Ursachen, Mechanismen und Folgen des Singvogelzugs

Wir beobachten ganzjährig ansässige, teil- oder vollständig ziehende Amseln (Turdus merula) mit neuester (ICARUS) Tracking- und Logger-Technologie, um ihr natürliches Bewegungsverhalten in höchster Auflösung zu bestimmen und ihre Physiologie, z.B. Herzfrequenz und Körpertemperatur, zu überwachen. Außerdem züchten wir in unseren großen Volieren Individuen, die aus den verschiedenen Populationen stammen. Mit Hilfe der reziproken Translokation setzen wir die in Gefangenschaft gezüchteten Individuen wieder in die jeweilige Umgebung der Elterntiere frei. Diese phänotypischen Experimente ermöglichen es uns, die Prinzipien der Reaktionsnormen von Bewegungsentscheidungen in Bezug auf wechselnde Umgebungen zu untersuchen.


How individuals know whether, when, where and how to migrate may vary with species and their degree of sociality. In some taxa, where animals migrate together in groups, such as in geese or cranes, the young appear to learn from older birds, including aspects of the seasonal timing, migration routes and wintering areas. In many other species, however, individuals may migrate alone, unaided by conspecifics... [mehr]
Developing young animals rely on parental care to buffer them from harsh conditions, and when and where parents choose to reproduce affects the environment offspring experience. We perform experiments in our breeding aviaries by manipulating ambient nest temperatures to study to what extent early life conditions shape thermoregulatory capacity... [mehr]
In contrast to other migratory model systems where migratory traits vary continuously, the beauty of partial migration is the clear-cut behavioral dichotomy of migrant versus resident phenotypes, making it a powerful model system to study the genomic basis of migration. We performed transcriptomic analyses and detected four differentially expressed genes between migrants and residents... [mehr]
The first year of life, when many animal species are searching for suitable habitats and reproductive partners, is one of the most critical phases in their life history and particularly interesting for many aspects in evolution, ecology and environmental protection. Especially for smaller and highly mobile species, like the Common blackbird, these dispersal processes within the first year ... [mehr]
Migration is an endurance event that requires proper training and fuel. While human athletes that fail to eat optimally before endurance competitions may cost themselves a chance at medaling or qualifying for future events, wild animals that fail to fuel themselves properly before undertaking migrations risk far more consequential costs like missed breeding opportunities or death. ... [mehr]
The energetics and decision-making process underlying whether to migrate or not are still largely unexplored. What are the energetic benefits of migrating to milder wintering areas versus staying at the breeding sites? We investigate these questions with the partially migratory Common blackbird. Using radio telemetry and implantable heart rate and body temperature data loggers we quantify the energetic costs ... [mehr]

In den Medien


rbb Radio Eins

5. Oktober 2024

Zugvögel sparen im Süden viel Energie - oder? mehr



20. September 2024

Forscher widerlegen Energiesparmodell der Amsel mehr

<span><span><span><span>DER SPIEGEL</span></span></span></span>


20. September 2024

Zugvögel: Forscher widerlegen Energiesparmodell der Amsel mehr



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Der aufwendige Lifestyle der Zugvögel: Wanderer sparen im Winter kaum Energie mehr

<span><span><span><span>The New York Times</span></span></span></span>

The New York Times

18. September 2024

Study Reveals Bird-Migration Mystery mehr

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