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He, P.; Klarevas-Irby, J. A.; Papageorgiou, D.; Christensen, C.; Strauss, E. D.; Farine, D. R.: A guide to sampling design for GPS-based studies of animal societies. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14 (8), pp. 1887 - 1905 (2023)
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Hermans, C.; Koblitz, J. C.; Bartholomeus, H.; Stilz, P.; Visser, M. E.; Spoelstra, K.: Combining acoustic tracking and LiDAR to study bat flight behaviour in three-dimensional space. BMC Movement Ecology 11 (1), 25 (2023)
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Jax, E.; Werner, E.; Müller, I.; Schaerer, B.; Kohn, M.; Olofsson, J.; Waldenstrom, J.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Hartle, S.: Evaluating effects of AIV infection status on ducks using a flow cytometry-based differential blood count. Microbiology Spectrum 11, e04351-22 (2023)
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Jungwirth, A.; Zottl, M.; Bonfils, D.; Josi, D.; Frommen, J. G.; Taborsky, M.: Philopatry yields higher fitness than dispersal in a cooperative breeder with sex-specific life history trajectories. Science Advances 9 (9), eadd2146 (2023)
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Kaempfer, S.; Kruckenberg, H.; Duettmann, H.; Kölzsch, A.; Jiguet, F.; Bocher, P.; Fartmann, T.: Tracking wintering areas and post-breeding migration of a declining farmland bird-An indispensable basis for successful conservation. Global Ecology and Conservation 45, e02527 (2023)
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Kays, R.; Wikelski, M.: The Internet of Animals: what it is, what it could be. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 38 (9), pp. 859 - 869 (2023)
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Keicher, L.; Shipley, J. R.; Schaeffer, P. J.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Contrasting torpor use by reproductive male common noctule bats in the laboratory and in the field. Integrative and Comparative Biology 63 (5), pp. 1087 - 1098 (2023)
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Koger, B.; Hurme, E.; Costelloe, B. R.; O'Mara, M. T.; Wikelski, M.; Kays, R.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: An automated approach for counting groups of flying animals applied to one of the world's largest bat colonies. Ecosphere 14 (6), e4590 (2023)
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Kölzsch, A.; Lameris, T. K.; Muskens, G.; Schreven, K. H. T.; Buitendijk, N. H.; Kruckenberg, H.; Moonen, S.; Heinicke, T.; Cao, L.; Madsen, J. et al.; Wikelski, M.; Nolet, B. A.: Wild goose chase: Geese flee high and far, and with aftereffects from New Year's fireworks. Conservation Letters 16 (1), e12927 (2023)
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Kruckenberg, H.; Moonen, S.; Kölzsch, A.; Liljeback, N.; Muskens, G.: Migration routes and stepping stones along the western flyway of Lesser White-fronted Geese (Anser erythropus). Bird Conservation International 33, e42 (2023)
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Lavretsky, P.; Mohl, J. E.; Soderquist, P.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Schummer, M. L.; Brown, J. I.: The meaning of wild: Genetic and adaptive consequences from large-scale releases of domestic mallards. Communications Biology 6 (1), 819 (2023)
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Longarini, A.; Duriez, O.; Shepard, E.; Safi, K.; Wikelski, M.; Scacco, M.: Effect of harness design for tag attachment on the flight performance of five soaring species. BMC Movement Ecology 11, 39 (2023)
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Lopez-Calderon, C.; Martin-Velez, V.; Blas, J.; Hofle, U.; Sanchez, M. I.; Flack, A.; Fiedler, W.; Wikelski, M.; Green, A. J.: White stork movements reveal the ecological connectivity between landfills and different habitats. BMC Movement Ecology 11, 18 (2023)
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Maxhuni, Q.; Karatas, A.; Fiedler, W.: Census and spatial distribution of White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) population in Kosovo in 2017 and 2018. Ornis Hungarica 31 (2), pp. 29 - 48 (2023)
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Merchant, D.; Lathrop, R. G.; Santos, C. D.; Paludo, D.; Niles, L.; Smith, J. A. M.; Feigin, S.; Dey, A.: Distribution modeling and gap analysis of shorebird conservation in northern Brazil. Remote Sensing 15 (2), 452 (2023)
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Morelle, K.; Barasona, J. A.; Bosch, J.; Heine, G.; Daim, A.; Arnold, J.; Bauch, T.; Kosowska, A.; Cadenas-Fernandez, E.; Aviles, M. M. et al.; Zuniga Dan; Wikelski, M.; Vizcaino-Sanchez, J. M.; Safi, K.: Accelerometer-based detection of African swine fever infection in wild boar. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290 (2005), 20231396 (2023)
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Morera-Pujol, V.; Mostert, P. S.; Murphy, K. J.; Burkitt, T.; Coad, B.; McMahon, B. J.; Nieuwenhuis, M.; Morelle, K.; Ward, A. I.; Ciuti, S.: Bayesian species distribution models integrate presence-only and presence-absence data to predict deer distribution and relative abundance. Ecography 2023 (2), e06451 (2023)
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Naguib, M. M.; Eriksson, P.; Jax, E.; Wille, M.; Lindskog, C.; Brojer, C.; Krambrich, J.; Waldenstrom, J.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Larson, G. et al.; Lundkvist, A.; Olsen, B.; Jarhult, J. D.; Ellstrom, P.: A comparison of host responses to infection with wild-type avian influenza viruses in chickens and tufted ducks. Microbiology Spectrum 11 (4), e02586-22 (2023)
