Das CoCoMo-Team

Chi Hsin Chen

IMPRS Doktorandin

Ich bin Verhaltensökologin mit einer Ausbildung in vergleichender Psychologie und Ethologie. Im Allgemeinen interessiere ich mich für soziale Kognition, Kommunikation und Entscheidungsfindung in Tiergesellschaften. In meiner Doktorarbeit werde ich untersuchen, wie Tüpfelhyänen kommunizieren, um relevante Informationen zu erhalten, die ihre Entscheidungsfindung bei der Gruppenkoordination beeinflussen. Ich freue mich darauf, akustische, GPS- und Beschleunigungsmesserdaten zu kombinieren, um Fragen zum sozialen Entscheidungsprozess bei Tüpfelhyänen zu beantworten.

Dr. Vlad Demartsev


I am a behavioral ecologist interested in communication in social mammals and its self-regulated coordination. In meerkats, I study the interaction aspect of communication such as the timing of the vocalisation and the social dynamics of vocal exchanges. I also explore breathing as a potential indicator of vocalisation intention and as a possible social cue aiding in regulation of signalling turns. 

• Communication & Collective Movement • Turn-taking • Meerkats  • Hyrax

Dr. Gabriella Gall


In my current research I try to understand how an individual’s ability to coordinate with others is affected by experiences early in life and whether these differences ultimately affect individual fitness. I address these questions by studying vocal signals used to coordinate group activity in two study systems, the domestic chicken and the common pheasant. This work is in close collaboration with Dr Joah Madden (University of Exeter) and Prof Andrew Radford (University of Bristol). 

• Communication & Collective Movement  • Group coordination  • Spatial and acoustic data  • Common pheasant  • Domestic chicken

Dr. Pranav Minasandra

IMPRS Alumni

I am a computational biologist, interested in collective animal behaviour and movement patterns. My work is focused on social factors that affect synchronisation of wake-sleep cycles in animals. in cooperation with the Jordan lab, I will combine theoretical and experimental approaches to study these factors in cichlid fish. Using a model-fitting approach, I will address questions about the social dimension of synchronisation. 

Behavioural state dynamics • Social entrainment • Wake-sleep cycle • Spotted hyenas • Cichlid fish

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