Dr. Elham Nourani
Abteilung für Tierwanderungen
Forschungsgruppe Safi
Forschungsgruppe Safi
My research focuses on how species interact with their environment when moving and how responding to environmental conditions has shaped optimal movement strategies and distributions. I am particularly interested in approaching these questions with a focus on ontogeny, macroecology and global change.
- Aug 2022-present: Postdoctoral Researcher, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Radolfzell, Germany
- Feb 2021-Jul 2022: DAAD PRIME fellow, University of Konstanz (Germany), Swansea University (UK), and Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior (Germany)
- Oct 2018-Jan 2021: Postdoctoral Researcher, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Radolfzell, Germany
- Jan-Aug 2018: Director of research and monitoring, Tarlan Ornithological Society, Tehran, Iran
- Oct 2014-Sep 2017: PhD in Environmental Science, Evaluating the future impacts of climate change on the movement of migratory birds, with Noriyuki Yamaguchi, Nagasaki University, Japan
- Apr-Sep 2014: Research student, Laboratory of Animal Ecology, Nagasaki University, Japan
- 2011-2014: MSc Environmental Science, University of Tehran, Iran
- 2007-2011: BSc Environmental Science, University of Tehran, Iran