Publikationen von Richard M. Gunner

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Scharling, F. S.; Sandgreen, D. M.; Stagegaard, J.; Elbrond, V. S.; Vincenti, S.; Isaksen, J. L.; Wang, T. B.; Wilson, R. P.; Gunner, R. M.; Marks, N. et al.; Bell, S. H.; van Rooyen, M. C.; Bennett, N. C.; Hart, D. W.; Daly, A. C.; Bertelsen, M. F.; Scantlebury, D. M.; Calloe, K.; Thomsen, M. B.: Short QT intervals in African lions. Experimental Physiology (2024)
English, H. M.; Harvey, L.; Wilson, R. P.; Gunner, R. M.; Holton, M. D.; Woodroffe, R.; Borger, L.: Multi-sensor biologgers and innovative training allow data collection with high conservation and welfare value in zoos. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 11 (1), S. 220 - 231 (2023)
Garde, B.; Fell, A.; Krishnan, K.; Jones, C. G.; Gunner, R. M.; Tatayah, V.; Cole, N. C.; Lempidakis, E.; Shepard, E. L. C.: Thermal soaring in tropicbirds suggests that diverse seabirds may use this strategy to reduce flight costs. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 723, S. 171 - 183 (2023)
Gunner, R. M.; Wilson, R. P.; Holton, M. D.; Bennett, N. C.; Alagaili, A. N.; Bertelsen, M. F.; Mohammed, O. B.; Wang, T. B.; Manger, P. R.; Ismael, K. et al.; Scantlebury, D. M.: Examination of head versus body heading may help clarify the extent to which animal movement pathways are structured by environmental cues? BMC Movement Ecology 11 (1), 71 (2023)
Gunner, R. M.; Wilson, R. P.; Holton, M. D.; Hopkins, P.; Bell, S. H.; Marks, N. J.; Bennett, N. C.; Ferreira, S.; Govender, D.; Viljoen, P. et al.; Bruns, A.; van Schalkwyk, O. L.; Bertelsen, M. F.; Duarte, C. M.; van Rooyen, M. C.; Tambling, C. J.; Goppert, A.; Diesel, D.; Scantlebury, D. M.: Decision rules for determining terrestrial movement and the consequences for filtering high-resolution global positioning system tracks: a case study using the African lion (Panthera leo). Journal of the Royal Society Interface 19 (186), 20210692 (2022)
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