Publications of Fumihiro Kano
All genres
Journal Article (15)
Journal Article
13, RP95549 (2024)
Fine-scale tracking reveals visual field use for predator detection and escape in collective foraging of pigeon flocks. eLife 2.
Journal Article
227 (6), jeb246514 (2024)
Gaze tracking of large-billed crows (Corvus macrorhynchos) in a motion capture system. The Journal of Experimental Biology 3.
Journal Article
Quantifying the effect of anticipatory eye movement on successful ball hitting using fine-scale tracking and SHAP-analysis. 16th Annual ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA), 93 (2024)
Journal Article
3D-MuPPET: 3D Multi-Pigeon Pose Estimation and Tracking. International Journal of Computer Vision (2024)
Journal Article
27 (1), pp. 10 - 12 (2023)
Evolution of the uniformly white sclera in humans: critical updates. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 6.
Journal Article
9 (35), eadf8068 (2023)
SMART-BARN: Scalable multimodal arena for real-time tracking behavior of animals in large numbers. Science Advances 7.
Journal Article
3D-POP - An automated annotation approach to facilitate markerless 2D-3D tracking of freely moving birds with marker-based motion capture. 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 21274 - 21284 (2023)
Journal Article
143, 105182 (2022)
Oxytocin promotes species-relevant outgroup attention in bonobos and chimpanzees. Hormones and Behavior 9.
Journal Article
84 (12), e23444 (2022)
Testing the effect of oxytocin on social grooming in bonobos. American Journal of Primatology 10.
Journal Article
43 (3), pp. 169 - 180 (2022)
What is unique about the human eye? Comparative image analysis on the external eye morphology of human and nonhuman great apes. Evolution and Human Behavior 11.
Journal Article
11, e74086 (2022)
Experimental evidence that uniformly white sclera enhances the visibility of eye-gaze direction in humans and chimpanzees. eLife 12.
Journal Article
12 (1), 19113 (2022)
Head-tracking of freely-behaving pigeons in a motion-capture system reveals the selective use of visual field regions. Scientific Reports 13.
Journal Article
13, 977771 (2022)
Oxytocin and social gaze during a dominance categorization task in tufted capuchin monkeys. Frontiers in Psychology 14.
Journal Article
44, E158 (2021)
Evolutionary foundations of knowledge and belief attribution in nonhuman primates. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15.
Journal Article
180, pp. 63 - 80 (2021)
Collective attention in navigating homing pigeons: group size effect and individual differences. Animal Behaviour Book Chapter (1)
Book Chapter
13485, pp. 513 - 528 (Eds. Andres, B.; Bernard, F.; Cremers, D.; Frintrop, S.; Goldlücke, B. et al.) (2022)
I-MuPPET: Interactive Multi-Pigeon Pose Estimation and Tracking. In: Pattern Recognition. DAGM GCPR 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.