Publications of Robert H. S. Kraus

Journal Article (52)

Journal Article
Jax, E.; Werner, E.; Müller, I.; Schaerer, B.; Kohn, M.; Olofsson, J.; Waldenstrom, J.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Hartle, S.: Evaluating effects of AIV infection status on ducks using a flow cytometry-based differential blood count. Microbiology Spectrum 11, e04351-22 (2023)
Journal Article
Karawita, A. C.; Cheng, Y. Y.; Chew, K. Y.; Challagulla, A.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Mueller, R. C.; Tong, M. Z. W.; Hulme, K. D.; Bielefeldt-Ohmann, H.; Steele, L. E. et al.; Wu, M. L. N.; Sng, J.; Noye, E.; Bruxner, T. J.; Au, G. G.; Lowther, S.; Blommaert, J.; Suh, A.; McCauley, A. J.; Kaur, P.; Dudchenko, O.; Aiden, E.; Fedrigo, O.; Formenti, G.; Mountcastle, J.; Chow, W.; Martin, F. J.; Ogeh, D. N.; Thiaud-Nissen, F.; Howe, K.; Tracey, A.; Smith, J.; Kuo, R. C. I.; Renfree, M. B.; Kimura, T.; Sakoda, Y.; McDougall, M.; Spencer, H. G.; Pyne, M.; Tolf, C.; Waldenstroem, J.; Jarvis, E. D.; Baker, M. L.; Burt, D. W.; Short, K. R.: The swan genome and transcriptome, it is not all black and white. Genome Biology 24, 13 (2023)
Journal Article
Lavretsky, P.; Mohl, J. E.; Soderquist, P.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Schummer, M. L.; Brown, J. I.: The meaning of wild: Genetic and adaptive consequences from large-scale releases of domestic mallards. Communications Biology 6 (1), 819 (2023)
Journal Article
Naguib, M. M.; Eriksson, P.; Jax, E.; Wille, M.; Lindskog, C.; Brojer, C.; Krambrich, J.; Waldenstrom, J.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Larson, G. et al.; Lundkvist, A.; Olsen, B.; Jarhult, J. D.; Ellstrom, P.: A comparison of host responses to infection with wild-type avian influenza viruses in chickens and tufted ducks. Microbiology Spectrum 11 (4), e02586-22 (2023)
Journal Article
Jax, E.; Franchini, P.; Sekar, V.; Ottenburghs, J.; Parera, D. M.; Kellenberger, R. T.; Magor, K. E.; Mueller, I.; Wikelski, M.; Kraus, R. H. S.: Comparative genomics of the waterfowl innate immune system. Molecular Biology and Evolution 39 (8), msac160 (2022)
Journal Article
Jax, E.; Mueller, I.; Börno, S.; Borlinghaus, H.; Eriksson, G.; Fricke, E.; Timmermann, B.; Pendl, H.; Fiedler, W.; Klein, K. et al.; Schreiber, F.; Wikelski, M.; Magor, K. E.; Kraus, R. H. S.: Health monitoring in birds using bio‑loggers and whole blood transcriptomics. Scientific Reports 11, 10815 (2021)
Journal Article
Rhie, A.; McCarthy, S. A.; Fedrigo, O.; Damas, J.; Formenti, G.; Koren, S.; Uliano-Silva, M.; Chow, W.; Fungtammasan, A.; Kim, J. et al.; Lee, C.; Ko, B. J.; Chaisson, M.; Gedman, G. L.; Cantin, L. J.; Thibaud-Nissen, F.; Haggerty, L.; Bista, I.; Smith, M.; Haase, B.; Mountcastle, J.; Winkler, S.; Paez, S.; Howard, J.; Vernes, S. C.; Lama, T. M.; Grutzner, F.; Warren, W. C.; Balakrishnan, C. N.; Burt, D.; George, J. M.; Biegler, M. T.; Iorns, D.; Digby, A.; Eason, D.; Robertson, B.; Edwards, T.; Wilkinson, M.; Turner, G.; Meyer, A.; Kautt, A. F.; Franchini, P.; Detrich, H. W.; Svardal, H.; Wagner, M.; Naylor, G. J. P.; Pippel, M.; Malinsky, M.; Mooney, M.; Simbirsky, M.; Hannigan, B. T.; Pesout, T.; Houck, M.; Misuraca, A.; Kingan, S. B.; Hall, R.; Kronenberg, Z.; Sović, I.; Dunn, C.; Ning, Z.; Hastie, A.; Lee, J.; Selvaraj, S.; Green, R. E.; Putnam, N. H.; Gut, I.; Ghurye, J.; Garrison, E.; Sims, Y.; Collins, J.; Pelan, S.; Torrance, J.; Tracey, A.; Wood, J.; Dagnew, R. E.; Guan, D.; London, S. E.; Clayton, D. F.; Mello, C. V.; Friedrich, S. R.; Lovell, P. V.; Osipova, E.; Al-Ajli, F. O.; Secomandi, S.; Kim, H.; Theofanopoulou, C.; Hiller, M.; Zhou, Y.; Harris, R. S.; Makova, K. D.; Medvedev, P.; Hoffman, J.; Masterson, P.; Clark, K.; Martin, F.; Howe, K.; Flicek, P.; Walenz, B. P.; Kwak, W.; Clawson, H.; Diekhans, M.; Nassar, L.; Paten, B.