Publikationen von Barbara Fruth
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (80)
32 (6), S. 565 - 575 (2013)
Artificial germination activation of Dialium corbisieri by imitation of ecological process. Journal of Sustainable Forestry
29 (5), S. 367 - 380 (2013)
Ecological services performed by the bonobo (Pan paniscus): Seed dispersal effectiveness in tropical forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology
75 (4), S. 394 - 403 (2013)
The bonobo – dialium positive interactions: Seed dispersal mutualism. American Journal of Primatology
22 (1), S. 225 - 238 (2013)
Seed dispersal strategies and the threat of defaunation in a Congo forest. Biodiversity and Conservation
295, S. 109 - 117 (2013)
Doom of the elephant-dependent trees in a Congo tropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management
28 (5), S. 507 - 510 (2012)
Dung beetles are critical in preventing post-dispersal seed removal by rodents in Congo rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology
50 (4), S. 509 - 512 (2012)
Bush pig (Potamochoerus porcus) seed predation of bush mango (Irvingia gabonensis) and other plant species in Democratic Republic of Congo. African Journal of Ecology
52, S. 97 - 100 (2012)
Density-dependent effect affecting elephant seed-dispersed tree recruitment (Irvingia gabonensis) in Congo Forest. Pachyderm
48, S. 27 - 37 (2012)
La Convention sur la Diversité Biologique en République démocratique du Congo: Mise en oeuvre du projet «La Cuvette Centrale comme réservoir de plantes médicinales». Ethnopharmacologia
489 (7415), S. 290 - 293 (2012)
Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas. Nature
141 (1), S. 301 - 308 (2012)
In vitro antiprotozoal and cytotoxic activity of 33 ethonopharmacologically selected medicinal plants from Democratic Republic of Congo. Journal of Ethnopharmacology
34 (1-2), S. 51 - 62 (2011)
The CBD in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): the project "The Cuvette Centrale as a reservoir of medical plants" in the process of implementation. Curare
34 (4), S. 261 - 281 (2011)
Care for health and body: an ethnobotanical approach to Nkundo plant use (Cuvette Centrale, DRC) with focus on the significance of indigenous knowledge for the human skin. Curare
108 (24), S. 9792 - 9797 (2011)
Exploring the contribution and significance of animal protein in the diet of bonobos by stable isotope ratio analysis of hair. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
3, S. 14 - 19 (2008)
D.R. Kongo: Erhaltung der Pflanzendiversität - Das Wissen der Alten. Afrika-Post
79 (2), S. 103 - 110 (2008)
New records on prey capture and meat eating by bonobos at Lui Kotale, Salonga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo. Folia Primatologica
28 (6), S. 1237 - 1252 (2007)
Prospects for bonobo insectivory: Lui Kotal, Democratic Republic of Congo. International Journal of Primatology
77 (3), S. 212 - 217 (2006)
Evidence of leopard predation on bonobos (Pan paniscus). Folia Primatologica
13 (1), S. 6 - 8 (2006)
Grooming hand clasp by bonobos of Lui Kotal, Democratic Republic of Congo. Pan African News
13, S. 2399 - 2417 (2004)
Mesoscale transect sampling of trees in the Lomako-Yekokora interfluvium Democratic Republic of the Congo. Biodiversity and Conservation
13, S. 2399 - 2417 (2004)
Mesoscale transect sampling of trees in the Lomako-Yekokora interfluvium Democratic Republic of the Congo. Biodiversity and Conservation
44 (4), S. 563 - 571 (2003)
Culture in Bonobos? Between-species and within-species variation in behavior. Current Anthropology
140 (11-12), S. 1389 - 1413 (2003)
Intra- and inter-sexual aggression by bonobos in the context of mating. Behaviour
10 (2), S. 25 - 27 (2003)
Lui Kotal - A new site for field research on Bonobos in the Salonga National Park. Pan Africa News
140, S. 1389 - 1413 (2003)
Intra- and inter-sexual aggression by bonobos in the context of mating. Behaviour
44 (4), S. 563 - 571 (2003)
Culture in Bonobos? Between-species and within-species variation in behavior. Current Anthropology
60 (1), S. 107 - 120 (2000)
Use and function of genital contacts among female bonobos. Animal Behaviour
96 (9), S. 5077 - 5082 (1999)
Mitochondrial sequences show diverse evolutionary histories of African hominids. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
