Publications of the MPI of Animal Behavior

Journal Article (194)

Journal Article
Abdu, S.; Eisenring, M.; Zuniga, D.; Alarcon-Nieto, G.; Schmid, H.; Aplin, L. M.; Brandl, H. B.; Farine, D. R.: The presence of air sac nematodes in passerines and near-passerines in southern Germany. International Journal for Parasitology-Parasites and Wildlife 21, pp. 174 - 178 (2023)
Journal Article
Acacio, M.; Anglister, N.; Vaadia, G.; Harel, R.; Nathan, R.; Hatzofe, O.; Spiegel, O.: A lifetime track of a griffon vulture: The moving story of Rehovot (Y64). Ecology 104 (4), e3985 (2023)
Journal Article
Aghebatrafat, A. A.; Lauber, C.; Merkel, K.; Fruth, B.; Langergraber, K.; Robbins, M. M.; Wittig, R. M.; Leendertz, F. H.; Calvignac-Spencer, S.: Evolutionary insight into the association between New Jersey Polyomavirus and humans. Viruses 15 (11), 2248 (2023)
Journal Article
Aguilera, M.; Poc-López, A.; Heins, R. C.; Buckley, C. L.: Knitting a Markov blanket is hard when you are out-of-equilibrium: Two examples in canonical nonequilibrium models. 3rd International Workshop on Active Inference (IWAI), Grenoble, France, pp. 65 - 74 (2023)
Journal Article
Allan, A. T. L.; LaBarge, L. R.; Howlett, C.; Bailey, A. L.; Jones, B.; Mason, Z.; Pinfield, T.; Schroder, F.; Whitaker, A.; White, A. F. et al.; Wilkinson, H.; Hill, R. A.: Patterns of predation and meat-eating by chacma baboons in an Afromontane environment. Folia Primatologica 94, pp. 13 - 36 (2023)
Journal Article
Atkins, S.; Mann-Lang, J.; Cliff, G.; Pillay, N.; Cantor, M.: Stakeholder perceptions reveal obstacles and opportunities to change lethal methods of protecting bathers from sharks. Marine Policy 155, 105762 (2023)
Journal Article
Aung, T.; Hill, A. K.; Pfefferle, D.; McLester, E.; Fuller, J.; Lawrence, J. M.; Garcia-Nisa, I.; Kendal, R. L.; Petersdorf, M.; Higham, J. P. et al.; Galat, G.; Lameira, A. R.; Apicella, C. L.; Barelli, C.; Glenn, M. E.; Ramos-Fernandez, G.; Puts, D. A.: Group size and mating system predict sex differences in vocal fundamental frequency in anthropoid primates. Nature Communications 14, 4069 (2023)
Journal Article
Bailey, C. S.; Marting, P. R.; Smith, M. L.: Honey bees perform fine-scale detailing that continuously reduces comb area after nest expansion. Insectes Sociaux 70 (4), pp. 405 - 412 (2023)
Journal Article
Baldoni, C.; Thomas, W. R.; von Elverfeldt, D.; Reisert, M.; Lazaro, J.; Muturi, M.; Davalos, L. M.; Nieland, J. D.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Histological and MRI brain atlas of the common shrew, Sorex araneus, with brain region-specific gene expression profiles. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 17, 1168523 (2023)
Journal Article
Barrett, B. J.: Inferential power in identifying frequency-dependent social learning strengthened by increasing behavioural options. Journal of Animal Ecology 92 (9), pp. 1532 - 1544 (2023)
Journal Article
Beck, K. B.; Farine, D. R.; Firth, J. A.; Sheldon, B. C.: Variation in local population size predicts social network structure in wild songbirds. Journal of Animal Ecology 92 (12), pp. 2348 - 2362 (2023)
Journal Article
Ben Mocha, Y.; Dahan, T.; Zou, Y. Q.; Griesser, M.; Markman, S.: Evidence for a reproductive sharing continuum in cooperatively breeding mammals and birds: consequences for comparative research. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290 (2006), 20230607 (2023)
