Team der Abteilung Ökologie der Tiergesellschaften
Prof. Dr. Meg Crofoot
Geschäftsführende DirektorinIMPRS Dozentin
IMPRS Vorstandsmitglied
Ich bin Verhaltensökologin und evolutionäre Anthropologin, interessiert an der Entstehung sozialer Komplexität. Mit Hilfe von Beobachtung, feldbasierten Experimenten und modernster Fernerkundungstechnologie erforsche ich, wie in Gruppen lebende Tiere Interessenskonflikte überwinden, um gemeinsame Ziele zu erreichen. Ich interessiere mich besonders dafür, wie sich Merkmale auf der Gruppenebene ausprägen und auf welche Weise sie die kollektive Ökologie von Tiergesellschaften beeinflussen.
• Kollektive Fortbewegung • Entscheidungsfindung • Intergruppenwettbewerb • Tierkulturen • Werkzeuggebrauch • Soziale Nahrungssuche
Prof. Dr. Barbara Fruth
GruppenleiterinIMPRS Dozentin
IMPRS Sprecherin
IMPRS Vorstandsmitglied
Als Verhaltensökologin und evolutionäre Anthropologin, interessiere ich mich für das Sozialverhalten der Bonobos, ihre Umweltbedingungen, ihre Rolle innerhalb ihres Ökosystems und ihre Lebensgeschichte. Einer meiner Schwerpunkte ist ihr Nahrungsrepertoire, das extrem vielfältig ist und von reinen Nahrungsmitteln bis hin zu Pflanzen, die zu medizinischen Zwecken genutzt werden, reicht. Dazu verfolge ich einen interdisziplinären Ansatz, der Herbarien, Analysen der phytochemischen und pharmakologischen Eigenschaften von Pflanzen und deren Auswirkungen auf Wachstum, Gesundheit und Fitness einzelner Bonobos integriert.
• Ernährungsökologie • Lebensgeschichte • Gemeinschaftsökologie • Erhaltung • Bonobos
Dr. Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin
GruppenleiterinIMPRS Dozentin
My group studies the mechanisms and consequences of collective behavior in social animals. We seek to understand how individuals in groups coordinate and communicate with one another to make collective decisions. We combine high-resolution tracking of entire social groups in the wild with boots-on-the-ground field biology, and develop analytical approaches to comprehend the patterns of collective behavior we see in nature.
• Communication & Collective Movement • Coatis • Meerkats • Hyenas • Baboons
Nadia Balduccio
IMPRS DoktorandinIch bin Ökologin und habe mich auf tropische Ökosysteme spezialisiert. Ich habe eine Vielzahl von Wildtieren in Südamerika, Afrika und Asien untersucht, wobei der Naturschutz im Mittelpunkt meiner Arbeit stand. In meiner Doktorarbeit konzentriere ich mich auf die Auswirkungen der Jagd durch den Menschen (Homo sapiens) auf die Häufigkeit von Säugetieren und deren Bewegungsmuster. Im Rahmen des LuiKotale-Bonobo-Projekts in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo bewerte ich die Säugetiergemeinschaft in Gebieten, die unterschiedlich lange geschützt sind.
• Naturschutz • Monitoring • Säugetiergemeinschaft • Jagd
Dr. Brendan Barrett
PostdoktorandI am an evolutionary behavioral ecologist and anthropologist, combining theoretical approaches like mathematical modeling and empirical field work to study extragenetic inheritance. In capuchin monkeys, we aim to understand how cultural transmission and evolution, different types of social learning, life history, territorial inheritance, and dispersal shape animal behavior and sociality. A centerpiece of our research is the extractive foraging and the evolution of tool use. To understand drivers of its advent, we cross-compare tool using and non-tool using capuchin populations and e.g. map behavior on resource availability.
• Bayesian statistics • Theoretical modeling • Social learning • Foraging innovation & Tool use • Capuchins
Dr. Mattia Bessone
PostdoktorandI am a postdoctoral ecologist in the team of Prof. Dr. Barbara Fruth, interested in understanding the factors influencing the viability of wildlife populations, with a focus on Central Africa and the Congo Basin. In my current project, financed by the University of Konstanz via the Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour, I aim to integrate human hunters as a factor, evaluating their role in driving prey behaviour and population dynamics, but also to highlight the importance of wildlife for the livelihood of local people. My ambition is to assess the sustainability of wildlife hunting by understanding ongoing predator-prey dynamics, including traditional practices and socio-economic aspects. In close collaboration with the LuiKotale Bonobo Project, I conduct my research in the Province of Mai-Ndombe, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where I work in collaboration with six villages, representing approximatively 400 households.
