Publications of Richard M. Gunner
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Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
: Short QT intervals in African lions. Experimental Physiology (2024)
Journal Article
11 (1), pp. 220 - 231 (2023)
Multi-sensor biologgers and innovative training allow data collection with high conservation and welfare value in zoos. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 3.
Journal Article
723, pp. 171 - 183 (2023)
Thermal soaring in tropicbirds suggests that diverse seabirds may use this strategy to reduce flight costs. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 4.
Journal Article
: Examination of head versus body heading may help clarify the extent to which animal movement pathways are structured by environmental cues? BMC Movement Ecology 11 (1), 71 (2023)
Journal Article
: Decision rules for determining terrestrial movement and the consequences for filtering high-resolution global positioning system tracks: a case study using the African lion (Panthera leo). Journal of the Royal Society Interface 19 (186), 20210692 (2022)