Journal Article
Ben Mocha, Y.; de Gialluly, S. S.; Griesser, M.; Markman, S.: What is cooperative breeding in mammals and birds? Removing definitional barriers for comparative research. Biological Reviews 98, pp. 1845 - 1861 (2023)
Journal Article
Bessone, M.; Kuhl, H. S.; Hohmann, G.; Herbinger, I.; N'Goran, K. P.; Asanzi, P.; Da Costa, P. B.; Derozier, V.; Fotsing, D. B. E.; Ikembelo, B. B. et al.; Iyomi, D. M.; Iyatshi, B. I.; Kafando, P.; Kambere, A. M.; Moundzoho, B. D.; Musubaho, L. K.; Fruth, B.: Assessing the effects of survey-inherent disturbance on primate detectability: Recommendations for line transect distance sampling. Primates 64, pp. 107 - 121 (2023)
Journal Article
Blake, S.; Palmer, J.; Brenn-White, M.; Deem, S. L.: Home ranges of box turtles in a rural woodland and an urban park in Saint Louis, MO; implications for turtle conservation. Urban Ecosystems 26 (4), pp. 1181 - 1189 (2023)
Journal Article
Bontekoe, I. D.; Hilgartner, R.; Fiedler, W.; Flack, A.: The price of being late: short- and long-term consequences of a delayed migration timing. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290 (2003), 20231268 (2023)
Journal Article
Borges, F. O.; Sampaio, E.; Santos, C. P.; Rosa, R.: Climate-change impacts on cephalopods: A meta-analysis. Integrative and Comparative Biology 63 (6), pp. 1240 - 1265 (2023)
Journal Article
Bose, A. P. H.; Dabernig-Heinz, J.; Oberkofler, J.; Koch, L.; Grimm, J.; Sefc, K. M.; Jordan, A.: Aggression and spatial positioning of kin and non-kin fish in social groups. Behavioral Ecology 34 (4), pp. 673 - 681 (2023)
Journal Article
Brown, M. B.; Fennessy, J. T.; Crego, R. D.; Fleming, C. H.; Alves, J.; Brandlova, K.; Fennessy, S.; Ferguson, S.; Hauptfleisch, M.; Hejcmanova, P. et al.; Hoffman, R.; Leimgruber, P.; Masiaine, S.; McQualter, K.; Mueller, T.; Muller, B.; Muneza, A.; O'Connor, D.; Olivier, A. J.; Rabeil, T.; Seager, S.; Stacy-Dawes, J.; van Schalkwyk, O. L.; Stabach, J.: Ranging behaviours across ecological and anthropogenic disturbance gradients: a pan-African perspective of giraffe (Giraffa spp.) space use. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290 (2001), 20230912 (2023)
Journal Article
Brown, M.; Gaffney, M. R.: Range utilization slopes as a measure of central tendency and intergroup overlap in primates. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 77 (7), 77 (2023)
Journal Article
Calhoun, A. J.; El Hady, A.: Everyone knows what behavior is but they just don't agree on it. iScience 26 (11), 108210 (2023)
Journal Article
Camerlenghi, E.; Nolazco, S.; Farine, D. R.; Magrath, R. D.; Peters, A.: Multilevel social structure predicts individual helping responses in a songbird. Current Biology 33 (8), pp. 1582 - 1587 (2023)
Journal Article
Cantor, M.; Farine, D. R.; Daura-Jorge, F. G.: Foraging synchrony drives resilience in human-dolphin mutualism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (6), e207739120 (2023)
Journal Article
Chakravarty, P.; Cozzi, G.; Scantlebury, D. M.; Ozgul, A.; Aminian, K.: Combining accelerometry with allometry for estimating daily energy expenditure in joules when in-lab calibration is unavailable. BMC Movement Ecology 11 (1), 29 (2023)
Journal Article
