalist: Activity patterns and local movements of Mallards Anas platyrhynchos in winter. Journal of Ornithology 79.
Journal Article
27, pp. 103 - 121 (2011)
Bestandsdynamik, Verbreitung und Brutbiologie der Rostgans tadorna ferruginea am Bodensee und Hochrhein - Negative Auswirkungen auf einheimische Vogelarten? Ornithologische Jahreshefte für Baden-Württemberg 80.
Journal Article
197 (1), pp. 109 - 117 (2011)
Air-permeable hole-pattern and nose-droop control improve aerodynamic performance of primary feathers. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 81.
Journal Article
278 (1716), pp. 2257 - 2264 (2011)
Seed-dispersal distributions by trumpeter hornbills in fragmented landscapes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 82.
Journal Article
49 (3), pp. 149 - 161 (2011)
Kontakte zwischen Wildvögeln und Hausgeflügel – Ein ernst zu nehmender Faktor bei der Verbreitung von Vogelgrippe? Vogelwarte - Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde 83.
Journal Article
153 (4), pp. 806 - 817 (2011)
Population dynamics of three songbird species in a nestbox population in Central Europe show effects of density, climate and competitive interactions. Ibis 84.
Journal Article
10 (4), pp. 751 - 754 (2010)
Permanent Genetic Resources added to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 February 2010-31 March 2010. Molecular Ecology Resources 85.
Journal Article
5 (7), e11582 (2010)
Seasonal changes in colour: A comparison of structural, melanin- and carotenoid-based plumage colours. PLoS One 86.
Journal Article
151 (2), pp. 449 - 458 (2010)
Morphological sexing of passerines: Not valid over larger geographical scales. Journal of Ornithology 87.
Journal Article
151 (2), pp. 491 - 498 (2010)
Extrapair paternity in a German population of the Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe). Journal of Ornithology 88.
Journal Article
7 (3), pp. 275 - 282 (2010)
Transmission dynamics of highly pathogenic avian influenza at Lake Constance (Europe) during the outbreak of winter 2005-2006. Ecohealth 89.
Journal Article
162 (1), pp. 247 - 260 (2010)
Global warming and Bergmann's rule: Do central European passerines adjust their body size to rising temperatures? Oecologia 90.
Journal Article
79 (2), pp. 350 - 357 (2010)
Tits on the move: Exploring the impact of environmental change on blue tit and great tit migration distance. Journal of Animal Ecology 91.
Journal Article
48 (3), pp. 269 - 273 (2010)
Woher stammen in Deutschland auftretende Silberreiher Casmerodius albus? Erste Hinweise aus der Satellitentelemetrie eines Vogels und aus neuen Ringfunden. Vogelwarte - Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde 92.
Journal Article
24 (3), pp. 175 - 179 (2009)
New technologies for monitoring bird migration and behaviour. Ringing and Migration 93.
Journal Article
15 (10), pp. 1633 - 1636 (2009)
Ducks as sentinels for avian influenza in wild birds. Emerging Infectious Diseases 94.
Journal Article
56 (3), pp. 57 - 72 (2009)
Epidemiological and ornithological aspects of outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 of asian lineage in wild birds in Germany, 2006 and 2007. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 95.
Journal Article
47 (2), pp. 139 - 141 (2009)
Meldungen aus den Beringungszentralen. Vogelwarte - Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde 96.
Journal Article
46 (1), pp. 59 - 60 (2008)
Meldungen aus den Beringungszentralen. Vogelwarte - Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde 97.
Journal Article
275 (1653), pp. 2887 - 2896 (2008)
All across Africa: Highly individual migration routes of Eleonora's falcon. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 98.
Journal Article
149 (3), pp. 375 - 391 (2008)
Trends in trappability and stop-over duration can confound interpretations of population trajectories from long-term migration ringing studies. Journal of Ornithology 99.
Journal Article
149 (2), pp. 271 - 275 (2008)
Assessing the exposure of German and Austrian bird ringers to West Nile virus (Flavivirus) and evaluating their potential risk of infection. Journal of Ornithology 100.
Journal Article
82 (11), pp. 512 - 513 (2007)
Zugvögel als Überträger der Vogelgrippe? Ein aktueller Beitrag zum Stand des Wissens. Migratory birds as transmitters of avian influenza? A contribution to the state of knowledge. Natur und Landschaft