Publications of Kate Tiedeman

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Hahn, N. R.; Wall, J.; Deninger-Snyder, K.; Tiedeman, K.; Sairowua, W.; Goss, M.; Ndambuki, S.; Eblate, E.; Mbise, N.; Wittemyer, G.: Crop use structures resource selection strategies for African elephants in a human-dominated landscape. Ecology and Evolution 14 (6), e11574 (2024)
Journal Article
Jacobson, O. T.; Barrett, B. J.; Perry, S. E.; Finerty, G. E.; Tiedeman, K.; Crofoot, M. C.: A new approach to geostatistical synthesis of historical records reveals capuchin spatial responses to climate and demographic change. Ecology Letters 27 (5), e14443 (2024)
Journal Article
Wall, J.; Hahn, N.; Carroll, S.; Mwiu, S.; Goss, M.; Sairowua, W.; Tiedeman, K.; Kiambi, S.; Omondi, P.; Douglas-Hamilton, I. et al.; Wittemyer, G.: Land use drives differential resource selection by African elephants in the Greater Mara Ecosystem, Kenya. BMC Movement Ecology 12 (1), 11 (2024)
Journal Article
Goldsborough, Z.; Crofoot, M. C.; Alavi, S. E.; Del Rosario-Vargas, E.; Garza, S. F.; Tiedeman, K.; Barrett, B. J.: Coupling of coastal activity with tidal cycles is stronger in tool-using capuchins (Cebus capucinus imitator). Royal Society Open Science 10 (9), 230355 (2023)
Journal Article
Snyder, K. D.; Tiedeman, K.; Barrett, B. J.; Kibwe, M.; Hijmans, R. J.; Wittemeyer, G.: Differentiated drivers in wildlife-induced damage necessitate species-specific mitigation strategies in the western Serengeti, Tanzania. Biological Conservation 285, 110202 (2023)
Journal Article
Tiedeman, K.; Chamberlin, J.; Kosmowski, F.; Ayalew, H.; Sida, T.; Hijmans, R. J.: Field data collection methods strongly affect satellite-based crop yield estimation. Remote Sensing 14 (9), 1995 (2022)
Journal Article
Biffi, S.; Traldi, R.; Crezee, B.; Beckmann, M.; Egli, L.; Schmidt, D. E.; Motzer, N.; Okumah, M.; Seppelt, R.; Slabbert, E. L. et al.; Tiedeman, K.; Wang, H. L.; Ziv, G.: Aligning agri-environmental subsidies and environmental needs: a comparative analysis between the US and EU. Environmental Research Letters 16 (5), 054067 (2021)
Journal Article
Tiedeman, K.; Hijmans, R. J.; Mandel, A.; Waetjen, D. P.; Shilling, F.: The quality and contribution of volunteer collected animal vehicle collision data in ecological research. Ecological Indicators 106, 105431 (2019)
Journal Article
Tiedeman, K.; Yeh, S.; Scanlon, B. R.; Teter, J.; Mishra, G. S.: Recent trends in water use and production for California oil production. Environmental Science & Technology 50 (14), pp. 7904 - 7912 (2016)
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