Publikationen von Franz Bairlein
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (29)
99 (4), S. 1576 - 1593 (2024)
A conceptual framework on the role of magnetic cues in songbird migration ecology. Biological Reviews
21 (214), 20230745 (2024)
A refined magnetic pulse treatment method for magnetic navigation experiments with adequate sham control: a case study on free-flying songbirds. Journal of the Royal Society Interface
60 (3), S. 421 - 432 (2023)
Grazing effects of wintering geese on grassland yield: A long-term study from Northwest Germany. Journal of Applied Ecology
26 (7), S. 1095 - 1107 (2023)
Eco-evolutionary drivers of avian migratory connectivity. Ecology Letters
72, 126355 (2023)
Sharing habitat: Effects of migratory barnacle geese density on meadow breeding waders. Journal for Nature Conservation
114 (2), 110283 (2022)
Transcriptome signature changes in the liver of a migratory passerine. Genomics
19 (187), 20210805 (2022)
No apparent effect of a magnetic pulse on free-flight behaviour in northern wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) at a stopover site. Journal of the Royal Society Interface
225 (19), jeb244473 (2022)
A magnetic pulse does not affect free-flight navigation behaviour of a medium-distance songbird migrant in spring. Journal of Experimental Biology
17 (7), 20210195 (2021)
The role of ketogenesis in the migratory fattening of the northern wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe. Biology Letters
9 (1), 53 (2021)
Days to visit an offshore island: effect of weather conditions on arrival fuel load and potential flight range for common blackbirds Turdus merula migrating over the North Sea. BMC Movement Ecology
34 (7), S. 1010 - 1021 (2021)
The avian lightweights: Trans-Saharan migrants show lower lean body mass than short-/medium-distance migrants. Journal of Evolutionary Biology
77 (2), S. 358 - 364 (2007)
Serologic evidence of West Nile virus infections in wild birds captured in Germany. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
43 (4), S. 249 - 260 (2005)
Hintergrundinformationen zur Vogelgrippe und Hinweise für Vogelkundler. Vogelwarte - Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde
35, S. 49 - 67 (2004)
Using large-scale data from ringed birds for the investigation of effects of climate change on migrating birds: Pitfalls and prospects. Advances in Ecological Research
145 (2), S. 109 - 116 (2004)
Moult of three Palaearctic migrants in their West African winter quarters. Journal of Ornithology
14 (4), S. 493 - 502 (2003)
Niche partitioning of two Palearctic passerine migrants with Afrotropical residents in their West African winter quarters. Behavioral Ecology
144 (1), S. 85 - 93 (2002)
Different wintering strategies of two Palearctic migrants in West Africa - a consequence of foraging strategies? Ibis
73 (3-4), S. 114 - 118 (2002)
A preliminary assessment of the habitat selection of two Palaearctic migrant passerine species in West Africa. Ostrich
90 (3), S. 479 - 487 (2002)
Numbers, body mass and fat scores of three Palearctic migrants at a constant effort mist netting site in Ivory Coast, West Africa. Ardea
14, S. 187 - 215 (1994)
Nutritional mechanisms and temporal control of migratory energy accumulation in birds. Annual Review of Nutrition
161 (6), S. 576 - 580 (1991)
Basal and stress-induced corticosterone levels of garden warblers, Sylvia borin, during migration. Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology
56 (2), S. 178 - 179 (1988)
The first record of the yellow-browed warbler phylloscopus-inornatus. New record for Algeria. Alauda
125 (4), S. 485 - 486 (1984)
Rückkehr und Brut einer handaufgezogenen freigelassenen Mönchsgrasmücke Sylvia atricapilla. Journal für Ornithologie
123 (2), S. 214 - 216 (1982)
Bestimmung von Folgebruten aus Legemustern. Journal für Ornithologie
31, S. 14 - 32 (1981)
Über den Einfluß simulierter Wetterbedingungen auf das endogene Zugzeitprogramm der Gartengrasmücke, Sylvia borin. Die Vogelwarte
121 (4), S. 325 - 369 (1980)
Die Brutbiologie der Grasmücken Sylvia atricapilla, borin, communis und curruca in Mittel- und N-Europa. Journal für Ornithologie
120 (1), S. 1 - 11 (1979)
Der Bestand des Weißstorchs Ciconia ciconia in Südwestdeutschland: Eine Analyse der Bestandsentwicklung. Journal für Ornithologie
119 (1), S. 14 - 51 (1978)
Über die Biologie einer südwestdeutschen Population der Mönchsgrasmücke (Sylvia atricapilla). Journal für Ornithologie
28, S. 267 - 273 (1976)
Über die Verteilung von ziehenden Kleinvögeln in Rastbiotopen und den Fangerfolg von Fanganlagen. Die Vogelwarte Buch (1)
Der Zug europäischer Singvögel. Ein Atlas der Wiederfunde beringter Vögel. Band III: Fringillidae, Passeridae. Aula, Wiesbaden (1995), 182 S.
Forschungspapier (1)
Bird Ringing for science and conservation. EURING S. 1 - 33 (2007)