Publikationen von Gabriella E. C. Gall

Zeitschriftenartikel (13)

Gall, G. E. C.; Letherbarrow, M.; Strandburg-Peshkin, A.; Radford, A. N.; Madden, J. R.: Exposure to calls before hatching affects the post-hatching behaviour of domestic chickens. Royal Society Open Science 11 (8), 240114 (2024)
Williams, H. J.; Sridhar, V. H.; Hurme, E.; Gall, G. E. C.; Borrego, N.; Finerty, G. E.; Couzin, I. D.; Galizia, C. G.; Dominy, N. J.; Rowland, H. M. et al.; Hauber, M. E.; Higham, J. P.; Strandburg-Peshkin, A.; Melin, A. D.: Sensory collectives in natural systems. eLife 12, e88028 (2023)
Averly, B.; Sridhar, V. H.; Demartsev, V.; Gall, G. E. C.; Manser, M.; Strandburg-Peshkin, A.: Disentangling influence over group speed and direction reveals multiple patterns of influence in moving meerkat groups. Scientific Reports 12 (1), 13844 (2022)
Gall, G. E. C.; Pereira, T. D.; Jordan, A.; Meroz, Y.: Fast estimation of plant growth dynamics using deep neural networks. Plant Methods 18 (1), 21 (2022)
Toni, P.; Gall, G. E. C.; Clutton-Brook, T. H.; Manser, M. B.: Signalling adjustments to direct and indirect environmental effects on signal perception in meerkats. PLoS One 15 (8), e0238313 (2020)
Papageorgiou, D.; Christensen, C.; Gall, G. E. C.; Klarevas-Irby, J. A.; Nyaguthii, B.; Couzin, I. D.; Farine, D. R.: The multilevel society of a small-brained bird. Current Biology 29 (21), S. R1120 - R1121 (2019)
Gall, G. E. C.; Manser, M. B.: Spatial structure of foraging meerkat groups is affected by both the social and ecological factors. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72 (5), S. 1 - 9 (2018)
Gall, G. E. C.; Manser, M. B.: Group cohesion in foraging meerkats: follow the moving ‘vocal hot spot’. Royal Society Open Science 4 (4), 170004 (2017)
Gall, G. E. C.; Strandburg-Peshkin, A.; Clutton-Brock, T.; Manser, M. B.: As dusk falls: Collective decisions about the return to sleeping sites in meerkats. Animal Behaviour 132, S. 91 - 99 (2017)
Gall, G. E. C.; Lautenschlager, S.; Bagheri, H. C.: Quarantine as a public health measure against an emerging infectious disease: syphilis in Zurich at the dawn of the modern era (1496-1585). GMS Hygiene and Infection Control 11, 13 (2016)
Bateman, A. W.; Lewis, M. A.; Gall, G. E. C.; Manser, M. B.; Clutton-Brock, T. H.:.: Territoriality and home-range dynamics in meerkats, Suricata suricatta: a mechanistic modelling approach. Journal of Animal Ecology 81 (1), S. 260 - 271 (2015)
Dobay, A.; Gall, G. E. C.; Rankin, D. J.; Bagheri, H. C.: Renaissance model of an epidemic with quarantine. Journal of Theoretical Biology 317, S. 348 - 358 (2012)
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