Zeitschriftenartikel (203)
12 (1), 11 (2024)
Land use drives differential resource selection by African elephants in the Greater Mara Ecosystem, Kenya. BMC Movement Ecology 52.
Introducing a unique animal ID and digital life history museum for wildlife metadata. Methods in Ecology and Evolution (2024)
34 (14), S. R675 - R677 (2024)
Decoding the adaptation of multi-eyed visual systems. Current Biology 54.
104 (4), e3985 (2023)
A lifetime track of a griffon vulture: The moving story of Rehovot (Y64). Ecology 55.
15 (11), 2248 (2023)
Evolutionary insight into the association between New Jersey Polyomavirus and humans. Viruses 56.
155, 105762 (2023)
Stakeholder perceptions reveal obstacles and opportunities to change lethal methods of protecting bathers from sharks. Marine Policy 57.
14, 4069 (2023)
Group size and mating system predict sex differences in vocal fundamental frequency in anthropoid primates. Nature Communications 58.
92 (9), S. 1532 - 1544 (2023)
Inferential power in identifying frequency-dependent social learning strengthened by increasing behavioural options. Journal of Animal Ecology 59.
64, S. 107 - 121 (2023)
Assessing the effects of survey-inherent disturbance on primate detectability: Recommendations for line transect distance sampling. Primates 60.
77 (7), 77 (2023)
Range utilization slopes as a measure of central tendency and intergroup overlap in primates. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61.
120 (6), e207739120 (2023)
Foraging synchrony drives resilience in human-dolphin mutualism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 62.
11 (1), 29 (2023)
Combining accelerometry with allometry for estimating daily energy expenditure in joules when in-lab calibration is unavailable. BMC Movement Ecology 63.
Fifty plus years of primate research illustrates complex drivers of abundance and increasing primate numbers. American Journal of Primatology, e23577 (2023)
103 (4), S. 349 - 361 (2023)
Population parameters of Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) in a southern Brazilian estuary. Mammalian Biology 65.
10 (7), 230402 (2023)
Fission-fusion dynamics in sheep: the influence of resource distribution and temporal activity patterns. Royal Society Open Science 66.
14 (8), S. 1852 - 1863 (2023)
Signalling in groups: New tools for the integration of animal communication and collective movement. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 67.
92, S. 1520 - 1531 (2023)
Male rock hyraxes that maintain an isochronous song rhythm achieve higher reproductive success. Journal of Animal Ecology 68.
11 (1), S. 220 - 231 (2023)
Multi-sensor biologgers and innovative training allow data collection with high conservation and welfare value in zoos. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 69.
378 (1867), 20210076 (2023)
Animal seed dispersal recovery during passive restoration in a forested landscape. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 70.
13 (11), e10638 (2023)
A global systematic review of frugivorous animal tracking studies and the estimation of seed dispersal distances. Ecology and Evolution 71.
38 (12), S. 3205 - 3219 (2023)
Evaluating connectivity models for conservation: insights from African lion dispersal patterns. Landscape Ecology 72.
18 (4), e0284850 (2023)
Interspecific patterns of small cats in an intraguild-killer free area of the threatened Caatinga drylands, Brazil. PLoS One 73.
723, S. 171 - 183 (2023)
Thermal soaring in tropicbirds suggests that diverse seabirds may use this strategy to reduce flight costs. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 74.
13 (1), 3972 (2023)
The role of position in consensus dynamics of polarizable networks. Scientific Reports 75.
10 (9), 230355 (2023)
Coupling of coastal activity with tidal cycles is stronger in tool-using capuchins (Cebus capucinus imitator). Royal Society Open Science 76.
290, 20221754 (2023)
Chimpanzees communicate to coordinate a cultural practice. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 77.
13 (1), 11299 (2023)
Humans strategically avoid connecting to others who agree and avert the emergence of network polarization in a coordination task. Scientific Reports 78.
11 (1), 71 (2023)
Examination of head versus body heading may help clarify the extent to which animal movement pathways are structured by environmental cues? BMC Movement Ecology 79.
10 (5), 230489 (2023)
Directional speakers as a tool for animal vocal communication studies. Royal Society Open Science 80.
11 (1), 61 (2023)
Multi-scale movement syndromes for comparative analyses of animal movement patterns. BMC Movement Ecology 81.
20, S. 93 - 104 (2023)
Neopterin levels in bonobos vary seasonally and reflect symptomatic respiratory infections. EcoHealth 82.
10 (6), 230215 (2023)
Link updating strategies influence consensus decisions as a function of the direction of communication. Royal Society Open Science 83.
85 (9), e23535 (2023)
Alternative reproductive tactics of unflanged and flanged male orangutans revisited. American Journal of Primatology 84.
33 (16), S. R853 - R854 (2023)
Vertebrate environmental DNA from leaf swabs. Current Biology 85.
85 (6), e23486 (2023)
Golden-bellied mangabeys (Cercocebus chrysogaster) exhibit a larger home range and longer travel distances than those of bonobos (Pan paniscus) at LuiKotale, Democratic Republic of the Congo. American Journal of Primatology 86.
10 (11), 230750 (2023)
Accelerometer-based predictions of behaviour elucidate factors affecting the daily activity patterns of spotted hyenas. Royal Society Open Science 87.
290 (2011), 20231390 (2023)
Determinants of hyena participation in risky collective action. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 88.
9 (35), eadf8068 (2023)
SMART-BARN: Scalable multimodal arena for real-time tracking behavior of animals in large numbers. Science Advances 89.
77, 102258 (2023)
Learning to detect an animal sound from five examples. Ecological Informatics 90.
85 (1), e23436 (2023)
A skew in poo: Biases in primate fecal isotope analysis and recommendations for standardized sample preparation. American Journal of Primatology 91.
55 (2), S. 529 - 539 (2023)
30 years brings changes to the arthropod community of Kibale National Park, Uganda. Biotropica 92.
290, 20222349 (2023)
Mother-to-daughter transmission of hygienic anti-parasite behaviour in mandrills. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 93.
378, 20220066 (2023)
Lekking as collective behaviour. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 94.
76 (2), S. 119 - 132 (2023)
Impacts of COVID-19 on biodiversity conservation and community networks at Kibale National Park, Uganda. The Professional Geographer 95.
13 (1), 13184 (2023)
Ecological, social, and intrinsic factors affecting wild orangutans' curiosity, assessed using a field experiment. Scientific Reports 96.
26 (10), 107358 (2023)
Socially bonded females face more sexual coercion in a female-philopatric primate. iScience 97.
285, 110202 (2023)
Differentiated drivers in wildlife-induced damage necessitate species-specific mitigation strategies in the western Serengeti, Tanzania. Biological Conservation 98.
11, 100368 (2023)
Investigating the impact of a long-term research and conservation project on the expansion of land use and land cover in a remote area of central DRC. Trees Forests and People 99.
11, 1300003 (2023)
Average phenotype but not plasticity in two metabolic hormones covary in wild female bonobos (Pan paniscus). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 100.
378 (1874), 20220062 (2023)
Inferring social influence in animal groups across multiple timescales. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences