Department of Collective Behavior Publications

Publications of Sara Brin Rosenthal

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Hein, A. M.; Rosenthal, S. B.; Hagstrom, G. I.; Berdahl, A.; Torney, C. J.; Couzin, I. D.: The evolution of distributed sensing and collective computation in animal populations. eLife 4, e10955 (2015)
Journal Article
Rosenthal, S. B.; Twomey, C. R.; Hartnett, A. T.; Wu, H. S.; Couzin, I. D.: Revealing the hidden networks of interaction in mobile animal groups allows prediction of complex behavioral contagion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112 (15), pp. 4690 - 4695 (2015)
Journal Article
Strandburg-Peshkin, A.; Twomey, C. R.; Bode, N. W. F.; Kao, A. B.; Katz, Y.; Ioannou, C. C.; Rosenthal, S. B.; Torney, C. J.; Wu, H. S.; Levin, S. A. et al.: Visual sensory networks and effective information transfer in animal groups. Current Biology 23 (17), pp. R709 - R711 (2013)