Department of Migration Team

Department of Migration Team

Research Group Leaders + Project Leaders

Research Scientists

Atharva Andhare

IMPRS Doctoral Student

Sarah C. Davidson

IMPRS Doctoral Student
Movebank Data Curator

Santiago Gutiérrez Zapata

Doctoral Student
Guest Scientist

Anumit Saralkar

IMPRS Doctoral Student

Undergraduate & Master students

Affiliated and Guest Scientists

Dr. Francisco Dénes

Affiliated Scientist
University of São Paulo

Santiago Gutiérrez Zapata

Doctoral Student
Guest Scientist

Dr. Jens Koblitz

Affiliated Scientist

Jens is a bioacoustician and focuses on echolocation of whales and bats. His research interests combines the areas of sensory ecophysiology, behavioral ecology, and applied ecology. 

Dr. Andrea Kölzsch

Affiliated Scientist

Prof. Dr. Adriana Maldonado Chaparro

Affiliated Scientist
Max Planck Partner Group Leader

Dr. Teague O'Mara

Affiliated Scientist
Bat Conservation International

Prof. Dr. Carlos David Santos

Affiliated Scientist
Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Dr. Sherub

Max Planck Partner Group Leader

Dr. Hannah Williams

Affiliated Scientist
IMPRS Faculty

Dr. Rasmus Worsøe Havmøller

Guest Scientist

I am a mammologist with a background in genetics, camera trapping and animal tracking, with broad interests in ecology and conservation that use multidisciplinary approaches to answer questions using the latest technological advances. I use high-resolution GPS data to assess competitive interactions in neotropical frugivores in collaboration with Meg Crofoot, while also working on developing a kinetic tracking tag in collaboration with Martin Wikelski’s team. My future research goal is to study dispersal of juvenile mammals. 

 Food for Thought Tag development • Animal movement • Juvenile dispersal • Conservation

Science supporting staff

Sabine Knopf

Assistant to the Director
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