Publications of Elizabeth Yohannes
All genres
Journal Article (19)
Journal Article
87, pp. 73 - 102 (2023)
Stable isotope values and trophic analysis of invasive three-spined stickleback in Upper Lake Constance points to significant piscivory. Neobiota 2.
Journal Article
67, pp. 1287 - 1297 (2022)
Condition-dependent immune function in a freshwater snail revealed by stable isotopes. Freshwater Biology 3.
Journal Article
14 (10), pp. 2470 - 2489 (2021)
Rapid adaptation through genomic and epigenomic responses following translocations in an endangered salmonid. Evolutionary Applications 4.
Journal Article
74, 143 (2020)
Population-specific assessment of carry-over effects across the range of a migratory songbird. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 5.
Journal Article
15, 39 (2018)
Seasonality at the equator: Isotope signatures and hormonal correlates of molt phenology in a non-migratory Amazonian songbird. Frontiers in Zoology 6.
Journal Article
7 (11), e01566 (2016)
Stable isotopes predict reproductive performance of European starlings breeding in anthropogenic environments. Ecosphere 7.
Journal Article
6 (4), pp. 307 - 312 (2013)
Nest composition and yolk hormones: Do female European starlings adjust yolk androgens to nest quality? Avian Biology Research 8.
Journal Article
27 (17), pp. 1945 - 1953 (2013)
Advantages of using fecal samples for stable isotope analysis in bats: Evidence from a triple isotopic experiment. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 9.
Journal Article
154 (4), pp. 868 - 873 (2012)
Feather deuterium as an indicator of age-class in the Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos. Ibis 10.
Journal Article
81 (3), pp. 273 - 275 (2010)
Using stable isotopes to trace resource acquisition and trophic position in four Afrotropical birds with different diets. Ostrich 11.
Journal Article
41 (5), pp. 580 - 590 (2010)
Resource use for reproduction depends on spring arrival time and wintering area in an arctic breeding shorebird. Journal of Avian Biology 12.
Journal Article
150 (2), pp. 369 - 381 (2009)
Passerine migration strategies and body mass variation along geographic sectors across East Africa, the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula. Journal of Ornithology 13.
Journal Article
40 (2), pp. 126 - 134 (2009)
Migration speeds among eleven species of long-distance migrating passerines across Europe, the desert and eastern Africa. Journal of Avian Biology 14.
Journal Article
150 (1), pp. 287 - 291 (2009)
Prevalence of malaria and related haemosporidian parasites in two shorebird species with different winter habitat distribution. Journal of Ornithology 15.
Journal Article
149 (2), pp. 261 - 265 (2008)
Philopatry of winter moult area in migratory Great Reed Warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus demonstrated by stable isotope profiles. Journal of Ornithology 16.
Journal Article
158 (2), pp. 299 - 306 (2008)
Isotope signatures in winter moulted feathers predict malaria prevalence in a breeding avian host. Oecologia 17.
Journal Article
85 (6), pp. 703 - 708 (2007)
Establishing elemental turnover in exercising birds using a wind tunnel: Implications for stable isotope tracking of migrants. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie 18.
Journal Article
38 (3), pp. 347 - 355 (2007)
Feather stable-isotope profiles reveal stopover habitat selection and site fidelity in nine migratory species moving through sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Avian Biology 19.
Journal Article
36 (3), pp. 235 - 241 (2005)
Stable isotope analyses of feathers help identify autumn stopover sites of three long-distance migrants in northeastern Africa. Journal of Avian Biology