Publications of Thomas J. Van't Hof

Journal Article (28)

Journal Article
Bauchinger, U.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Biebach, H.: Food availability during migratory stopover affects testis growth and reproductive behaviour in a migratory passerine. Hormones and Behavior 55 (3), pp. 425 - 433 (2009)
Journal Article
Buehler, D. M.; Koolhaas, A.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Schwabl, I.; Dekinga, A.; Piersma, T.; Tieleman, B. I.: No evidence for melatonin-linked immunoenhancement over the annual cycle of an avian species. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 195 (5), pp. 445 - 451 (2009)
Journal Article
Silverin, B.; Gwinner, E.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Schwabl, I.; Fusani, L.; Hau, M.; Helm, B.: Persistent diel melatonin rhythmicity during the Arctic summer in free-living willow warblers. Hormones and Behavior 56 (1), pp. 163 - 168 (2009)
Journal Article
Bauchinger, U.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Biebach, H.: Migratory stopover conditions affect the developmental state of male gonads in garden warblers (Sylvia borin). Hormones and Behavior 54 (2), pp. 312 - 318 (2008)
Journal Article
Bauchinger, U.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Biebach, H.: Testicular development during long-distance spring migration. Hormones and Behavior 51 (3), pp. 295 - 305 (2007)
Journal Article
Kumar, V.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Gwinner, E.: Circadian behavioral and melatonin rhythms in the European starling under light-dark cycles with steadily changing periods: Evidence for close mutual coupling? Hormones and Behavior 52 (4), pp. 409 - 416 (2007)
Journal Article
Partecke, J.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Gwinner, E.: Underlying physiological control of reproduction in urban and forest-dwelling European blackbirds Turdus merula. Journal of Avian Biology 36 (4), pp. 295 - 305 (2005)
Journal Article
Partecke, J.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Gwinner, E.: Differences in the timing of reproduction between urban and forest European blackbirds (Turdus merula): Result of phenotypic flexibility or genetic differences? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 271 (1552), pp. 1995 - 2001 (2004)
Journal Article
Aarseth, J. J.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Stokkan, K. A.: Melatonin is rhythmic in newborn seals exposed to continuous light. Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology 173 (1), pp. 37 - 42 (2003)
Journal Article
Fusani, L.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Hutchison, J. B.: Season-related changes in circulating androgen, brain aromatase, and perch-calling in male ring doves. General and Comparative Endocrinology 130 (2), pp. 142 - 147 (2003)
Journal Article
Leitner, S.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Gahr, M.: Flexible reproduction in wild canaries is independent of photoperiod. General and Comparative Endocrinology 130 (2), pp. 102 - 108 (2003)
Journal Article
Bertolucci, C.; Foa, A.; Van't Hof, T. J.: Seasonal variations in circadian rhythms of plasma melatonin in ruin lizards. Hormones and Behavior 41 (4), pp. 414 - 419 (2002)
Journal Article
Dawson, A.; Van't Hof, T. J.: Ontogeny of the daily profile of plasma melatonin in European starlings raised under long or short photoperiods. Journal of Biological Rhythms 17 (3), pp. 259 - 265 (2002)
Journal Article
Gwinner, H.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Zeman, M.: Hormonal and behavioral responses of starlings during a confrontation with males or females at nest boxes during the reproductive season. Hormones and Behavior 42 (1), pp. 21 - 31 (2002)
Journal Article
Hau, M.; Romero, L. M.; Brawn, J. D.; Van't Hof, T. J.: Effect of polar day on plasma profiles of melatonin, testosterone, and estradiol in high-Arctic Lapland Longspurs. General and Comparative Endocrinology 126 (1), pp. 101 - 112 (2002)
Journal Article
Brandstätter, R.; Kumar, V.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Gwinner, E.: Seasonal variations of in vivo and in vitro melatonin production in a passeriform bird, the house sparrow (Passer domesticus). Journal of Pineal Research 31 (2), pp. 120 - 126 (2001)
Journal Article
Goymann, W.; East, M. L.; Wachter, B.; Höner, O. P.; Möstl, E.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Hofer, H.: Social, state-dependent and environmental modulation of faecal corticosteroid levels in free-ranging female spotted hyenas. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 268 (1484), pp. 2453 - 2459 (2001)
Journal Article
Leitner, S.; Voigt, C.; Garcia-Segura, L. M.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Gahr, M.: Seasonal activation and inactivation of song motor memories in wild canaries is not reflected in neuroanatomical changes of forebrain song areas. Hormones and Behavior 40 (2), pp. 160 - 168 (2001)
Journal Article
Scheuerlein, A.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Gwinner, E.: Predators as stressors? Physiological and reproductive consequences of predation risk in tropical stonechats (Saxicola torquata axillaris). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 268 (1476), pp. 1575 - 1582 (2001)
Journal Article
Abraham, U.; Gwinner, E.; Van't Hof, T. J.: Exogenous melatonin reduces the resynchronization time after phase shifts of a nonphotic zeitgeber in the house sparrow (Passer domesticus). Journal of Biological Rhythms 15 (1), pp. 48 - 56 (2000)
Journal Article
Fusani, L.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Hutchison, J. B.; Gahr, M.: Seasonal expression of androgen receptors, estrogen receptors, and aromatase in the canary brain in relation to circulating androgens and estrogens. Journal of Neurobiology 43 (3), pp. 254 - 268 (2000)
Journal Article
Kumar, V.; Gwinner, E.; Van't Hof, T. J.: Circadian rhythms of melatonin in European starlings exposed to different lighting conditions: Relationship with locomotor and feeding rhythms. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 186 (2), pp. 205 - 215 (2000)
Journal Article
Bentley, G. E.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Ball, G. F.: Seasonal neuroplasticity in the songbird telencephalon: A role for melatonin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 96 (8), pp. 4674 - 4679 (1999)
Journal Article
Goymann, W.; Möstl, E.; Van't Hof, T. J.; East, M. L.; Hofer, H.: Noninvasive fecal monitoring of glucocorticoids in spotted hyenas, Crocuta crocuta. General and Comparative Endocrinology 114 (3), pp. 340 - 348 (1999)
Journal Article
Reierth, E.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Stokkan, K. A.: Seasonal and daily variations in plasma melatonin in the high-arctic Svalbard ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus hyperboreus). Journal of Biological Rhythms 14 (4), pp. 314 - 319 (1999)
Journal Article
Van't Hof, T. J.; Gwinner, E.: Influence of pinealectomy and pineal stalk deflection on circadian gastrointestinal tract melatonin rhythms in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Journal of Biological Rhythms 14 (3), pp. 185 - 189 (1999)
Journal Article
Van't Hof, T. J.; Gwinner, E.; Wagner, H.: A highly rudimentary circadian melatonin profile in a nocturnal bird, the barn owl (Tyto alba). Die Naturwissenschaften 85 (8), pp. 402 - 404 (1998)
Journal Article
Van't Hof, T. J.; Gwinner, E.: Development of post-hatching melatonin rhythm in zebra finches (Poephila guttata). Experientia: interdisciplinary journal for the life sciences 52 (3), pp. 249 - 252 (1996)