Publications of Gottfried Hohmann
All genres
Journal Article (112)
Journal Article
14 (9), e70326 (2024)
A non-invasive measure of bone growth in mammals: Validating urinary CTX-I as a bone resorption marker through long-bone growth velocity in bonobos. Ecology and Evolution 2.
Journal Article
14 (9), e70326 (2024)
A non-invasive measure of bone growth in mammals: Validating urinary CTX-I as a bone resorption marker through long-bone growth velocity in bonobos. Ecology and Evolution 3.
Journal Article
Bonobo (Pan paniscus) density and distribution in Central Africa's largest rainforest reserve: long-term survey data show pitfalls in methodological approaches and call for vigilance. International Journal of Primatology (2024)
Journal Article
Preliminary isotopic assessment of weaning in bonobos shows evidence for extended nursing, sibling competition and invested first-time mothers. American Journal of Primatology, e23678 (2024)
Journal Article
65, pp. 145 - 150 (2024)
Water scooping: tool use by a wild bonobo (Pan paniscus) at LuiKotale, a case report. Primates 6.
Journal Article
64, pp. 107 - 121 (2023)
Assessing the effects of survey-inherent disturbance on primate detectability: Recommendations for line transect distance sampling. Primates 7.
Journal Article
85 (1), e23436 (2023)
A skew in poo: Biases in primate fecal isotope analysis and recommendations for standardized sample preparation. American Journal of Primatology 8.
Journal Article
175, 103305 (2023)
Traces of dietary patterns in saliva of hominids: Profiling salivary amino acid fingerprints in great apes and humans. Journal of Human Evolution 9.
Journal Article
11, 1300003 (2023)
Average phenotype but not plasticity in two metabolic hormones covary in wild female bonobos (Pan paniscus). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10.
Journal Article
11, e77227 (2022)
Transition to siblinghood causes a substantial and long-lasting increase in urinary cortisol levels in wild bonobos. eLife 11.
Journal Article
43 (3), pp. 434 - 459 (2022)
Dominance or Tolerance? Causes and consequences of a period of increased intercommunity encounters among bonobos (Pan paniscus) at LuiKotale. International Journal of Primatology 12.
Journal Article
64, pp. 215 - 225 (2022)
Bonobo mothers have elevated urinary cortisol levels during early but not mid or late lactation (advance online). Primates 13.
Journal Article
11 (9), 1275 (2022)
Plasma testosterone and androstenedione levels follow the same sex-specific patterns in the two Pan species. Biology 14.
Journal Article
84 (4-5), e23334 (2022)
Blood testosterone levels in sickness and in health: Male chimpanzee testosterone levels decrease in face of an immune challenge. American Journal of Primatology 15.
Journal Article
9, 272 (2021)
Cell-mediated immune ontogeny is affected by sex but not environmental context in a long-lived primate species. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 16.
Journal Article
94 (2), pp. 83 - 98 (2021)
Exploring the utility of hair endocannabinoids for monitoring homeostasis in bonobos. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 17.
Journal Article
62, pp. 555 - 562 (2021)
First report of a leopard (Panthera pardus)-bonobo (Pan paniscus) encounter at the LuiKotale study site, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Primates 18.
Journal Article
32 (1), pp. 188 - 198 (2021)
Gregariousness, foraging effort, and social interactions in lactating bonobos and chimpanzees. Behavioral Ecology 19.
Journal Article
176 (4), pp. 684 - 691 (2021)
In vivo deciduous dental eruption in LuiKotale bonobos and Gombe chimpanzees. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 20.
Journal Article
4 (1), 1119 (2021)
Attractiveness of female sexual signaling predicts differences in female grouping patterns between bonobos and chimpanzees. Communications Biology 21.
Journal Article
285, 113290 (2020)
Urinary total T3 levels as a method to monitor metabolic changes in relation to variation in caloric intake in captive bonobos (Pan paniscus). General and Comparative Endocrinology 22.
Journal Article
168, pp. 211 - 224 (2020)
Variable use of polyadic grooming and its effect on access to social partners in wild chimpanzees and bonobos. Animal Behavior 23.
Journal Article
287 (1929), 20200877 (2020)
Information transfer efficiency differs in wild chimpanzees and bonobos, but not social cognition. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 24.
Journal Article
171 (1), pp. 100 - 109 (2020)
Wild bonobo and chimpanzee females exhibit broadly similar patterns of behavioral maturation but some evidence for divergence. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 25.
