Department of Migration Team
Research Group Leaders + Project Leaders
Research Scientists
Undergraduate & Master students
Affiliated and Guest Scientists
Dr. Jens Koblitz
Affiliated ScientistJens is a bioacoustician and focuses on echolocation of whales and bats. His research interests combines the areas of sensory ecophysiology, behavioral ecology, and applied ecology.
Dr. Rasmus Worsøe Havmøller
Guest ScientistI am a mammologist with a background in genetics, camera trapping and animal tracking, with broad interests in ecology and conservation that use multidisciplinary approaches to answer questions using the latest technological advances. I use high-resolution GPS data to assess competitive interactions in neotropical frugivores in collaboration with Meg Crofoot, while also working on developing a kinetic tracking tag in collaboration with Martin Wikelski’s team. My future research goal is to study dispersal of juvenile mammals.
• Food for Thought • Tag development • Animal movement • Juvenile dispersal • Conservation