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Crawford, A. J.; Gilbert, M. T. P.; Zhang, G.; Venkatesh, B.; Murphy, R. W.; Koepfli, K.-P.; Shapiro, B.; Johnson, W. E.; Di Palma, F.; Marques-Bonet, T.; Teeling, E. C.; Warnow, T.; Graves, J. M.; Ryder, O. A.; Haussler, D.; O’Brien, S. J.; Korlach, J.; Lewin, H. A.; Howe, K.; Myers, E. W.; Durbin, R.; Phillippy, A. M.; Jarvis, E. D.: Towards complete and error-free genome assemblies of all vertebrate species. Nature 592, pp. 737 - 746 (2021)
Journal Article
Mueller, R. C.; Mallig, N.; Smith, J.; Eoery, L.; Kuo, R. C. I.; Kraus, R. H. S.: Avian Immunome DB: an example of a user-friendly interface for extracting genetic information. BMC Bioinformatics 21, 502 (2020)
Journal Article
Huang, Z. Y.X.; Xu, C.; van Langevelde, F.; Ma, Y.; Langendoen, T.; Mundkur, T.; Si, Y.; Tian, H.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Gilbert, M. et al.; Han, G.; Ji, X.; Prins, H. H.T.; de Boer, W. F.: Contrasting effects of host species and phylogenetic diversity on the occurrence of HPAI H5N1 in European wild birds. Journal of Animal Ecology 88 (7), pp. 1044 - 1053 (2019)
Journal Article
Bayerl, H.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Nowak, C.; Förster, D. W.; Fickel, J.; Kühn, R.: Fast and cost-effective single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) detection in the absence of a reference genome using semi-deep next generation random amplicon sequencing (RAMseq). Molecular Ecology Resources 18 (1), pp. 107 - 117 (2018)
Journal Article
Förster, D. W.; Bull, J. K.; Lenz, D.; Autenrieth, M.; Paijmans, J. L. A.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Nowak, C.; Bayerl, H.; Kühn, R.; Saveljev, A. P. et al.; Sindičić, M.; Hofreiter, M.; Schmidt, K.; Fickel, J.: Targeted re-sequencing of coding DNA sequences for SNP discovery in non-model species. Molecular Ecology Resources 18 (6), pp. 1356 - 1373 (2018)
Journal Article
Jax, E.; Wink, M.; Kraus, R. H. S.: Avian transcriptomics: Opportunities and challenges. Journal of Ornithology 159 (3), pp. 599 - 629 (2018)
Journal Article
Bagi, Z.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Kusza, S.: A review of the invasive Eurasian collared dove and possible research methods in the future. Balkan Journal of Wildlife Research 4 (2), pp. 1 - 10 (2017)
Journal Article
Engler, J. O.; Kraus, R. H. S.: Digitales Gezwitscher in der Ornithologie: Eine Einführung in den Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter. Vogelwarte - Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde 55 (1), pp. 75 - 80 (2017)
Journal Article
Kraus, R. H. S.: Das B10K Genom-Projekt – eine weltweite Initiative zur Sequenzierung von Vogelgenomen. Jahrbuch - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (2017)
Journal Article
Ottenburghs, J.; Kraus, R. H. S.; van Hooft, P.; van Wieren, S. E.; Ydenberg, R. C.; Prins, H. H. T.: Avian introgression in the genomic era. BMC Avian Research 8, 30 (2017)
Journal Article
Ottenburghs, J.; Megens, H.-J.; Kraus, R. H. S.; van Hooft, P.; van Wieren, S. E.; Crooijmans, R. P. M. A.; Ydenberg, R. C.; Groenen, M. A. M.; Prins, H. H. T.: A history of hybrids? Genomic patterns of introgression in the True Geese. BMC Evolutionary Biology 17, 201 (2017)
Journal Article
