Publications of M. B. McElreath

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Smeele, S. Q.; Tyndel, S. A.; Aplin, L. M.; McElreath, M. B.: Multilevel Bayesian analysis of monk parakeet contact calls shows dialects between European cities. Behavioral Ecology 35 (1), arad093 (2024)
Journal Article
Smeele, S. Q.; Senar, J. C.; Aplin, L. M.; McElreath, M. B.: Evidence for vocal signatures and voice-prints in a wild parrot. Royal Society Open Science 10 (10), 230835 (2023)
Journal Article
Smeele, S. Q.; Conde, D. A.; Baudisch, A.; Bruslund, S.; Iwaniuk, A.; Staerk, J.; Wright, T. F.; Young, A. M.; McElreath, M. B.; Aplin, L. M.: Coevolution of relative brain size and life expectancy in parrots. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289 (1971), 20212397 (2022)
Journal Article
Kühl, H. S.; Boesch, C.; Kulik, L.; Haas, F.; Arandjelovic, M.; Dieguez, P.; Bocksberger, G.; McElreath, M. B.; Agbor, A.; Angedakin, S. et al.: Human impact erodes chimpanzee behavioral diversity. Science 363 (6434), pp. 1453 - 1455 (2019)
Journal Article
Clarke, P. M. R.; McElreath, M. B.; Barrett, B. J.; Mabry, K. E.; McElreath, R.: The evolution of bequeathal in stable habitats. Ecology and Evolution 8 (21), pp. 10594 - 10607 (2018)