Publications of Katherine R. S. Snell

Journal Article (21)

Journal Article
Snell, K. R. S.; Machado dos Santos, I. A.; van Bemmelen, R. S. A.; Moe, B.; Thorup, K.: Wintering, rather than breeding, oceanic conditions may modulate declining survival in a long-distance migratory seabird. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 754, pp. 93 - 103 (2025)
Journal Article
Journal Article
O'Hanlon, N. J.; van Bemmelen, R. S. A.; Snell, K. R. S.; Conway, G. J.; Thaxter, C. B.; Aiton, H.; Aiton, D.; Balmer, D. E.; Hanssen, S. A.; Calladine, J. R. et al.; Hammer, S.; Harris, S. J.; Moe, B.; Schekkerman, H.; Tulp, I.; Humphreys, E. M.: Atlantic populations of a declining oceanic seabird have complex migrations and weak migratory connectivity to staging areas. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 730, pp. 113 - 129 (2024)
Journal Article
Snell, K. R. S.; Aldará, J.; Hammer, S.; Thorup, K.: Thermal stress during incubation in an arctic breeding seabird. Journal of Thermal Biology 125, 103967 (2024)
Journal Article
van Bemmelen, R. S. A.; Moe, B.; Schekkerman, H.; Hansen, S. A.; Snell, K. R. S.; Humphreys, E. M.; Mäntylä, E.; Hallgrimsson, G. T.; Gilg, O.; Ehrich, D. et al.; Calladine, J.; Hammer, S.; Harris, S.; Lang, J.; Vignisson, S. R.; Kolbeinsson, Y.; Nuotio, K.; Sillanpää, M.; Sittler, B.; Sokolov, A.; Klaassen, R. H. G.; Phillips, R. A.; Tulp, I.: Synchronous timing of return to breeding sites in a long-distance migratory seabird with ocean-scale variation in migration schedules. BMC Movement Ecology 12 (1), 22 (2024)
Journal Article
Thorup, K.; Snell, K. R. S.; Mortensen, M. F.; Rey, F.; Christoffersen, S. N.; Faddersbøll, T. L.; Lundt, N. L.; Madsen, E. N.; Sønnichsen, K. A.; Thiessen, K. W. et al.; Bruhn, D.; Pertoldi, C.; Tøttrup, A. P.; Christiansen, S. S.: Migratory departures of Robins during spring migration at Skagen, Denmark. Ringing & Migration 38 (1-2), pp. 1 - 8 (2023)
Journal Article
Flack, A.; Aikens, E. O.; Kölzsch, A.; Nourani, E.; Snell, K. R. S.; Fiedler, W.; Linek, N.; Bauer, H.-G.; Thorup, K.; Partecke, J. et al.; Wikelski, M.; Williams, H. J.: New frontiers in bird migration research. Current Biology 32 (20), pp. R1187 - R1199 (2022)
Journal Article
Snell, K. R. S.; Thorup, K.: Modeling complex seasonal avian migration: predictions from the thermal environment and resource availability. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 824641 (2022)
Journal Article
Snell, K. R. S.; Young, R. C.; Krause, J. S.; Collinson, J. M.; Wingfield, J. C.; Thorup, K.: Integrating orientation mechanisms, adrenocortical activity, and endurance flight in vagrancy behaviour. Scientific Reports 12 (1), 22104 (2022)
Journal Article
Snell, K. R. S.; Frederiksen, M.; Bregnballe, T.: Differential spatial migration programmes are both sex and age specific for migratory great cormorants. Journal of Ornithology 162, pp. 1075 - 1085 (2021)
Journal Article
Davidson, S. C.; Bohrer, G.; Gurarie, E.; LaPoint, S. D.; Mahoney, P. J.; Boelman, N. T.; Eitel, J. U. H.; Prugh, L. R.; Vierling, L. A.; Jennewein, J. et al.; Grier, E.; Couriot, O.; Kelly, A. P.; Meddens, A. J. H.; Oliver, R. Y.; Kays, R.; Wikelski, M.; Aarvak, T.; Ackerman, J. T.; Alves, J. A.; Bayne, E.; Bedrosian, B.; Belant, J. L.; Berdahl, A. M.; Berlin, A. M.; Berteaux, D.; Bety, J.; Boiko, D.; Booms, T. L.; Borg, B. L.; Boutin, S.; Boyd, W. S.; Brides, K.; Brown, S.; Bulyuk, V. N.; Burnham, K. K.; Cabot, D.; Casazza, M.; Christie, K.; Craig, E. H.; Davis, S. E.; Davison, T.; Demma, D.; DeSorbo, C. R.; Dixon, A.; Domenech, R.; Eichhorn, G.; Elliott, K.; Evenson, J. R.; Exo, K. M.; Ferguson, S. H.; Fiedler, W.; Fisk, A.; Fort, J.; Franke, A.; Fuller, M. R.; Garthe, S.; Gauthier, G.; Gilchrist, G.; Glazov, P.; Gray, C. E.; Gremillet, D.; Griffin, L.; Hallworth, M. T.; Harrison, A. L.; Hennin, H. L.; Hipfner, J. M.; Hodson, J.; Johnson, J. A.; Joly, K.; Jones, K.; Katzner, T. E.; Kidd, J. W.; Knight, E. C.; Kochert, M. N.; Kölzsch, A.; Kruckenberg, H.; Lagasse, B. J.; Lai, S.; Lamarre, J. F.; Lanctot, R. B.; Larter, N. C.; Latham, A. D. M.; Latty, C. J.; Lawler, J. P.; Leandri-Breton, D. J.; Lee, H.; Lewis, S. B.; Love, O. P.; Madsen, J.; Maftei, M.; Mallory, M. L.; Mangipane, B.; Markovets, M. Y.; Marra, P. P.; McGuire, R.; McIntyre, C. L.; McKinnon, E. A.; Miller, T. A.; Moonen, S.; Mu, T.; Muskens, G. J. D. M.; Ng, J.; Nicholson, K. L.; Oien, I. J.; Overton, C.; Owen, P. A.; Patterson, A.; Petersen, A.; Pokrovsky, I.; Powell, L. L.; Prieto, R.; Quillfeldt, P.; Rausch, J.; Russell, K.; Saalfeld, S. T.; Schekkerman, H.; Schmutz, J. A.; Schwemmer, P.; Seip, D. R.; Shreading, A.; Silva, M. A.; Smith, B. W.; Smith, F.; Smith, J. P.; Snell, K. R. S.; Sokolov, A.; Sokolov, V.; Solovyeva, D. V.; Sorum, M. S.; Tertitski, G.; Therrien, J. F.; Thorup, K.; Tibbitts, T. L.; Tulp, I.; Uher-Koch, B. D.; van Bemmelen, R. S. A.; Van Wilgenburg, S.; Von Duyke, A. L.; Watson, J. L.; Watts, B. D.; Williams, J. A.; Wilson, M. T.; Wright, J. R.; Yates, M. A.; Yurkowski, D. J.; Zydelis, R.; Hebblewhite, M.: Ecological insights from three decades of animal movement tracking across a changing Arctic. Science 370, pp. 712 - 715 (2020)
Journal Article
Aldará, J.; Hammer, S.; Thorup, K.; Snell, K. R. S.: Determining hatch dates for ground-nesting seabirds: an egg density calibration curve. Seabird 32, pp. 84 - 95 (2019)
Journal Article
Ortvad, T. E.; Snell, K. R. S.: Stillehavslom (Gavia pacifica) - ny art for Danmark. Fugleåret 2018, Dansk Ornitologisk Forening (2019)
Journal Article
Ortvad, T. E.; Snell, K. R. S.: Madeira-petrel/ Kap Verde-petrel/ Desertas-petrel - første godkendtefund i Danmark. Fugleåret 2018, Dansk Ornitologisk Forening (2019)
Journal Article
Snell, K. R. S.; Thorup, K.: Experience and survival in migratory European Robins Erithacus rubecula and Song Thrushes Turdus philomelos negotiating the Baltic Sea. Bird Study 66 (1), pp. 83 - 91 (2019)
Journal Article
Snell, K. R. S.; Stokke, B. G.; Moksnes, A.; Thorup, K.; Fossoy, F.: From Svalbard to Siberia: Passerines breeding in the High Arctic also endure the extreme cold of the Western Steppe. PLoS One 13 (9), e0202114 (2018)
Journal Article
Lerche-Jorgensen, M.; Willemoes, M.; Tottrup, A. P.; Snell, K. R. S.; Thorup, K.: No apparent gain from continuing migration for more than 3000 kilometres: willow warblers breeding in Denmark winter across the entire northern Savannah as revealed by geolocators. BMC Movement Ecology 5, 17 (2017)
Journal Article
Snell, K. R. S.; Brickle, P.; Wolfaardt, A. C.: Refining Tori lines to further reduce seabird mortality associated with demersal trawlers in the South Atlantic. Polar Biology 35 (5), pp. 677 - 687 (2012)
Journal Article
Snell, K. R. S.; Kokubun, T.; Griffiths, H.; Convey, P.; Hodgson, D. A.; Newsham, K. K.: Quantifying the metabolic cost to an Antarctic liverwort of responding to an abrupt increase in UVB radiation exposure. Global Change Biology 15 (11), pp. 2563 - 2573 (2009)
Journal Article
Snell, K. R. S.; Convey, P.; Newsham, K. K.: Metabolic recovery of the Antarctic liverwort Cephaloziella varians during spring snowmelt. Polar Biology 30 (9), pp. 1115 - 1122 (2007)
Journal Article
Coll, A. P.; Challis, B. G.; Yeo, G. S. H.; Snell, K. R. S.; Piper, S. J.; Halsall, D.; Thresher, R. R.; O'Rahilly, S.: The effects of proopiomelanocortin deficiency on murine adrenal development and responsiveness to adrenocorticotropin. Endocrinology 145 (10), pp. 4721 - 4727 (2004)
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