Chao, L. M.; Bhalla, A. P. S.; Li, L.: Vortex interactions of two burst-and-coast swimmers in a side-by-side arrangement. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 37 (4), pp. 505 - 517 (2023)
Journal Article
Chapman, C. A.; Gogarten, J. F.; Golooba, M.; Kalbitzer, U.; Omeja, P. A.; Opito, E. A.; Sarkar, D.: Fifty plus years of primate research illustrates complex drivers of abundance and increasing primate numbers. American Journal of Primatology, e23577 (2023)
Journal Article
Chen, J.; Hu, M.; Coker, D. J.; Berumen, M. L.; Costelloe, B. R.; Beery, S.; Rohrbach, A.; Elhoseiny, M.: MammalNet: A large-scale video benchmark for mammal recognition and behavior understanding. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Vancouver, Canada, pp. 13052 - 13061 (2023)
Journal Article
Chen, Y. Q.; Lin, X.; Song, Z.; Liu, Y.: Divorce rate in monogamous birds increases with male promiscuity and migration distance. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290 (2002), 20230450 (2023)
Journal Article
Chiatante, G.; Panuccio, M.; Pastorino, A.; Dell'Omo, G.; Scacco, M.; Agostini, N.: Small-scale migratory behavior of three facultative soaring raptors approaching a water body: a radar study investigating the effect of weather, topography and flock size. Journal of Ethology 41, pp. 47 - 57 (2023)
Journal Article
Choinski, M.; Zegarek, M.; Halat, Z.; Borowik, T.; Kohles, J. E.; Dietzer, M.; Eldegard, K.; McKay, R. A.; Johns, S. E.; Ruczynski, I.: Insect detection on high-resolution images using deep learning. 22nd International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management (CISIM), pp. 225 - 239 (2023)
Journal Article
Christensen, C.; Bracken, A. M.; O'Riain, M. J.; Fehlmann, G.; Holton, M.; Hopkins, P.; King, A. J.; Furtbauer, I.: Quantifying allo-grooming in wild chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) using tri-axial acceleration data and machine learning. Royal Society Open Science 10 (4), 221103 (2023)
Journal Article
Clark, B. L.; Carneiro, A. P. B.; Pearmain, E. J.; Rouyer, M.-M.; Clay, T. A.; Cowger, W.; Phillips, R. A.; Manica, A.; Hazin, C.; Eriksen, M. et al.; Gonzalez-Solis, J.; Adams, J.; Albores-Barajas, Y. V.; Alfaro-Shigueto, J.; Saldanha Alho, M.; Teixeira Araujo, D.; Arcos, J. M.; Arnould, J. P. Y.; Barbosa, N. J. P.; Barbraud, C.; Beard, A. M.; Beck, J.; Bell, E. A.; Bennet, D. G.; Berlincourt, M.; Biscoito, M.; Bjornstad, O. K.; Bolton, M.; Booth Jones, K. A.; Borg, J. J.; Bourgeois, K.; Bretagnolle, V.; Bried, J.; Briskie, J. V.; de L. Brooke, M.; Brownlie, K. C.; Bugoni, L.; Calabrese, L.; Campioni, L.; Carey, M. J.; Carle, R. D.; Carlile, N.; Carreiro, A. R.; Catry, P.; Catry, T.; Cecere, J. G.; Ceia, F. R.; Cherel, Y.; Choi, C.-Y.; Cianchetti-Benedetti, M.; Clarke, R. H.; Cleeland, J. B.; Colodro, V.; Congdon, B. C.; Danielsen, J.; De Pascalis, F.; Deakin, Z.; Dehnhard, N.; Dell'Omo, G.; Delord, K.; Descamps, S.; Dilley, B. J.; Dinis, H. A.; Dubos, J.; Dunphy, B. J.; Emmerson, L. M.; Fagundes, A. I.; Fayet, A. L.; Felis, J. J.; Fischer, J. H.; Freeman, A. N. D.; Fromant, A.; Gaibani, G.; Garcia, D.; Gjerdrum, C.; Soeli Goncalves Correia