Dr. Natalia Borrego
PostdoktorandinI am a postdoctoral behavioral ecologist interested in the selective forces shaping sociality and the proposed evolutionary links between sociality and advanced cognition. I study variability in the social structure and cooperative complexity of African lions across habitats with differing levels of resource richness. I aim to identify conditions under which sociality emerges (and breaks down), as well as conditions favoring cognitive complexity during cooperation.
• African lion • Animal cognition • Social complexity • Ethology • Non-stationarity
Maria Camila Calderon
IMPRS DoktorandinI study group foraging in the Neotropical greater spear-nosed bat. In collaboration with Teague O'Mara and the Dechmann lab, I map resource distribution and combine it with high-resolution movement and acoustic data of whole groups of bats. I investigate how group foraging decisions can be facilitated by social information and the social interactions of the groups.
• Group foraging • High-resolution spatial and acoustic data • Bats
Chi Hsin Chen
IMPRS DoktorandinIch bin Verhaltensökologin mit einer Ausbildung in vergleichender Psychologie und Ethologie. Im Allgemeinen interessiere ich mich für soziale Kognition, Kommunikation und Entscheidungsfindung in Tiergesellschaften. In meiner Doktorarbeit werde ich untersuchen, wie Tüpfelhyänen kommunizieren, um relevante Informationen zu erhalten, die ihre Entscheidungsfindung bei der Gruppenkoordination beeinflussen. Ich freue mich darauf, akustische, GPS- und Beschleunigungsmesserdaten zu kombinieren, um Fragen zum sozialen Entscheidungsprozess bei Tüpfelhyänen zu beantworten.
Dr. Vlad Demartsev
PostdoktorandI am a behavioral ecologist interested in communication in social mammals and its self-regulated coordination. In meerkats, I study the interaction aspect of communication such as the timing of the vocalisation and the social dynamics of vocal exchanges. I also explore breathing as a potential indicator of vocalisation intention and as a possible social cue aiding in regulation of signalling turns.
• Communication & Collective Movement • Turn-taking • Meerkats • Hyrax
Dr. Genevieve E. Finerty
PostdoktorandinI am an ecologist, broadly, interested in the interface between spatial and behavioural ecology. As well as a focus on fundamental ecology, I am also interested in how theory can be used to inform conservation and management efforts. These days I mostly work with lions, using long-term datasets on movement and observations to explore how the distribution and richness of resources drive social and spatial structure in populations. I enjoy using quantitative approaches (mostly in R) and working collaboratively.
• African lion • Animal movement • Dispersal • Fission-fusion • Non-stationarity
Dr. Gabriella Gall
PostdoktorandinIn my current research I try to understand how an individual’s ability to coordinate with others is affected by experiences early in life and whether these differences ultimately affect individual fitness. I address these questions by studying vocal signals used to coordinate group activity in two study systems, the domestic chicken and the common pheasant. This work is in close collaboration with Dr Joah Madden (University of Exeter) and Prof Andrew Radford (University of Bristol).
• Communication & Collective Movement
• Group coordination
• Spatial and acoustic data
• Common pheasant
• Domestic chicken
Zoë Goldsborough
IMPRS DoktorandinI am a behavioral ecologist, studying the cultural transmission of behaviors and how this relates to socio-ecological, environmental, and individual differences. By combining observations with non-invasive experiments and statistical modeling, I aim to learn more about animal culture. I study social learning of stone tool use in island living white-faced capuchin monkeys, with the aim to discover which factors drive the development of this behavior, as island populations seem to be more prone to develop tool use.
• Tool use • Cultural transmission • Thanatology • Capuchins
Dr. Roi Harel
PostdoktorandI am a behavioral ecologist, primarily aimed at understanding the factors governing decision making, leadership and fine-scale behavior of animals in ecologically and socially relevant contexts. I develop state-of-the-art tracking technologies with the minimal equipment to gain maximal reliable information about behavior. I combine field-based observational and experimental approaches with supervised machine-learning to understand how groups solve conflicts of interests relating to food rewards, staying cohesive as a group and reach consensus decisions concerning where to go.
