Publikationen von Wolfgang Fiedler
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (144)
28 (2), e2971 (2025)
Eoldist, a web application for estimating cautionary detection distance of birds by automatic detection systems to reduce collisions with wind turbines. Wind Energy 2.
121 (12), e2306389121 (2024)
Learning shapes the development of migratory behavior. PNAS 3.
34 (9), S. 2030 - 2037 (2024)
Experience reduces route selection for conspecifics by the collectively migrating white stork. Current Biology 4.
13, RP98818 (2024)
Developmental stage shapes the realized energy landscape for a flight specialist. eLife 5.
165, S. 1 - 4 (2024)
170 years Journal of Ornithology (formerly Journal fur Ornithologie). Journal of Ornithology 6.
293, 110525 (2024)
Tracking data highlight the importance of human-induced mortality for large migratory birds at a flyway scale. Biological Conservation 7.
Introducing a unique animal ID and digital life history museum for wildlife metadata. Methods in Ecology and Evolution (2024)
290 (2003), 20231268 (2023)
The price of being late: short- and long-term consequences of a delayed migration timing. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 9.
43 (7), 80 (2023)
Small space but high diversity: Spatial and temporal habitat use by endangered Eurasian Curlew at wintering sites throughout Europe. Wetlands: Journal of the Society of Wetland Scientists 10.
92 (1), S. 158 - 170 (2023)
Standardised empirical dispersal kernels emphasise the pervasiveness of long-distance dispersal in European birds. Journal of Animal Ecology 11.
11, 18 (2023)
White stork movements reveal the ecological connectivity between landfills and different habitats. BMC Movement Ecology 12.
31 (2), S. 29 - 48 (2023)
Census and spatial distribution of White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) population in Kosovo in 2017 and 2018. Ornis Hungarica 13.
11 (1), 13 (2023)
A multi-species evaluation of digital wildlife monitoring using the Sigfox IoT network. Animal Biotelemetry 14.
32 (20), S. R1187 - R1199 (2022)
New frontiers in bird migration research. Current Biology 15.
59 (6), S. 1496 - 1512 (2022)
Hotspots in the grid: Avian sensitivity and vulnerability to collision risk from energy infrastructure interactions in Europe and North Africa. Journal of Applied Ecology 16.
13 (3), S. 419 - 431 (2022)
The Movebank system for studying global animal movement and demography. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 17.
2022 (9), e02924 (2022)
Bird migration in space and time: chain migration by Eurasian curlew Numenius arquata arquata along the East Atlantic Flyway. Journal of Avian Biology 18.
10 (1), 38 (2022)
Scatter-hoarding birds disperse seeds to sites unfavorable for plant regeneration. BMC Movement Ecology 19.
58 (7), S. 1411 - 1420 (2021)
Use of avian GPS tracking to mitigate human fatalities from bird strikes caused by large soaring birds. Journal of Applied Ecology 20.
9, 11 (2021)
Wing tags severely impair movement in African Cape Vultures. Animal Biotelemetry 21.
11, 10815 (2021)
Health monitoring in birds using bio‑loggers and whole blood transcriptomics. Scientific Reports 22.
11 (17), S. 11762 - 11773 (2021)
Environmental and seasonal correlates of capercaillie movement traits in a Swedish wind farm. Ecology and Evolution 23.
90 (9), S. 2161 - 2171 (2021)
Longer days enable higher diurnal activity for migratory birds. Journal of Animal Ecology 24.
288, 20202670 (2021)
Early-life behaviour predicts first-year survival in a long-distance avian migrant. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 25.
202 (1), 737 (2021)
Wind energy facilities affect resource selection of capercaillie Tetrao urogallus. Wildlife Biology 26.
163 (3), S. 1110 - 1119 (2021)
Estimating nest‐switching in free‐ranging wild birds: An assessment of the most common methodologies, illustrated in the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia). Ibis 27.
11 (1), 12912 (2021)
Smell of green leaf volatiles attracts white storks to freshly cut meadows. Scientific Reports 28.
34, S. 840 - 852 (2020)
Causes and consequences of facultative sea crossing in a soaring migrant. Functional Ecology 29.
10, 20760 (2020)
Overland and oversea migration of white storks through the water barriers of the straits of Gibraltar. Scientific Reports 30.
370, S. 712 - 715 (2020)
Ecological insights from three decades of animal movement tracking across a changing Arctic. Science 31.
287, 20201799 (2020)
Seasonal niche tracking of climate emerges at the population level in a migratory bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 32.
223, jeb219337 (2020)
Daily energy expenditure in white storks is lower after fledging than in the nest. The Journal of Experimental Biology 33.
51 (12), 2612 (2020)
Diurnal timing of nonmigratory movement by birds: the importance of foraging spatial scales. Journal of Avian Biology 34.
9 (16), S. 8945 - 8952 (2019)
"Closer-to-home" strategy benefits juvenile survival in a longdistance migratory bird. Ecology and Evolution 35.
16 (153), 20180794 (2019)
Fly with the flock: Immersive solutions for animal movement visualization and analytics. Interface: Journal of the Royal Society 36.
7, 40 (2019)
A comprehensive model for the quantitative estimation of seed dispersal by migratory mallards. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 37.
BinocularsVR – A VR experience for the exhibition "From Lake Constance to Africa, a long distance travel with ICARUS". Electronic Imaging, S. 177-1 - 177-8 (2019)
28 (5), S. 576 - 587 (2019)
Large birds travel farther in homogeneous environments. Global Ecology and Biogeography 39.
56 (3), S. 281 - 284 (2018)
Meldungen aus den Beringungszentralen. Vogelwarte - Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde 40.
360 (6391), S. 911 - 914 (2018)
From local collective behaviour to global migratory patterns in white storks. Science 41.
159 (1), S. 205 - 210 (2018)
First tracks of individual Blackcaps suggest a complex migration pattern. Journal of Ornithology 42.
373 (1746), 20170011 (2018)
Synchronization, coordination and collective sensing during thermalling flight of freely migrating white storks. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 43.
87 (6), S. 1627 - 1638 (2018)
Early arrival at breeding grounds: Causes, costs and a trade-off with overwintering latitude. Journal of Animal Ecology 44.
359 (6374), S. 466 - 469 (2018)
Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements. Science 45.
47 (1), S. 54 - 59 (2017)
Bionik der Flugfeder. Erkenntnisse mit neuer Bildgebung. Biologie in unserer Zeit 46.
7, 8798 (2017)
Current and future suitability of wintering grounds for a longdistance migratory raptor. Scientific Reports 47.
35/36, S. 209 - 229 (2017)
Nahrung und Nahrungserwerb überwinternder und afrotropischer Schmätzer (Saxicolinae, Muscicapidae) in Kenia. Ökologie der Vögel 48.
48 (2), S. 266 - 274 (2017)
Bias in ring-recovery studies: Causes of mortality of little owls Athene noctua and implications for population assessment. Journal of Avian Biology 49.
126, S. 79 - 88 (2017)
Wintering in Europe instead of Africa enhances juvenile survival in a long-distance migrant. Animal Behaviour 50.
203 (6-7), S. 531 - 542 (2017)
Bio-logging, new technologies to study conservation physiology on the move: A case study on annual survival of Himalayan vultures. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology