Veranstaltungen am Max-Planck-Institut für Verhaltensbiologie

Urbanisation is expected to shape animal movement in several predictable ways. For example, a major review in carnivores found that most studied species exhibit a decreasing home range size with increasing urbanisation, likely caused by high-quality resources and increased landscape heterogeneity ... [mehr]

Selection Symposium 2025

Selection Symposium 2025

Data Analysis with R - Introduction to R Programming (online course)

Data Analysis with R (online course)
  • Beginn: 25.03.2025 09:30
  • Ende: 08.04.2025 17:30
  • Vortragende(r): Rick Scavetta
  • Rick Scavetta has been operating as an independent workshop trainer, freelance data scientist, and co-founder since 2012. Under the name Scavetta Academy, Rick maintains a strong and recurring presence at prominent research institutes throughout Germany. These include several Max Planck Institutes and Excellence Clusters, covering diverse fields such as primatology, earth sciences, marine biology, molecular genetics, and behavioral psychology. With online courses featured on DataCamp, Rick's teachings have reached more than 200,000 students since 2016. Additionally, he has made contributions to advanced data science courses offered by O’Reilly and Manning.
  • Ort: online
  • Kontakt:

Institute Seminar by Redouan Bshary

Institute Seminar by Redouan Bshary

Institute Seminar by Martina Scacco

Institute Seminar by Martina Scacco

Adaptation in multiple plant-insect interactions and one scientist’s career

Institute Seminar by Carina Baskett
  • Datum: 29.04.2025
  • Uhrzeit: 10:30 - 11:30
  • Vortragende(r): Carina Baskett
  • Carina Baskett completed her PhD in 2018 in plant evolutionary ecology advised by Doug Schemske and Marjorie Weber at Michigan State University, USA. She did a postdoc with Nick Barton at Institute of Science and Technology-Austria outside Vienna, studying flower color variation in wild snapdragons. In 2021, she transitioned from research to grant writing and professional development in an interdisciplinary microbiology research center at Georgia Tech, USA. After three years, she moved back to Vienna and is coordinating a collaborative grant and a graduate program at Vetmeduni. When not at work or moving across the Atlantic, she is chasing after two kids and/or climbing.
  • Ort: Bückle St. 5a, 78467 Konstanz
  • Raum: Seminar room MPI-AB Bücklestrasse + Online
  • Gastgeber: Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior
  • Kontakt:
A fundamental question at the intersection of ecology and evolution is how do biotic and abiotic environments differentially influence adaptation and diversification? The abiotic environment can change, but it cannot coevolve (a process of reciprocal adaptation). This profound difference is ... [mehr]

Reciprocity in animals

Institute Seminar by Gerry Carter
  • Datum: 06.05.2025
  • Uhrzeit: 10:30 - 11:30
  • Vortragende(r): Gerry Carter
  • I'm an Associate Professor at Princeton University, a Research Associate at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI), and a Freeman Hrabowski Scholar at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. I was previously an Associate Professor at The Ohio State University, a Humboldt Fellow at MPI-AB (then Ornithology) in Konstanz, and a Smithsonian Postdoc Fellow at STRI. I did my PhD with Jerry Wilkinson at the University of Maryland. Outside work, my hobbies are that my kids are 4 and 2 years old.
  • Ort: MPI-AB Möggingen
  • Raum: Seminar room MPI-AB Möggingen + Online
  • Gastgeber: Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior
  • Kontakt:
Reciprocity has been a controversial topic in behavioral ecology for over 40 years. How often is cooperation between animals stabilized by conditional responses to each partner's helping (reciprocity)? How often are cooperative investments explained by product returns (pseudo-reciprocity)? I argue ... [mehr]