• Leadership • Tag development • Baboons
Dr. Urs Kalbitzer
IMPRS DozentWissenschaftler
I am a behavioral ecologist interested in the evolution of primate social behavior, animal responses to environmental changes, and the enhancement and validation of quantitative methods applied in behavioral ecology. In white-faced capuchin monkeys and red colobus monkeys, two species differing a lot in their ecology, I compare female social relationships and the resulting fitness consequences. I study potential mechanisms underlying this fitness-sociality link by analyzing behavior, physiological parameters, and ecological variability like resource distribution.
• Female social connectedness • Quantitative method validation • Capuchins • Colobus monkeys
Dr. Pranav Minasandra
IMPRS AlumniPostdoktorand
I am a computational biologist, interested in collective animal behaviour and movement patterns. My work is focused on social factors that affect synchronisation of wake-sleep cycles in animals. in cooperation with the Jordan lab, I will combine theoretical and experimental approaches to study these factors in cichlid fish. Using a model-fitting approach, I will address questions about the social dimension of synchronisation.
Behavioural state dynamics • Social entrainment • Wake-sleep cycle • Spotted hyenas • Cichlid fish
Claudio Manuel Monteza Moreno, M.Sc.
IMPRS DoktorandI am a field biologist interested in behavior, ecology and natural history of forest mammals. I study the dynamics of biodiversity and the effects of disconnected habitats caused by anthropogenic change. By assessing the occupancy of community of forest mammals in the Panama Canal area, I aim to identify the degree of landscape connectivity across plantation mosaics that are disconnecting forests.
• Landscape Connectivity • Conservation • Coffee • Capuchins
Dr. Tracy Montgomery
PostdoktorandinI am a behavioral ecologist studying the mechanisms and evolution of sociality via an integrative approach that links physiological mechanisms, behavioral phenotypes, and ecological forces. In collaboration with Zea Walton and the Ankoatsifaka Sifaka Research Project, we investigate the collective ecology of Verreaux's sifaka and their primary predator, the fosa. We employ state-of-the-art tracking technology in conjunction with traditional field observations and long-term data to examine the intersection of social dynamics, spatial decision-making, and predator-prey interactions.
• Collective behavior • Social ecology • Fosa • Sifaka
Dr. Hemal Naik
PostdoktorandI am a computer vision specialist, developing augmented and virtual reality solutions. I aim to bridge the gap between computer science and animal behavior research. I designed techniques for tracking 3D animal movement and posture in the imaging hangar ‘The Barn’. Currently with the excellence cluster, I am designing a software framework to make the 3D tracking facility easily accessible, so that researches from multiple disciplines (biologists, psychologists) can test their ideas efficiently.
• Virtual Reality • Collective behavior • Wildlife conservation • Birdwatching
Chase L Núñez, PhD
PostdoktorandI am a community ecologist specialized in ecological forecasting. I am interested in understanding how the processes that connect individuals respond to environmental variability so we can better predict how large-scale changes in climate, land-use, and resources will change the composition and function of groups and ecosystems. My research program focuses on the social and ecological determinants of decision-making in dispersing male baboons as they leave their natal group, and eventually join a new one.
• Decision-making • Ecological forecasting • Baboons
Sonya Pashchevskaya
IMPRS Doktorandin
Mein Hauptinteresse gilt dem Sozialverhalten von Bonobos (Pan paniscus): seine Entwicklung, Struktur und Funktionen. Ich bin fasziniert von der Dynamik von Bonobo-Netzwerken: wie sich ihre Eigenschaften in Abhängigkeit von ökologischen Faktoren verändern und wie sich die Positionen der Individuen auf die Netzwerkstruktur auswirken können. Mit meinem mathematischen Hintergrund wende ich die Analyse sozialer Netzwerke an, um globale und lokale Muster von Verbindungen und Interaktionen zwischen Individuen innerhalb einer Gemeinschaft zu untersuchen. In meiner Masterarbeit habe ich mich darauf konzentriert, wie Netzwerkmerkmale die Ausbreitung von Krankheiten bei den Bonobos von LuiKotale beeinflussen.
