Publikationen von Kathrine M. Stewart

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Kreyer, M.; Stewart, K. M.; Pashchevskaya, S.; Fruth, B.: What fecal analyses reveal about Manniophyton fulvum consumption in LuiKotale bonobos (Pan paniscus): A medicinal plant revisited. American Journal of Primatology 84 (4-5), e23318 (2022)
Superbie, C.; Stewart, K. M.; Regan, C. E.; Johnstone, J. F.; McLoughlin, P. D.: Northern boreal caribou conservation should focus on anthropogenic disturbance, not disturbance-mediated apparent competition. Biological Conservation 265, 109426 (2022)
Nguyen, N.; Lee, L. M.; Fashing, P. J.; Nurmi, N. O.; Stewart, K. M.; Turner, T. J.; Barry, T. S.; Callingham, K. R.; Goodale, C. B.; Kellogg, B. S. et al.: Comparative primate obstetrics: Observations of 15 diurnal births in wild gelada monkeys (Theropithecus gelada ) and their implications for understanding human and nonhuman primate birth evolution. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 163 (1), S. 14 - 29 (2017)
Debeffe, L.; McLoughlin, P. D.; Medill, S. A.; Stewart, K. M.; Andres, D.; Shury, T.; Wagner, B.; Jenkins, E.; Gilleard, J. S.; Poissant, J.: Negative covariance between parasite load and body condition in a population of feral horses. Parasitology 143 (8), S. 983 - 997 (2016)
Nguyen, N.; Fashing, P. J.; Boyd, D. A.; Barry, T. S.; Burke, R. J.; Goodale, C. B.; Jones, S. C.Z.; Kerby, J. T.; Kellogg, B. S.; Lee, L. M. et al.: Fitness impacts of tapeworm parasitism on wild gelada monkeys at Guassa, Ethiopia. American Journal of Primatology 77 (5), S. 579 - 594 (2015)

Bericht (2)

McLoughlin, P. D.; Superbie, C.; Stewart, K. M.; Tomchuk, P.; Neufeld, B.; Barks, D.; Perry, T.; Greuel, R.; Regan, C.; Truchon-Savard, A. et al.: Population and habitat ecology of boreal caribou and their predators in the Saskatchewan Boreal Shield. (2019), 238 S.
McLoughlin, P. D.; Stewart, K. M.; Superbie, C.; Perry, T.; Tomchuk, P.; Greuel, R.; Singh, K.; Truchon-Savard, A.; Henkelman, J.; Johnstone, a. J. F.: Population dynamics and critical habitat of woodland caribou in the Saskatchewan Boreal Shield. (2016), 162 S.