Publikationen von Andrea Kölzsch
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Zeitschriftenartikel (42)
16 (1), 1199 (2025)
GNSS spoofing in conflict zones disrupts wildlife tracking and hampers research and conservation efforts. Nature Communications 2.
Visual lateralization in the sky: Geese manifest visual lateralization when flying with pair mates. Laterality (2024)
51, S. 215 - 229 (2024)
Biogeographical variation in migratory patterns of palearctic breeding Greater White-fronted Geese. Journal of Biogeography 4.
45, e02527 (2023)
Tracking wintering areas and post-breeding migration of a declining farmland bird-An indispensable basis for successful conservation. Global Ecology and Conservation 5.
16 (1), e12927 (2023)
Wild goose chase: Geese flee high and far, and with aftereffects from New Year's fireworks. Conservation Letters 6.
33, e42 (2023)
Migration routes and stepping stones along the western flyway of Lesser White-fronted Geese (Anser erythropus). Bird Conservation International 7.
59 (12), S. 2878 - 2889 (2022)
More grazing, more damage? Assessed yield loss on agricultural grassland relates nonlinearly to goose grazing pressure. Journal of Applied Ecology 8.
32 (20), S. R1187 - R1199 (2022)
New frontiers in bird migration research. Current Biology 9.
59 (6), S. 1496 - 1512 (2022)
Hotspots in the grid: Avian sensitivity and vulnerability to collision risk from energy infrastructure interactions in Europe and North Africa. Journal of Applied Ecology 10.
13 (3), S. 419 - 431 (2022)
The Movebank system for studying global animal movement and demography. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11.
10 (1), 30 (2022)
MoveApps: a serverless no-code analysis platform for animal tracking data. BMC Movement Ecology 12.
128, S. 159 - 167 (2022)
Visual lateralization in flight: Lateral preferences in parent-offspring relative positions in geese. Ethology 13.
69, 101689 (2022)
Simulating geomagnetic bird navigation using novel high-resolution geomagnetic data. Ecological Informatics 14.
12 (1), 71 (2021)
Contrasting habitat use and conservation status of Chinese-wintering and other Eurasian Greater White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons) populations. Avian Research 15.
90 (9), S. 2161 - 2171 (2021)
Longer days enable higher diurnal activity for migratory birds. Journal of Animal Ecology 16.
9, 46 (2021)
Simulation experiment to test strategies of geomagnetic navigation during long-distance bird migration. BMC Movement Ecology 17.
34 (12), S. 2401 - 2433 (2020)
Group diagrams for representing trajectories. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 18.
370, S. 712 - 715 (2020)
Ecological insights from three decades of animal movement tracking across a changing Arctic. Science 19.
51 (3) (2020)
Goose parents lead migration V. Journal of Avian Biology 20.
160 (2), S. 363 - 375 (2019)
Family size dynamics in wintering geese. Journal of Ornithology 21.
7, 3 (2019)
Flyway connectivity and exchange primarily driven by moult migration in geese. BMC Movement Ecology 22.
10, 2187 (2019)
Stochastic simulations reveal few green wave surfing populations among spring migrating herbivorous waterfowl. Nature Communications 23.
5 (6), 180438 (2018)
A periodic Markov model to formalize animal migration on a network. Royal Society Open Science 24.
359, S. 398 - 405 (2017)
Expert system for modelling stopover site selection by barnacle geese. Ecological Modelling 25.
125 (10), S. 1496 - 1507 (2016)
Towards a new understanding of migration timing: Slower spring than autumn migration in geese reflects different decision rules for stopover use and departure. Oikos 26.
4, 13 (2016)
Neckband or backpack? Differences in tag design and their effects on GPS/accelerometer tracking results in large waterbirds. Animal Biotelemetry 27.
53, S. 1413 - 1421 (2016)
Scaring waterfowl as a management tool: How much more do geese forage after disturbance? Journal of Applied Ecology 28.
6, 23492 (2016)
Signatures of chaos in animal search patterns. Scientific Reports 29.
118, S. 81 - 95 (2016)
Environmental parameters linked to the last migratory stage of barnacle geese en route to their breeding sites. Animal Behaviour 30.
10, e0129030 (2015)
Deriving animal behaviour from high-frequency GPS: Tracking cows in open and forested habitat. PLoS One 31.
282 (1807), 20150424 (2015)
Experimental evidence for inherent Lévy search behaviour in foraging animals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 32.
84 (1), S. 272 - 283 (2015)
Forecasting spring from afar? Timing of migration and predictability of phenology along different migration routes of an avian herbivore. Journal of Animal Ecology 33.
58, S. 322 - 331 (2015)
Satellite- versus temperature-derived green wave indices for predicting the timing of spring migration of avian herbivores. Ecological Indicators 34.
45 (2), S. 113 - 122 (2014)
The exception to the rule: Retreating ice front makes Bewick’s swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii migraiton slower in spring than in autumn. Journal of Avian Biology 35.
9 (9), e108331 (2014)
Migratory herbivorous waterfowl track satellite-derived green wave index. PLoS One 36.
281 (1774), 20132605 (2013)
How superdiffusion gets arrested: Ecological encounters explain shift from Lévy to Brownian movement. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 37.
154 (3), S. 837 - 847 (2013)
Trends in population dynamics of a Velvet scoter population: Influence of density dependence and winter climate. Journal of Ornithology 38.
121 (5), S. 655 - 664 (2012)
Individually tracked geese follow the green wave during spring migration. Oikos 39.
84, S. 601 - 612 (2011)
Indications of marine bioinvasion from network theory. An analysis of the global cargo ship network. European Physical Journal B 40.
7 (48), S. 1093 - 1103 (2010)
The complex network of global cargo ship movements. Interface: Journal of the Royal Society 41.
157, S. 191 - 208 (2008)
Theoretical approaches to bird migration: The white stork as a case study. The European Physical Journal Special Topics 42.
76 (4), S. 740 - 749 (2007)
Population fluctuations and regulation in great snipe: A time-series analysis. Journal of Animal Ecology