Gomes, I.; Forero, M. G.; Granadeiro, J. P.; Grecian, W. J.; Gremillet, D.; Guilford, T.; Hallgrimsson, G. T.; Halpin, L. R.; Hansen, E. S.; Hedd, A.; Helberg, M.; Helgason, H. H.; Henry, L. M.; Hereward, H. F. R.; Hernandez-Montero, M.; Hindell, M. A.; Hodum, P. J.; Imperio, S.; Jaeger, A.; Jessopp, M.; Jodice, P. G. R.; Jones, C. G.; Jones, C. W.; Jonsson, J. E.; Kane, A.; Kapelj, S.; Kim, Y.; Kirk, H.; Kolbeinsson, Y.; Kraemer, P. L.; Kruger, L.; Lago, P.; Landers, T. J.; Lavers, J. L.; Le Corre, M.; Leal, A.; Louzao, M.; Madeiros, J.; Magalhaes, M.; Mallory, M. L.; Masello, J. F.; Massa, B.; Matsumoto, S.; McDuie, F.; McFarlane Tranquilla, L.; Medrano, F.; Metzger, B. J.; Militao, T.; Montevecchi, W. A.; Montone, R. C.; Navarro-Herrero, L.; Neves, V. C.; Nicholls, D. G.; Nicoll, M. A. C.; Norris, K.; Oppel, S.; Oro, D.; Owen, E.; Padget, O.; Paiva, V. H.; Pala, D.; Pereira, J. M.; Peron, C.; Petry, M. V.; de Pina, A.; Moreira Pina, A. T.; Pinet, P.; Pistorius, P. A.; Pollet, I. L.; Porter, B. J.; Poupart, T. A.; Powell, C. D. L.; Proano, C. B.; Pujol-Casado, J.; Quillfeldt, P.; Quinn, J. L.; Raine, A. F.; Raine, H.; Ramirez, I.; Ramos, J. A.; Ramos, R.; Ravache, A.; Rayner, M. J.; Reid, T. A.; Robertson, G. J.; Rocamora, G. J.; Rollinson, D. P.; Ronconi, R. A.; Rotger, A.; Rubolini, D.; Ruhomaun, K.; Ruiz, A.; Russell, J. C.; Ryan, P. G.; Saldanha, S.; Sanz-Aguilar, A.; Sarda-Serra, M.; Satge, Y. G.; Sato, K.; Schafer, W. C.; Schoombie, S.; Shaffer, S. A.; Shah, N.; Shoji, A.; Shutler, D.; Sigurdsson, I. A.; Silva, M. C.; Small, A. E.; Soldatini, C.; Strom, H.; Surman, C. A.; Takahashi, A.; Tatayah, V. R. V.; Taylor, G. A.; Thomas, R. J.; Thompson, D. R.; Thompson, P. M.; Thorarinsson, T. L.; Vicente-Sastre, D.; Vidal, E.; Wakefield, E. D.; Waugh, S. M.; Weimerskirch, H.; Wittmer, H. U.; Yamamoto, T.; Yoda, K.; Zavalaga, C. B.; Zino, F. J.; Dias, M. P.: Global assessment of marine plastic exposure risk for oceanic birds. Nature Communications 14, 3665 (2023)
Journal Article
Cliffe, R. N.; Haupt, R. J.; Kennedy, S.; Felton, C.; Williams, H. J.; Avey-Arroyo, J.; Wilson, R.: The behaviour and activity budgets of two sympatric sloths; Bradypus variegatus and Choloepus hoffmanni. PeerJ 11, 15430 (2023)
Journal Article
Couzin, I. D.; Couzin-Fuchs, E.: The chemical ecology of locust cannibalism. Science 380 (6644), pp. 454 - 455 (2023)
Journal Article
Couzin, I. D.; Heins, R. C.: Emerging technologies for behavioral research in changing environments. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 38 (4), pp. 346 - 354 (2023)
Journal Article
Couzin, I. D.; Li, L.: The benefits of swimming together. eLife 12, e86807 (2023)
Journal Article
Darani, Z. Y.; Hachen, I.; Diamond, M. E.: Dynamics of the judgment of tactile stimulus intensity. Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering 3 (1), 014014 (2023)
Journal Article
Davidescu, M. R.; Romanczuk, P.; Gregor, T.; Couzin, I. D.: Growth produces coordination trade-offs in Trichoplax adhaerens, an animal lacking a central nervous system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (11), e2206163120 (2023)
Journal Article
de Moura, S. P. G.; Schulze, B.; Broadhurst, M. K.; Cantor, M.; Domit, C.: Population parameters of Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) in a southern Brazilian estuary. Mammalian Biology 103 (4), pp. 349 - 361 (2023)
Journal Article
Deem, S. L.; Rivera, S.; Nieto-Claudin, A.; Emmel, E.; Cabrera, F.; Blake, S.: Temperature along an elevation gradient determines Galapagos tortoise sex ratios. Ecology and Evolution 13 (4), e10008 (2023)
