Publications of Ahmed El Hady
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
403, 110033 (2024)
Chronic brain functional ultrasound imaging in freely moving rodents performing cognitive tasks. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2.
Journal Article
14 (1), 22857 (2024)
Long-term tracking of social structure in groups of rats. Scientific Reports 3.
Journal Article
26 (11), 108210 (2023)
Everyone knows what behavior is but they just don't agree on it. iScience 4.
Journal Article
4 (3), 033128 (2022)
Stochastic dynamics of social patch foraging decisions. Physical Review Research 5.
Journal Article
119 (39), e2201194119 (2022)
Active neural coordination of motor behaviors with internal states. PNAS