Publikationen von Diego Ellis-Soto
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Zeitschriftenartikel (4)
94 (2), e1599 (2024)
Environmental variation structures reproduction and recruitment in long-lived mega-herbivores: Galapagos giant tortoises. Ecological Monographs
13 (9), 20170395 (2017)
Determinants of spring migration departure decision in a bat. Biology Letters
12 (7), e0181333 (2017)
Plant species dispersed by Galapagos tortoises surf the wave of habitat suitability under anthropogenic climate change. PLoS One
7 (9), S. 3195 - 3202 (2017)
The integrated genomic architecture and evolution of dental divergence in East African cichlid fishes (Haplochromis chilotes x H. nyererei). G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics Buchkapitel (1)
Movement ecology. In: Galapagos Giant Tortoises, S. 261 - 279 (Hg. Gibbs, J.P.; Cayot, L.J.; Tapia Aguilera, W.). Academic Press (2021)