• Bonobo • Netzwerkanalyse • Sozialverhalten
Dr. Vivek Hari Sridhar
IMPRS AlumniPostdoktorand
I am a computational biologist, interested in the interplay between individual and group level properties in animal societies. I investigate decision-making across scales: how individual behaviour translates to decisions at the group level and thus affects collective motion and information propagation. Currently, I analyse trajectories, construct agent-based models, and use Bayesian inference to study coordination of movement via vocal communication in meerkats.
• Communication & Collective Movement • Bayesian inference • Neural networks • Information • Meerkats
Kathrine Stewart
IMPRS DoktorandinIch bin Verhaltensökologin und interessiere mich vor allem dafür, wie in Gruppen lebende Tiere Entscheidungen treffen. Derzeit untersuche ich die Entscheidungen wild lebender Bonobos (Pan paniscus) bei der Nahrungssuche, um besser zu verstehen, wie die Individuen ihre Nährstoffaufnahme und Energiekosten optimieren, wenn die Verfügbarkeit von Nahrung variiert, und wie diese individuellen Entscheidungen bei der Nahrungssuche die Dynamik der Gruppenspaltung und -fusion beeinflussen. Außerdem untersuche ich, wie soziale und umweltbedingte Faktoren die Entscheidungen von Gruppen darüber beeinflussen, wann und wie sie miteinander interagieren.
• Entscheidungsfindung • Futtersuchverhalten • Bonobos
Dr. Kate Tiedeman
PostdoktorandinI am a landscape ecologist interested in understanding how the past and present landscape impacts animal movement and human wildlife conflict. My current research focuses on quantifying nutritional landscapes in tropical forests using remote sensing. I use machine learning with hyperspectral imaging to model tree species distribution and sugar content of Dipteryx fruits. With this, I aim to understand drivers of animal movement and behavior at the community level.
• Remote sensing • Temporal variation in resource distribution • Crop productivity • Human wildlife conflict • Dipteryx
Dr. Zea Walton
PostdoktorandinI am a carnivore ecologist broadly interested in animal movement and predator-prey interactions. My research aims to investigate how predators influence the collective behavior and social networks of group living prey species. Together with Tracy Montgomery, I integrate the fosa, Madagascar’s largest native predator, into long-term research on Verreaux’s sifaka, to understand the mechanisms of behavioral coordination, patterns of information flow and decision making of the sifaka in relation to their most important predator.
• Collective behavior • Social ecology • Predator-prey interactions • Fosa • Sifaka
Bachelor & Master Student*innen
Beguide Bobo Naom Daov
MasterstudentIch bin Masterstudent an der Universität Burgund in Frankreich. Im Rahmen des vom CASCB geförderten Schwerpunkts "Ökologische und soziale Auslöser der Bewegungsmuster von Menschen (Räuber) und Tieren (Beute) in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo" führte ich 2023 im LuiKotale Bonobo-Projekt Untersuchungen durch. Dabei habe ich drei Arten von Waldantilopen (Cephalophus spp.) gefangen, mit Halsbändern versehen und per Funk geortet. Mit Unterstützung eines ERASMUS+-Mobilitätsstipendiums bin ich für ein Praktikum in der Arbeitsgruppe von Barbara Fruth, um Daten zur räumlichen Nutzung, den Lebensraum und Aktivitätsverhalten der verschiedenen Antilopen zu untersuchen.
Affiliierte und Gastwissenschaftler:innen
Dr. Michelle Brown
GastwissenschaftlerinI am a primate behavioral ecologist and study feeding competition among individuals, groups, and species in order to understand the short- and long-term fitness effects of varying social strategies. As the Director of the Ngogo Monkey Project, I lead a team that works with many groups of five monkey species in Kibale National Park in Uganda. My research incorporates behavioral observations, endocrinology, plant reproductive phenology, vertebrate censuses, and playback experiments.