Söderquist, P.; Elmberg, J.; Gunnarsson, G.; Thulin, C.-G.; Champagnon, J.; Guillemain, M.; Kreisinger, J.; Prins, H. H. T.; Crooijmans, R. P. M. A.; Kraus, R. H. S.: Admixture between released and wild game birds: A changing genetic landscape in European mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). European Journal of Wildlife Research 63, 98 (2017)
Journal Article
Allen, S. J.; Bryant, K. A.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Loneragan, N. R.; Kopps, A. M.; Brown, A. M.; Gerber, L.; Krützen, M.: Genetic isolation between coastal and fishery-impacted, offshore bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops spp.) populations. Molecular Ecology 25 (12), pp. 2735 - 2753 (2016)
Journal Article
Chapman, J. R.; Hellgren, O.; Helin, A. S.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Cromie, R. L.; Waldenström, J.: The evolution of innate immune genes: Purifying and balancing selection on β-defensins in waterfowl. Molecular Biology and Evolution 33 (12), pp. 3075 - 3087 (2016)
Journal Article
Gager, Y.; Tarland, E.; Lieckfeldt, D.; Ménage, M.; Botero-Castro, F.; Rossiter, S. J.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Ludwig, A.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: The value of molecular vs. morphometric and acoustic information for species identification using sympatric molossid bats. PLoS One 11 (3), e0150780 (2016)
Journal Article
Kraus, R. H. S.: Matchmaker aims to cut journal shopping. Nature 531 (7595), p. 448 - 448 (2016)
Journal Article
Kraus, R. H. S.; Figuerola, J.; Klug, K.: No genetic structure in a mixed flock of migratory and non-migratory Mallards. Journal of Ornithology 157 (3), pp. 919 - 922 (2016)
Journal Article
Ottenburghs, J.; Megens, H.-J.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Madsen, O.; van Hooft, P.; van Wieren, S. E.; Crooijmans, R. P. M. A.; Ydenberg, R. C.; Groenen, M. A. M.; Prins, H. H. T.: A tree of geese: A phylogenomic perspective on the evolutionary history of True Geese. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 101, pp. 303 - 313 (2016)
Journal Article
Smitz, N.; Hooft, P. V.; Heller, R.; Cornélis, D.; Chardonnet, P.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Greyling, B.; Crooijmans, R.; Groenen, M.; Michaux, J.: Genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) identification and characterization in a non-model organism, the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer), using next generation sequencing. Mammalian Biology 81 (6), pp. 595 - 603 (2016)
Journal Article
Steyer, K.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Mölich, T.; Anders, O.; Cocchiararo, B.; Frosch, C.; Geib, A.; Götz, M.; Herrmann, M.; Hupe, K. et al.; Kohnen, A.; Krüger, M.; Müller, F.; Pir, J. B.; Reiners, T. E.; Roch, S.; Schade, U.; Schiefenhövel, P.; Siemund, M.; Simon, O.; Steeb, S.; Streif, S.; Streit, B.; Thein, J.; Tiesmeyer, A.; Trinzen, M.; Vogel, B.; Nowak, C.: Large-scale genetic census of an elusive carnivore, the European wildcat (Felis s. silvestris). Conservation Genetics 17 (5), pp. 1183 - 1199 (2016)
Journal Article
Zhang, Q.; Han, X.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Yang, L.; Fan, L.; Ye, Y.; Tao, Y.: The expression plasticity of Hypoxia related genes in high altitude and plains Nanorana parkeri populations. Asian Herpetological Research 7 (1), pp. 21 - 27 (2016)
Journal Article
Zhang, Q.; Han, X.; Ye, Y.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Fan, L.; Yang, L.; Tao, Y.: Expression of HIF-1 alpha and its target genes in the Nanorana parkeri heart: Implications for high altitude adaptation. Asian Herpetological Research 7 (1), pp. 12 - 20 (2016)