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Nagy, M.; Naik, H.; Kano, F.; Carlson, N. V.; Koblitz, J. C.; Wikelski, M.; Couzin, I. D.: SMART-BARN: Scalable multimodal arena for real-time tracking behavior of animals in large numbers. Science Advances 9 (35), eadf8068 (2023)
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Nilsson, J.; Eriksson, P.; Naguib, M. M.; Jax, E.; Sihlbom, C.; Olsson, B. M.; Lundkvist, Å.; Olsen, B.; Järhult, J. D.; Larson, G. et al.; Ellström, P.: Expression of influenza A virus glycan receptor candidates in mallard, chicken, and tufted duck. Glycobiology 34 (3), cwad098 (2023)
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Nourani, E.; Safi, K.; de Grissac, S.; Anderson, D. J.; Cole, N. C.; Fell, A.; Gremillet, D.; Lempidakis, E.; Lerma, M.; McKee, J. L. et al.; Pichegru, L.; Provost, P.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Ryan, P. G.; Santos, C. D.; Schoombie, S.; Tatayah, V.; Weimerskirch, H.; Wikelski, M.; Shepard, E. L. C.: Seabird morphology determines operational wind speeds, tolerable maxima, and responses to extremes. Current Biology 33 (6), pp. 1179 - 1184 (2023)
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O'Mara, M. T.: Tracking bats around wind turbines. Current Biology 33 (4), pp. R136 - R138 (2023)
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O'Mara, M. T.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Greater spear-nosed bats commute long distances alone, rest together, but forage apart. Animal Behaviour 204, pp. 37 - 48 (2023)
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Pike, K. N.; Blake, S.; Gordon, I. J.; Cabrera, F.; Rivas-Torres, G.; Laso, F. J.; Schwarzkopf, L.: Navigating agricultural landscapes: responses of critically endangered giant tortoises to farmland vegetation and infrastructure. Landscape Ecology 38, pp. 501 - 516 (2023)
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Pohle, A.-K.; Zalewski, A.; Muturi, M.; Dullin, C.; Farkova, L.; Keicher, L.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Domestication effect of reduced brain size is reverted when mink become feral. Royal Society Open Science 10 (7), 230463 (2023)
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Pokrovsky, I.; Curk, T.; Dietz, A.; Fufachev, I.; Kulikova, O.; Rößler, S.; Wikelski, M.: Quick-quick-slow: the foxtrot migration and dynamic non-breeding range. eLife 12, RP87668 (2023)
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Prylutska, A.; Yerofeieva, M.; Bohodist, V.; Shulenko, A.; But, A.; Kravchenko, K.; Prylutskyi, O.; Vlaschenko, A.: The dataset of bat (Mammalia, Chiroptera) occurrences in Ukraine collected by the Ukrainian Bat Rehabilitation Center (2011-2022). Biodiversity Data Journal 11, e99243 (2023)
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Reiter, N.; Wicks, M.; Pollard, G.; Brown, G.; Menz, M. H. M.; Bohman, B.: Improving conservation and translocation success of an endangered orchid, Caladenia xanthochila (Orchidaceae), through understanding pollination. Plant Ecology 224 (8), pp. 715 - 727 (2023)
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Scacco, M.; Arrondo, E.; Donázar, J. A.; Flack, A.; Sánchez‑Zapata, J. A.; Duriez, O.; Wikelski, M.; Safi, K.: The species‑specificity of energy landscapes for soaring birds, and its consequences for transferring suitability models across species. Landscape Ecology 38 (1), pp. 239 - 252 (2023)
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Schindler, M.; Osterwalder, M.; Harabula, I.; Wittler, L.; Tzika, A. C.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Vingron, M.; Visel, A.; Haas, S. A.; Real, F. M.: Induction of kidney-related gene programs through co-option of SALL1 in mole ovotestes. Development 150 (17), dev201562 (2023)
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Shankar, A.; Welch, K. C.; Eberts, E. R.; Geiser, F.; Halter, S.; Keicher, L.; Levesque, D. L.; Nowack, J.; Wolf, B. O.; Wolfe, S. W.: Daily torpor in birds and mammals: Past, present, and future of the field. Integrative and Comparative Biology 63 (5), icad095, pp. 1017 - 1027 (2023)
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Sviridova, T. V.; Grinchenko, O. S.; Wikelski, M.; Ilyashenko, E. I.: Geographical connectivity, migration routes, and wintering grounds of the common crane in the northern Moscow region. Arid Ecosystems 13 (2), pp. 196 - 207 (2023)
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Twining, C. W.; Shipley, J. R.; McCue, M. D.; Pokrovsky, I.; Gregoire, A.; Faivre, B.; Wikelski, M.; Partecke, J.: Energetics and fuel use vary with migration strategy across populations of Common Blackbirds. Functional Ecology 37 (7), pp. 1910 - 1921 (2023)
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Vlaschenko, A.; Rodenko, O.; Hukov, V.; Kovalov, V.; Prylutska, A.; Kravchenko, K.: Do bats avoid the urban core in the breeding season? A case study from temperate latitudes. Diversity 15 (9), 967 (2023)
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Voigt, C. C.; Kionka, J.; Koblitz, J. C.; Stilz, P. C.; Petersons, G.; Lindecke, O.: Bidirectional movements of Nathusius' pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus nathusii) during autumn at a major migration corridor. Global Ecology and Conservation 48, e02695 (2023)
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Wild, T. A.; Wikelski, M.; Tyndel, S. A.; Alarcon-Nieto, G.; Klump, B. C.; Aplin, L. M.; Meboldt, M.; Williams, H. J.: Internet on animals: Wi-Fi-enabled devices provide a solution for big data transmission in biologging. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14 (1), pp. 87 - 192 (2023)
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