• Communication & Feeding competition • Endocrinology • Red-tailed monkeys • Blue monkeys • Grey-cheeked mangabeys • Olive baboons • L'Hoest's monkeys
Dr. Melodie Kreyer
PostdoktorandinMein Forschungsinteresse gilt der Krankheitsübertragung bei wildlebenden Primaten und ich bin an Feldstudien über Bonobos (Pan paniscus) und Mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) beteiligt. Afrika erlebt tiefgreifende Umweltveränderungen, die für Wildtiere im Allgemeinen und wildlebende Primaten im Besonderen eine Herausforderung darstellen. Die meisten nicht-menschlichen Primatenarten sind Lebensraumveränderungen ausgesetzt, die auf das Eindringen des Menschen zurückzuführen sind. Neben dem Verlust von Lebensraum erhöht die Nähe zu menschlichen Siedlungen das Risiko der Übertragung von Krankheitserregern durch den Menschen. Anhand von physiologischen Markern, die auf einen veränderten Gesundheitszustand hinweisen, möchte ich herausfinden, wie sich die Verschlechterung des Gesundheitszustands auf das Sozialverhalten, die Ernährung, die Aktivitätsmuster und die Fortpflanzung auswirkt.
• Bonobo • Gesundheit • Sellstmedikation • Krankheitsverhalten
Robert Lessnau
Affiliierter WissenschaftlerI am a zoologist, focused on primatology and especially interested in the conservation of wildlife. My current field work focuses on safe capture of various species of primates for study and the associated logistics (chemical immobilization, restraint, data collection, safe release and radio telemetry). My underlying goal is to address the welfare and ethical implications surrounding animal capture while developing standards that provide guidelines / protocols that will aid the scientific community on better practices for animal restraint.
• Animal welfare • Conservation • Prosimians • Neotropical primates
Lucia Torrez
DoktorandinI am a behavioral ecologist interested in interactions between animal groups, resource competition, and space-use. I combine direct observation and remote sensing data (such as GPS and radio telemetry) to investigate how risk of intergroup interactions and resource distribution influence foraging strategies and home range use in wild white-faced capuchin monkeys living in Panamá.
• Intergroup interactions • Resource distribution • Space use • Food for Thought • Capuchins
Linnea Worsøe Havmøller
DoktorandinI am an ecologist interested in movement ecology, conservation strategies, and juvenile dispersal of mammals. In the Indonesian dhole or Asiatic wild dog, I study movement ecology and activity patterns with GPS tracking and camera trapping, and I identify potential corridors between protected areas on Java. Additionally, I study their diet to recognise important prey species and detect if and how often livestock is eaten, particularly intending to improve conservation strategies.
• Movement ecology • Conservation • Food for Thought • Dholes
Dr. Rasmus Worsøe Havmøller
GastwissenschaftlerI am a mammologist with a background in genetics, camera trapping and animal tracking, with broad interests in ecology and conservation that use multidisciplinary approaches to answer questions using the latest technological advances. I use high-resolution GPS data to assess competitive interactions in neotropical frugivores in collaboration with Meg Crofoot, while also working on developing a kinetic tracking tag in collaboration with Martin Wikelski’s team. My future research goal is to study dispersal of juvenile mammals.
• Food for Thought • Tag development • Animal movement • Juvenile dispersal • Conservation
Wissenschaftsunterstützendes Personal
Dr. Alison Ashbury
Wissenschaftsautor*inI am an evolutionary biologist, interested in the study of movement ecology and collective behavior, especially among primates. I earned a PhD in Evolutionary Biology from the University of Zurich, where I studied movement and space-use among Bornean orangutans.
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Katrin Dieter
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Dr. Shauhin E. Alavi
PostdoktorandI am an evolutionary anthropologist, interested in how animals interact with their environments, incorporating a balance of theoretical modeling and intensive field work. I generate high resolution maps of the animals’ resource base, remotely sensing 3D structural and food attributes. I develop remote tracking solutions for monitoring rehabilitated great apes. Additionally, I take a comparative look at spatial cognition and decision making in frugivorous mammals in Panama.
• Tag development • Food For Thought • New Guinea Highland Wild Dog Foundation
Baptiste Averly
DoktorandI am a behavioral ecologist broadly interested in the way social animals exchange information in different ecological contexts, and how this in turn affects group-level outcomes. My main goal is to characterize how meerkats use vocal signaling to maintain group-cohesion and achieve coordination during movement. I am using custom-made collars to collect high-resolution movement and acoustic data of whole groups of meerkats at the Kalahari Meerkat Project in South Africa.