Journal Article
De Boer, J. G.; Groenen, M. A.; Pannebakker, B. A.; Beukeboom, L. W.; Kraus, R. H. S.: Population-level consequences of complementary sex determination in a solitary parasitoid. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15, 98 (2015)
Journal Article
Kraus, R. H. S.; von Haldt, B.; Cocciararo, B.; Harms, V.; Bayerl, H.; Kühn, R.; Förster, D. W.; Fickel, J.; Roos, C.; Nowak, C.: A single-nucleotide polymorphism-based approach for rapid and cost-effective genetic wolf monitoring in Europe based on noninvasively collected samples. Molecular Ecology Notes 15 (2), pp. 295 - 305 (2015)
Journal Article
Kraus, R. H. S.; Wink, M.: Avian genomics: Fledging into the wild! Journal of Ornithology 156 (4), pp. 851 - 865 (2015)
Journal Article
Frosch, C.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Angst, C.; Allgöwer, R.; Michaux, J.; Teubner, J.; Nowak, C.: The genetic legacy of multiple beaver reintroductions in Central Europe. PLoS One 9 (5), e97619 (2014)
Journal Article
Greminger, M. P.; Stölting, K. N.; Nater, A.; Goossens, B.; Arora, N.; Bruggmann, R.; Patrignani, A.; Nussberger, B.; Sharma, R.; Kraus, R. H. S. et al.; Ambu, L. N.; Singleton, I.; Chikhi, L.; van Schaik, C. P.; Krützen, M.: Generation of SNP datasets for orangutan population genomics using improved reduced-representation sequencing and direct comparisons of SNP calling algorithms. BMC Genomics 15, 16 (2014)
Journal Article
Senn, H.; Ogden, R.; Frosch, C.; Syrůčková, A.; Campbell‐Palmer, R.; Munclinger, P.; Durka, W.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Saveljev, A. P.; Nowak, C. et al.; Stubbe, A.; Stubbe, M.; Michaux, J.; Lavrov, V.; Samiya, R.; Ulevicius, A.; Rosell, F.: Nuclear and mitochondrial genetic structure in the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) – implications for future reintroductions. Evolutionary Applications 7 (6), pp. 645 - 662 (2014)
Journal Article
Hartmann, S. A.; Steyer, K.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Segelbacher, G.; Nowak, C.: Potential barriers to gene flow in the endangered European wildcat (Felis silvestris). Conservation Genetics Resources 14 (2), pp. 413 - 426 (2013)
Journal Article
Huang, Y.; Li, Y.; Burt, D. W.; Chen, H.; Zhang, Y.; Qian, W.; Kim, H.; Gan, S.; Zhao, Y.; Li, J. et al.; Yi, K.; Feng, H.; Zhu, P.; Li, B.; Liu, Q.; Fairley, S.; Magor, K. E.; Du, Z.; Hu, X.; Goodman, L.; Tafer, H.; Vignal, A.; Lee, T.; Kim, K.-W.; Sheng, Z.; An, Y.; Searle, S.; Herrero, J.; Groenen, M. A.; Crooijmans, R. P.; Faraut, T.; Cai, Q.; Webster, R. G.; Aldridge, J. R.; Warren, W. C.; Bartschat, S.; Kehr, S.; Marz, M.; Stadler, P. F.; Smith, J.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Zhao, Y.; Ren, L.; Fei, J.; Morisson, M.; Kaiser, P.; Griffin, D. K.; Rao, M.; Pitel, F.; Wang, J.; Li, N.: The duck genome and transcriptome provide insight into an avian influenza virus reservoir species. Nature Genetics 45 (7), pp. 776 - 783 (2013)
Journal Article
Jonker, R.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Zhang, Q.; Hooft, P.; Larsson, K.; van der Jeugd, H.; Kurvers, R.; van Wieren, S.; Loonen, M.; Crooijmans, R. et al.; Ydenberg, R.; Groenen, M.; Prins, H.: Genetic consequences of breaking migratory traditions in barnacle geese Branta leucopsis. Molecular Ecology 22, pp. 5835 - 5847 (2013)
Journal Article
Kraus, R. H. S.; Hooft, P.; Megens, H.; Tsvey, A.; Fokin, S. Y.; Ydenberg, R. C.; Prins, H. H.: Global lack of flyway structure in a cosmopolitan bird revealed by a genome wide survey of single nucleotide polymorphisms. Molecular Ecology 22, pp. 41 - 55 (2013)