266 (1424), S. 1189 - 1195 (1999)
Intracommunity relationships, dispersal pattern and paternity success in a wild living community of bonobos (Pan paniscus) determined from DNA analysis of faecal sample. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
136 (9), S. 1219 - 1235 (1999)
Social bonds and genetic ties: Kinship association and affiliation in a community of bonobos (Pan paniscus). Behaviour Buchkapitel (15)
Great ape nest-building. In: International Encyclopedia of Primatology, S. 484 - 486 (Hg. Fuentes, A.). Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester (2017)
Can fruiting plants control animal behaviour and seed dispersal distance? In: Bonobo Cognition and Behaviour, S. 113 - 128 (Hg. Hare, B.; Yamamoto, S.). Brill, Leiden [u.a.] (2015)
Primaten: Verwandtschaft aus dem Regenwald. In: Regenwald ; Begleitbuch zur Sonderausstellung im Ausstellungszentrum Lokschuppen Rosenheim, 20. März bis 29. November 2015, S. 131 - 135 (Hg. Feest, C.; Kron, C.). Theiss, Darmstadt (2015)
Das Kongobecken und seine Regenwälder in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. In: Regenwald ; Begleitbuch zur Sonderausstellung im Ausstellungszentrum Lokschuppen Rosenheim, 20. März bis 29. November 2015, S. 110 - 119 (Hg. Feest, C.; Kron, C.). Theiss, Darmstadt (2015)
Signifying competence: Urban herbalists seeking affirmation in Kinshasa. In: Living the City in Africa: Processes of Invention and Intervention (Hg. Obrist, B.; Arlt, V.; Macamo, E.). LIT Verlag, Zürich (2013)
Family Hominidae (Great Apes). In: Handbook of the mammals of the world - Volume 3: Primates, S. 853 - 854 (Hg. Mittermeier, R. A.; Rylands, A. B.; Wilson, D. E.). Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, Spain (2013)
Die CBD in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo: Das Projekt "Die Cuvette Centrale als Heilpflanzenreservoir" im Umsetzungsprozess. In: Das Übereinkommen über die Biologische Vielfalt (CBD) - ein Einstieg für Wissenschaftler: Vorträge und Ergebnisse der CBD-Akademien 2010 in Wiesenfelden, S. 134 - 146 (Hg. Paulsch, A.). Institut für Biodiversität - Netzwerk e.V., Regensburg (2011)
Is blood thicker than water? In: Among African apes: stories and photos from the field, S. 61 - 76 (Hg. Robbins, M. M.; Boesch, C.). Univ. of California Press, Berkeley (2011)
Nkundo plant use (Cuvette Centrale, DRC) with a focus on indigenous knowledge and the application of aphrodisiacs. In: Building bridges between anthropology, medicine, and human ethology: tributes to Wulf Schiefenhövel, S. 211 - 226 (Hg. Martin Brüne, Frank Salter, and William C. McGrew). University Press Bochum, Bochum (2010)
Bonobo (Pan paniscus) density estimation in the SW-Salonga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo: Common methodology revisited. In: The bonobos: Behavior, ecology, and conservation, S. 151 - 166 (Hg. Furuichi, T.; Thompson, J.). Springer, New York [u.a.] (2008)
Social grease for females? Same sex genital contacts in wild bonobos. In: Homosexual behaviour in animals: An evolutionary perspective, S. 294 - 315 (Hg. Sommer, V.; Vasey, P. L.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2006)
Social grease for females? Same sex genital contacts in wild bonobos. In: Homosexual Behaviour in Animals: An Evolutionary Perspective, S. 294 - 315 (Hg. Sommer, V.; Vasey, P. L.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2006)
How bonobos handle hunts and harvests: Why share food? In: Behavioural Diversity in Chimpanzees and Bonobos, S. 231 - 243 (Hg. Boesch, Christophe; Hohmann, Gottfried; Marchant, Linda F.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2002)
Dynamics in social organization of bonobos (Pan paniscus). In: Behavioural Diversity in Chimpanzees and Bonobos, S. 138 - 150 (Hg. Boesch, Christophe ; Hohmann, Gottfried ; Marchant, Linda F.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2002)
The Pan species. In: The Non-human Primates, S. 64 - 72 (Hg. Dolhinow, P.). Mayfield, Mountain View (1999)
Konferenzbeitrag (1)
Traditional use of wild rainforest plants by the Nkundu, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Ethnobotany, S. 471 - 473. IVth International Congress of Ethnobotany (ICEB 2005), Istanbul, 21. August 2005 - 26. August 2005. (2006)
Bericht (1)
Pan paniscus. (2016)