Journal Article
147, 102869 (2020)
Patterns of urinary cortisol levels during ontogeny appear population- rather than species-specific in wild chimpanzees and bonobos. Journal of Human Evolution 26.
Journal Article
29 (15), pp. R734 - R735 (2019)
Response to Garcia and Dunn: No evidence that maximum fundamental frequency reflects selection for signal diminution in bonobos Response. Current Biology 27.
Journal Article
4, 5 (2019)
Fishing for iodine: What aquatic foraging by bonobos tells us about human evolution. BMC Zoology 28.
Journal Article
45 (3), pp. 300 - 309 (2019)
Aggression by male bonobos against immature individuals does not fit with predictions of infanticide. Aggressive Behavior 29.
Journal Article
29 (7), pp. 1211 - 1217 (2019)
Novelty response of wild African apes to camera traps. Current Biology 30.
Journal Article
116, 104581 (2019)
The cooperative sex: Sexual interactions among female bonobos are linked to increases in oxytocin, proximity and coalitions. Hormones and Behavior 31.
Journal Article
29 (10), pp. R354 - R355 (2019)
Males with a mother living in their group have higher paternity success in bonobos but not chimpanzees. Current Biology 32.
Journal Article
81 (13), e23075 (2019)
Erratum: Comparison of male conflict behavior in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus), with specific regard to coalition and post-conflict behavior. American Journal of Primatology 33.
Journal Article
15, 35 (2018)
Aging and sex affect soluble alpha klotho levels in bonobos and chimpanzees. Frontiers in Zoology 34.
Journal Article
105, pp. 66 - 85 (2018)
Applications for non-invasive thyroid hormone measurements in mammalian ecology, growth, and maintenance. Hormones and Behavior 35.
Journal Article
52 (1), pp. 34 - 47 (2018)
Getting closer: Contributions of zoo studies to research on the physiology and development of Bonobos Pan paniscus, Chimpanzees Pan troglodytes and other primates. International Zoo Yearbook 36.
Journal Article
29 (2), pp. 91 - 103 (2018)
Food Sharing across borders: First observation of inter-community meat sharing by bonobos at LuiKotale, DRC. Human Nature 37.
Journal Article
28 (20), pp. R1188 - R1189 (2018)
Higher fundamental frequency in bonobos is explained by larynx morphology. Current Biology 38.
Journal Article
29 (6), pp. 1325 - 1339 (2018)
The "tolerant chimpanzee" —towards the costs and benefits of sociality in female bonobos. Behavioral Ecology 39.
Journal Article
142, pp. 131 - 137 (2017)
How bonobo communities deal with fruits containing high tannin content: Re-ingestion and other feeding processes. Behavioural Processes 40.
Journal Article
8, 51 (2017)
Validation of a method for the assessment of urinary neopterin levels to monitor health status in non-human-primate species. Frontiers in Physiology 41.
Journal Article
12, pp. 9 - 22 (2017)
Presence of alkaloids and cyanogenic glycosides in fruits consumed by sympatric bonobos and the Nkundo people at LuiKotale/Salonga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo and its relationship to food choice. African Primates 42.
Journal Article
7, 14406 (2017)
Low levels of fruit nitrogen as drivers for the evolution of Madagascar's primate communities. Scientific Reports 43.
Journal Article
123, pp. 21 - 32 (2017)
A novel approach for dominance assessment in gregarious species: ADAGIO. Animal Behaviour 44.
Journal Article
163 (1), pp. 158 - 172 (2017)
Stable and fluctuating social preferences and implications for cooperation among female bonobos at LuiKotale, DRC. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 45.
Journal Article
71 (4), 75 (2017)
Bonobos use call combinations to facilitate inter-party travel recruitment. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 46.
Journal Article
79 (6), e22641 (2017)
Comparison of male conflict behavior in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus), with specific regard to coalition and post-conflict behavior. American Journal of Primatology 47.
Journal Article
4, 161081 (2017)
Sex-specific association patterns in bonobos and chimpanzees reflect species differences in cooperation. Royal Society Open Science 48.
Journal Article
27 (13), pp. R640 - R641 (2017)
Male reproductive skew is higher in bonobos than chimpanzees. Current Biology 49.
Journal Article
161 (1), pp. 37 - 43 (2016)
Within arm's reach: Measuring forearm length to assess growth patterns in captive bonobos and chimpanzees. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 50.
Journal Article
7, 118 (2016)
Sex differences in age-related decline of urinary insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 levels in adult bonobos and chimpanzees. Frontiers in endocrinology