• Communication & Collective Movement • Spatial and acoustic data • Meerkats
Dr. Mauricio Cantor
PostdoktorandI am a postdoctoral marine ecologist, fascinated by emergent strategies in nature. My primary research contributes to the understanding of how animal social systems emerge from simple rules among interacting individuals. Combining theoretical models with empirical data, I study the cooperative foraging between artisanal fishermen and wild dolphins in southern Brazil toward the common goal of catching mullet fish.
• Human-animal cooperation • Biological networks • Dolphins • Whales
Dr. Kiran Dhanjal-Adams
PostdoktorandinI am an ecological modeller using machine learning to classify calls in meerkats, hyenas and coatis, to understand how communication influences group dynamics over multiple spatial and temporal scales. Using GPS and audio data from collared wild individuals, allows us to analyse how group movement and cohesion is facilitated by vocal communication. Looking at inter-species variation gives us insight into differences in short versus long distance communication and differences between very cohesive versus fission-fusion species.
• Communication & Collective Movement • Machine learning • Bird migration • Connectivity • Meerkats
Dr. Kosmas Hench
PostdoktorandI am an evolutionary geneticist, interested in the interaction of social and genetic inheritance within wild populations. By combining approaches from behavioral ecology and population genetics, I aim to understand the process of gene-culture co-evolution. Particularly, I am interested in feedback dynamics between animal behavior and gene flow during divergence and maintenance of population structure. In the interdisciplinary project ‘Food For Thought’, I am investigating dominance patterns in white-faced capuchin monkeys.
• Gene-culture co-evolution • Animal movement • Food For Thought • Speciation and divergence • Capuchins
Carter Loftus
DoktorandI am a behavioral ecologist interested in how group-living animals navigate a complex social environment and how relationships influence everyday decisions at the individual, the collective and the population level. I study the social impacts on decision-making in wild olive baboons, using GPS, inertial sensors, and video recordings, in conjunction with direct observations. 3D laser scans help me produce a physical reconstruction of sleep sites. I combine these with thermal imagery recordings to unveil agitation at night and to explore the influence of the social environment on sleep in baboon groups.
• Sleep site • Decision-making • Food For Thought • Baboons
Dr. Edward McLester
PostdoktorandMy research interests are focusing on African primate behavioural ecology. I am particularly interested in cercopithecine monkeys, which are typically under-studied compared to the great apes but can provide equally important insights into primate community ecology. I am currently working on field projects investigating cercopithecine and colobine abundance and behaviour at the LuiKotale and Ekongo (DRC) field sites.
• Primate Community • Cercopithecines • Colobines
Dr. Akanksha Rathore
PostdoktorandinI am broadly interested in the emergent behaviours and functions in animal groups (and societies). For my PhD, I studied emergent group behaviour of blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra) in the context of predation and mate-choice. I like to employ Computer Engineering concepts and aerial imaging techniques to answer questions related to Ecology. In future projects, I would like to gain a multi-perspective understanding of group-living animals and their ecosystems by employing interdisciplinary approaches. At the MPIAB, I will be studying mate-choice dynamics in blackbuck leks.
• Collective behaviour • Machine learning • Aerial imagery • Neural networks • Field ecology
Dr. Mara Thomas
PostdoktorandinI am a neuroscientist and bioinformatician interested in developing computational methods to understand how and what animals communicate. Currently, I use unsupervised dimensionality reduction and clustering to reveal patterns in meerkat vocalizations. More generally, I am interested in all types of data-driven research that aim to decipher emotions and intentions of animals and how we can use this knowledge to protect them.
• Communication & Collective Movement • Machine learning • Meerkats
Alexander Vining
DoktorandI am a behavioral ecologist and data analyst with a focus on the evolution of cognitive maps, the mental representation of space. I am especially interested in how elements of primate ecology, like a fruit-based diet and arboreal habitat, facilitate the evolution of cognitive maps. To answer this, I study the movement of kinkajous, an arboreal mammal that shares an ecological niche with humans’ primate ancestors. I aim to identify whether kinkajous supplement route learning with place learning.
Cognitive maps • Food For Thought • Kinkajous