Publications of Zea Walton
All genres
Journal Article (10)
Journal Article
13 (1), 4 (2025)
How do red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) explore their environment? Characteristics of movement patterns in time and space. BMC Movement Ecology 2.
Journal Article
78 (2), 17 (2024)
Carcass provisioning and intra-guild risk avoidance between two sympatric large carnivores. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 3.
Journal Article
10, 801850 (2022)
Life in 2.5D: Animal Movement in the Trees. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4.
Journal Article
2022 (1), e01014 (2022)
Declining survival rates of red foxes Vulpes vulpes during the first outbreak of sarcoptic mange in Sweden. Wildlife Biology 5.
Journal Article
22, pp. 249 - 257 (2021)
Moving far, staying close: red fox dispersal patterns revealed by SNP genotyping. Conservation Genetics 6.
Journal Article
101, pp. 357 - 362 (2021)
Down a hole: missing GPS positions reveal birth dates of an underground denning species, the red fox. Mammalian Biology 7.
Journal Article
Genetic structure and gene flow in Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Scandinavia: Implications for the potential future spread of Echinococcus multilocularis tapeworm. Applied Sciences, 5289 (2019)
Journal Article
64 (6), 64 (2018)
Long-distance dispersal in red foxes Vulpes vulpes revealed by GPS tracking. European Journal of Wildlife Research 9.
Journal Article
126 (5), pp. 642 - 650 (2017)
The cost of migratory prey: seasonal changes in semi-domestic reindeer distribution influences breeding success of Eurasian lynx in northern Norway. Oikos 10.
Journal Article
12 (4), e0175291 (2017)
Variation in home range size of red foxes Vulpes vulpes along a gradient of productivity and human landscape alteration. PLoS One