Department of Migration Publications
Journal Article (924)
Journal Article
12 (3), 242138 (2025)
Captivity alters behaviour but not seasonal brain size change in semi-naturally housed shrews. Royal Society Open Science 2.
Journal Article
228 (2025)
Integrating animal tracking and trait data to facilitate global ecological discoveries. The Journal of Experimental Biology 3.
Journal Article
499, 110941 (2025)
Advantages and disadvantages of using social information for carcass detection-A case study using white-backed vultures. Ecological Modelling 4.
Journal Article
Establishing bio-logging data collections as dynamic archives of animal life on Earth. Nature Ecology & Evolution (2025)
Journal Article
18 (1), e13072 (2025)
Co-benefits from species-level conservation contribute to multilateral environmental agreement targets. Conservation Letters 6.
Journal Article
21 (1), 20240478 (2025)
Gene expression comparisons between captive and wild shrew brains reveal captivity effects. Biology Letters 7.
Journal Article
28 (2), e2971 (2025)
Eoldist, a web application for estimating cautionary detection distance of birds by automatic detection systems to reduce collisions with wind turbines. Wind Energy 8.
Journal Article
387 (6729), pp. 97 - 102 (2025)
Bats surf storm fronts during spring migration. Science 9.
Journal Article
16 (1), 1199 (2025)
GNSS spoofing in conflict zones disrupts wildlife tracking and hampers research and conservation efforts. Nature Communications 10.
Journal Article
292 (2041), 20242760 (2025)
Moving as a group imposes constraints on the energetic efficiency of movement. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 11.
Journal Article
Positive consequences of group living among male bats during spermatogenesis. The Journal of Experimental Biology (2025)
Journal Article
Cooperative and plural breeding by the precocial vulturine guineafowl. Ibis (2025)
Journal Article
20 (3), 034038 (2025)
Sea-level rise causes feeding habitat loss for migratory shorebirds in remote coastal wetlands of Brazilian Amazon. Environmental Research Letters 14.
Journal Article
754, pp. 93 - 103 (2025)
Wintering, rather than breeding, oceanic conditions may modulate declining survival in a long-distance migratory seabird. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 15.
Journal Article
12 (1), 349 (2025)
The mitochondrial genomes of Iberian freshwater and diadromous fishes. Scientific Data 16.
Journal Article
15 (1), e70800 (2025)
Combining individual-based radio-tracking with whole-genome sequencing data reveals candidate for genetic basis of partial migration in a songbird. Ecology and Evolution 17.
Journal Article
Autonomous data logger. EP Patent, p. EP4285084B1 (2025)
Journal Article
40 (1), pp. 47 - 56 (2025)
Tracking individual animals can reveal the mechanisms of species loss. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 19.
Journal Article
121 (12), e2306389121 (2024)
Learning shapes the development of migratory behavior. PNAS 20.
Journal Article
Geographically widespread and novel hemotropic mycoplasmas and bartonellae in Mexican free-tailed bats and sympatric North American bat species. mSphere (2024)
Journal Article
Bonobo (Pan paniscus) density and distribution in Central Africa's largest rainforest reserve: long-term survey data show pitfalls in methodological approaches and call for vigilance. International Journal of Primatology (2024)
Journal Article
14 (12), e70691 (2024)
Remote sensing data reveal a significant reduction in the area of the nesting habitat of Rafetus euphraticus in the Tigris River, southeastern Turkey. Ecology and Evolution 23.
Journal Article
94 (2), e1599 (2024)
Environmental variation structures reproduction and recruitment in long-lived mega-herbivores: Galapagos giant tortoises. Ecological Monographs 24.
Journal Article
14 (2), e10994 (2024)
Invasion by Cedrela odorata threatens long distance migration of Galapagos tortoises. Ecology and Evolution 25.
Journal Article
91 (1), a2130 (2024)
An investigation into Toxoplasma gondii at the human livestock-wildlife interface, South Africa. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 26.
Journal Article
34 (9), pp. 2030 - 2037 (2024)
Experience reduces route selection for conspecifics by the collectively migrating white stork. Current Biology 27.
Journal Article
8 (5), pp. 924 - 935 (2024)
Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape. Nature Ecology & Evolution 28.
Journal Article
20 (12), 20240424 (2024)
Consistent long-distance foraging flights across years and seasons at colony level in a neotropical bat. Biology Letters 29.
Journal Article
The sociality of sleep in animal groups. Trends in Ecology and Evolution (2024)
Journal Article
Persist or perish: Can bats threatened with extinction persist and recover from white-nose syndrome? Integrative and Comparative Biology, icae018 (2024)
Journal Article
22 (11), e3002699 (2024)
Immigrant birds learn from socially observed differences in payoffs when their environment changes. PLOS Biology 32.
Journal Article
956, 177166 (2024)
Insecticide exposure alters flight-dependent gene-expression in honey bees, Apis mellifera. Science of the Total Environment 33.
Journal Article
11 (1), 191 (2024)
The bii4africa dataset of faunal and floral population intactness estimates across Africa's major land uses. Scientific Data 34.
Journal Article
2024, 2417717 (2024)
Detection of tick-borne pathogen coinfections and coexposures to Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Brucellosis, and Q Fever in selected wildlife from Kruger National Park, South Africa, and Etosha National Park, Namibia. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 35.
Journal Article
14 (1), 7498 (2024)
High temporal resolution data reveal low bat and insect activity over managed meadows in central Europe. Scientific Reports 36.
Journal Article
12 (1), 32 (2024)
Using non-continuous accelerometry to identify cryptic nesting events of Galapagos giant tortoises. Animal Biotelemetry 37.
Journal Article
27 (12), 111314 (2024)
Norway rats recruit cooperation partners based on previous receipt of help while disregarding kinship. iScience 38.
Journal Article
130, e13418 (2024)
Reciprocal altruism in Norway rats. Ethology 39.
Journal Article
142 (1), pp. 113 - 120 (2024)
Geographical patterns in mandible variation of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) in Europe. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 40.
Journal Article
Wild sulphur-crested cockatoos match human activity rhythms to access food in the urban environment. Urban Ecosystems (2024)
Journal Article
Influence of age on spatial and temporal migratory patterns of Black Storks from Germany. Journal of Ornithology (2024)
Journal Article
27 (7), 110334 (2024)
Nepotism mediates enforced cooperation in asymmetric negotiations. iScience 43.
Journal Article
217, pp. 123 - 131 (2024)
Foraging male particoloured bats use local enhancement and group facilitation during spermatogenesis. Animal Behaviour 44.
Journal Article
15 (6), e4913 (2024)
Sex and size matter: Intricate dominance relationships in an East African large carnivore guild. Ecosphere 45.
Journal Article
A 'how-to' guide for estimating animal diel activity using hierarchical models. Journal of Animal Ecology (2024)
Journal Article
14 (2), pp. 209 - 217 (2024)
The feature of the use by the Demoiselle Crane (Anthropoides Virgo, Linneaus 1758) the European part of the range in the spring-summer and the pre-migratory periods. Arid Ecosystems 47.
Journal Article
54 (3), pp. 229 - 242 (2024)
A multisensory approach to understanding bat responses to wind energy developments. Mammal Review 48.
Journal Article
Climate, food and humans predict communities of mammals in the United States. Diversity and Distributions, e13900 (2024)
Journal Article
291 (2026), 20240855 (2024)
Heart rate monitoring reveals differential seasonal energetic trade-offs in male noctule bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 50.
Journal Article
207, pp. 119 - 129 (2024)
Diel patterns of movement reveal temporal strategies during dispersal. Animal Behaviour