Publications of Catherine Crockford

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Tkaczynski, P. J.; Behringer, V.; Ackermann,, C.Y.; Fedrurek, P.; Fruth, B.; Girard-Buttoz, C.; Hobaiter, C.; Lee, S.M.; Löhrich, T.; Preis, A. et al.: Patterns of urinary cortisol levels during ontogeny appear population- rather than species-specific in wild chimpanzees and bonobos. Journal of Human Evolution 147, 102869 (2020)
Journal Article
Grawunder, S.; Crockford, C.; Kalan, A. K.; Clay, Z.; Stoessel, A.; Hohmann, G.: Response to Garcia and Dunn: No evidence that maximum fundamental frequency reflects selection for signal diminution in bonobos Response. Current Biology 29 (15), pp. R734 - R735 (2019)
Journal Article
Surbeck, M.; Boesch, C.; Crockford, C.; Thompson, M. E.; Furuichi, T.; Fruth, B.; Hohmann, G.; Ishizuka, S.; Machanda, Z.; Muller, M. N. et al.: Males with a mother living in their group have higher paternity success in bonobos but not chimpanzees. Current Biology 29 (10), pp. R354 - R355 (2019)
Journal Article
Surbeck, M.; Boesch, C.; Girard-Buttoz, C.; Crockford, C.; Hohmann, G.; Wittig, R. M.: Erratum: Comparison of male conflict behavior in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus), with specific regard to coalition and post-conflict behavior. American Journal of Primatology 81 (13), e23075 (2019)
Journal Article
Grawunder, S.; Crockford, C.; Clay, Z.; Kalan, A. K.; Stevens, J. M.G.; Stoessel, A.; Hohmann, G.: Higher fundamental frequency in bonobos is explained by larynx morphology. Current Biology 28 (20), pp. R1188 - R1189 (2018)
Journal Article
Surbeck, M.; Boesch, C.; Girard-Buttoz, C.; Crockford, C.; Hohmann, G.; Wittig, R. M.: Comparison of male conflict behavior in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus), with specific regard to coalition and post-conflict behavior. American Journal of Primatology 79 (6), e22641 (2017)
Journal Article
Surbeck, M.; Girard-Buttoz, C.; Boesch, C.; Crockford, C.; Fruth, B.; Hohmann, G.; Langergraber, K.; Zuberbühler, K.; Wittig, R. M.; Mundry, R.: Sex-specific association patterns in bonobos and chimpanzees reflect species differences in cooperation. Royal Society Open Science 4, 161081 (2017)