Journal Article
Kurvers, R. H. J. M.; Adamczyk, V. M. A. P.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Hoffman, J. I.; van Wieren, S. E.; van der Jeugd, H. P.; Amos, W.; Prins, H. H. T.; Jonker, R. M.: Contrasting context-dependence of familiarity and kinship in animal social networks. Animal Behaviour 86 (5), pp. 993 - 1001 (2013)
Journal Article
Steyer, K.; Simon, O.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Haase, P.; Nowak, C.: Hair trapping with valerian-treated lure sticks as a tool for genetic wildcat monitoring in low-density habitats. European Journal of Wildlife Research 59, pp. 39 - 46 (2013)
Journal Article
Jonker, R. M.; Zhang, Q.; Hooft, P. V.; Loonen, M.; der Jeugd, H. P. V.; Crooijmans, R.; Groenen, M. A.; Prins, H. H.; Kraus, R. H. S.: The development of a genome wide SNP set for the Barnacle goose Branta leucopsis. PLoS One 7 (7), e38412 (2012)
Journal Article
Kraus, R. H. S.; Kerstens, H. H.; van Hooft, P.; Megens, H.-J.; Elmberg, J.; Tsvey, A.; Sartakov, D.; Soloviev, S. A.; Crooijmans, R. P.; Groenen, M. A. et al.; Ydenberg, R. C.; Prins, H. H.: Widespread horizontal genomic exchange does not erode species barriers among sympatric ducks. BMC Evolutionary Biology 12, 45 (2012)
Journal Article
Thielsch, A.; Völker, E.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Schwenk, K.: Discrimination of hybrid classes using cross‐species amplification of microsatellite loci: Methodological challenges and solutions in Daphnia. Molecular Ecology Resources 12, pp. 697 - 705 (2012)
Journal Article
Duijns, S.; van Dijk, J. G.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Mateman, A. C.; van den Brink, B.; van Hooft, P.: An additional field method to sex adult Barn Swallows during the non-breeding season in Zambia: White spot length in the outer tail feather. Ostrich 82 (2), pp. 129 - 133 (2011)
Journal Article
Kraus, R. H. S.; Kerstens, H. H.; Hooft, P. V.; Crooijmans, R. P.; Poel, J. J. V. D.; Elmberg, J.; Vignal, A.; Huang, Y.; Li, N.; Prins, H. H. et al.; Groenen, M. A.: Genome wide SNP discovery, analysis and evaluation in mallard (Anas platyrhynchos). BMC Genomics 12, 150 (2011)
Journal Article
Kraus, R. H. S.; van Hooft, P.; Waldenström, J.; Latorre-Margalef, N.; Ydenberg, R. C.; Prins, H. H.: Avian influenza surveillance with FTA cards: Field methods, biosafety, and transportation issues solved. Journal of Visualized Experiments 54, e2832 (2011)
Journal Article
Kraus, R. H. S.; Zeddeman, A. P.; van Hooft, P.; Sartakov, D.; Soloviev, S. A.; Ydenberg, R. C.; Prins, H. H.: Evolution and connectivity in the world-wide migration system of the mallard: Inferences from mitochondrial DNA. BMC Genetics 12, 99 (2011)
Journal Article
Smitz, N.; van Hooft, P.; Heller, R.; Chardonnet, P.; Cornelis, D.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Crooijmans, R.; Groenen, M.; Michaux, J.: Inferring population structures of African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) by means of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) markers. Mammalian Biology 76, p. 22 (2011)
Journal Article
Dlouhá, Š.; Thielsch, A.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Seda, J.; Schwenk, K.; Petrusek, A.: Identifying hybridizing taxa within the Daphnia longispina species complex: A comparison of genetic methods and phenotypic approaches. Hydrobiologia 643, pp. 107 - 122 (2010)
Journal Article
Jonker, R.; Kurvers, R.; Goedbloed, D.; Kraus, R. H. S.: Beren, zalmen en vegetatie in Canada. De Nederlandse Jager 13, pp. 48 - 49 (2010)
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