IMPRS PhD student retreat 2025

IMPRS PhD student retreat 2025

Institute Seminar by Adwait Deshpande

Institute Seminar by Adwait Deshpande

Blackcap migration - adaptation in time and space

Institute Seminar by Miriam Liedvogel
  • Datum: 17.06.2025
  • Uhrzeit: 10:30 - 11:30
  • Vortragende(r): Miriam Liedvogel
  • Miriam Liedvogel is Director of the Institute of Avian Research “Vogelwarte Helgoland” and Professor of Ornithology at Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg. She is fascinated by the phenomenon of bird migration and with her research asks, how this fascinating behaviour is controlled, coordinated and regulated on the molecular level? To address this question, she links careful behavioural observation and state-of-the-art tracking migration in the wild to carefully characterise migratory behaviour under controlled conditions as well as free flying birds, with whole genome sequencing and gene expression approaches to match genotype to phenotype. Her work is funded through the European Commission (Marie Curie Fellowship), the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Feodor Lynen Fellowship), the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Max Planck Society (MPG). Miriam has been awarded various prices and fellowships, e.g. an award for outstanding supervision by the Universitätsgesellschaft Oldenburg (UGO), the JED Williams Medal for her committee work. Besides regularly talking at both national and international scientific conferences, Miriam enjoys to communicate science to children and the general public.
  • Ort: Bückle St. 5a, 78467 Konstanz
  • Raum: Seminar room MPI-AB Bücklestrasse + Online
  • Gastgeber: Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior
  • Kontakt:
Understanding the genetics of bird migration is a long-standing goal in evolutionary biology. Blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla are ideal for this work as different populations exhibit enormous difference in migratory behaviour and little else. We characterize (i) phenotype, population structure and ... [mehr]

Genomic Pillars of the Social Brain: Lessons from the Honey Bee

Institute Seminar by Gene Robinson
  • Institute seminar moved to MONDAY
  • Datum: 23.06.2025
  • Uhrzeit: 10:30 - 11:30
  • Vortragende(r): Gene Robinson
  • Gene E. Robinson (Ph.D., Cornell University, 1986) joined the faculty of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1989. He holds a University Swanlund Chair and Center for Advanced Study Professorship, is director of the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology (IGB), and former director of the University's Neuroscience Program. Robinson pioneered the application of genomics to the study of social behavior, has been honored with the Wolf Prize in Agriculture, and is a member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Medicine, and American Philosophical Society.
  • Ort: MPI-AB Möggingen
  • Raum: Seminar room MPI-AB Möggingen + Online
  • Gastgeber: Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior

Institute Seminar by Clara Hozer

Institute Seminar by Clara Hozer

Scientific Writing (workshop)

  • Beginn: 03.07.2025
  • Ende: 04.07.2025
  • Vortragende(r): Brian Cusack, Science Craft
  • Dr. Brian Cusack comes from Cork, Ireland and received his Ph.D. in Genetics from Trinity College, Dublin in 2007. During his Ph.D. Brian received the kind of mentoring that he continues to consider as the gold-standard for graduate students. After completing his first postdoc at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, Brian conducted post-doctoral research in evolutionary genomics at the Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin. In February 2012, together with Rick Scavetta, Brian co-founded Science Craft in Berlin. Since then Brian has provided high-level training workshops for more than a thousand researchers throughout Germany as well as in Norway and China.
  • Ort: tba
  • Raum: tba
  • Gastgeber: IMPRS
  • Kontakt:

Getting Published and Mastering Peer Review (workshop)

  • Beginn: 07.07.2025
  • Ende: 08.07.2025
  • Vortragende(r): Brian Cusack, Science Craft
  • Dr. Brian Cusack comes from Cork, Ireland and received his Ph.D. in Genetics from Trinity College, Dublin in 2007. During his Ph.D. Brian received the kind of mentoring that he continues to consider as the gold-standard for graduate students. After completing his first postdoc at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, Brian conducted post-doctoral research in evolutionary genomics at the Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin. In February 2012, together with Rick Scavetta, Brian co-founded Science Craft in Berlin. Since then Brian has provided high-level training workshops for more than a thousand researchers throughout Germany as well as in Norway and China.
  • Ort: tba
  • Raum: tba
  • Gastgeber: IMPRS
  • Kontakt:

Institute Seminar by Genevieve Finerty

Institute Seminar by Genevieve Finerty

Data Visualization with R - Mastering Visual Data Communication (online course)

  • Beginn: 11.11.2025 09:30
  • Ende: 27.11.2025 17:30
  • Vortragende(r): Rick Scavetta
  • Rick Scavetta has been operating as an independent workshop trainer, freelance data scientist, and co-founder since 2012. Under the name Scavetta Academy, Rick maintains a strong and recurring presence at prominent research institutes throughout Germany. These include several Max Planck Institutes and Excellence Clusters, covering diverse fields such as primatology, earth sciences, marine biology, molecular genetics, and behavioral psychology. With online courses featured on DataCamp, Rick's teachings have reached more than 200,000 students since 2016. Additionally, he has made contributions to advanced data science courses offered by O’Reilly and Manning.
  • Ort: online
  • Kontakt:
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