Journal Article
Della Libera, K.; Strandburg-Peshkin, A.; Griffith, S. C.; Leu, S. T.: Fission-fusion dynamics in sheep: the influence of resource distribution and temporal activity patterns. Royal Society Open Science 10 (7), 230402 (2023)
Journal Article
Demartsev, V.; Gersick, A. S.; Jensen, F. H.; Thomas, M.; Roch, M. A.; Manser, M. B.; Strandburg-Peshkin, A.: Signalling in groups: New tools for the integration of animal communication and collective movement. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14 (8), pp. 1852 - 1863 (2023)
Journal Article
Demartsev, V.; Haddas-Sasson, M.; Ilany, A.; Koren, L.; Geffen, E.: Male rock hyraxes that maintain an isochronous song rhythm achieve higher reproductive success. Journal of Animal Ecology 92, pp. 1520 - 1531 (2023)
Journal Article
Deshpande, A.; van de Waal, E.; Zuberbuhler, K.: Context-dependent alarm responses in wild vervet monkeys. Animal Cognition 26 (4), pp. 1199 - 1208 (2023)
Journal Article
Ding, P.; Song, Z.; Liu, Y.; Halimubieke, N.; Székely, T.; Shi, L.: Nesting habitat suitability of the Kentish plover in the arid lands of Xinjiang, China. Animals 13 (21), 3369 (2023)
Journal Article
Dolivo, V.; Engqvist, L.; Taborsky, M.: When deciding to cooperate by direct reciprocity, Norway rats sometimes benefit from olfactory competence and seem not impaired by insufficient cognitive abilities. Animal Cognition 26 (4), pp. 1119 - 1130 (2023)
Journal Article
Donnez, M.; Schwemmer, P.; Fort, J.; Garthe, S.; Boschert, M.; Duttmann, H.; Elts, J.; Fartmann, T.; Fiedler, W.; Franks, S. et al.; Jiguet, F.; Kampfer, S.; Korniluk, M.; Kruckenberg, H.; Krupinski, D.; Marja, R.; Mercker, M.; Obloza, P.; Ottens, H. J.; Piha, M.; Robin, F.; Rousseau, P.; Rupprecht, V.; Bocher, P.: Small space but high diversity: Spatial and temporal habitat use by endangered Eurasian Curlew at wintering sites throughout Europe. Wetlands: Journal of the Society of Wetland Scientists 43 (7), 80 (2023)
Journal Article
Düttmann, H.; Kruckenberg, H.; Bunte, R.; Delingat, J.; Emke, D.; Garlichs, M.; Korner, P.; Kowallik, C.; Lauenstein, G.; Sudbeck, P. et al.; Bairlein, F.: Grazing effects of wintering geese on grassland yield: A long-term study from Northwest Germany. Journal of Applied Ecology 60 (3), pp. 421 - 432 (2023)
Journal Article
Dyer, A.; Ryser, R.; Brose, U.; Amyntas, A.; Bodnar, N.; Boy, T.; Bucher, S. F.; Cesarz, S.; Eisenhauer, N.; Gebler, A. et al.; Hines, J.; Kyba, C. C. M.; Menz, M. H. M.; Rackwitz, K.; Shatwell, T.; Terlau, J. F.; Hirt, M. R.: Insect communities under skyglow: diffuse night-time illuminance induces spatio-temporal shifts in movement and predation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 378 (1892), 20220359 (2023)
Journal Article
Ellis-Soto, D.; Oliver, R. Y.; Brum-Bastos, V.; Demsar, U.; Jesmer, B.; Long, J. A.; Cagnacci, F.; Ossi, F.; Queiroz, N.; Hindell, M. et al.; Kays, R.; Loretto, M.-C.; Mueller, T.; Patchett, R.; Sims, D. W.; Tucker, M. A.; Ropert-Coudert, Y.; Rutz, C.; Jetz, W.: A vision for incorporating human mobility in the study of human-wildlife interactions. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7, pp. 1362 - 1372 (2023)
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