Publikationen von Natalie Weber

Zeitschriftenartikel (15)

Clements, H. S.; San, E. D.; Hempson, G.; Linden, B.; Maritz, B.; Monadjem, A.; Reynolds, C.; Siebert, F.; Stevens, N.; Biggs, R. et al.; De Vos, A.; Blanchard, R.; Child, M.; Esler, K. J.; Hamann, M.; Loft, T.; Reyers, B.; Selomane, O.; Skowno, A. L.; Tshoke, T.; Abdoulaye, D.; Aebischer, T.; Aguirre-Gutierrez, J.; Alexander, G. J.; Ali, A. H.; Allan, D. G.; Amoako, E. E.; Angedakin, S.; Aruna, E.; Avenant, N. L.; Badjedjea, G.; Bakayoko, A.; Bamba-kaya, A.; Bates, M. F.; Bates, P. J. J.; Belmain, S. R.; Bennitt, E.; Bradley, J.; Brewster, C. A.; Brown, M. B.; Brown, M.; Bryja, J.; Butynski, T. M.; Carvalho, F.; Channing, A.; Chapman, C. A.; Cohen, C.; Cords, M.; Cramer, J. D.; Cronk, N.; Cunneyworth, P. M. K.; Dalerum, F.; Danquah, E.; Davies-Mostert, H. T.; de Blocq, A. D.; De Jong, Y. A.; Demos, T. C.; Denys, C.; Djagoun, C.; Doherty-Bone, T. M.; Drouilly, M.; du Toit, J. T.; Smith, D. A. E.; Smith, Y. C. E.; Eiseb, S. J.; Fashing, P. J.; Ferguson, A. W.; Fernandez-Garcia, J. M.; Finckh, M.; Fischer, C.; Gandiwa, E.; Gaubert, P.; Gaugris, J. Y.; Gibbs, D. J.; Gilchrist, J. S.; Gil-Sanchez, J. M.; Githitho, A. N.; Goodman, P. S.; Granjon, L.; Grobler, J. P.; Gumbi, B. C.; Gvozdik, V.; Harvey, J.; Hauptfleisch, M.; Hayder, F.; Hema, E. M.; Herbst, M.; Houngbedji, M.; Huntley, B. J.; Hutterer, R.; Ivande, S. T.; Jackson, K.; Jongsma, G. F. M.; Juste, J.; Kadjo, B.; Kaleme, P. K.; Kamugisha, E.; Kaplin, B. A.; Kato, H. N.; Kiffner, C.; Kimuyu, D. M.; Kityo, R. M.; Kouame, N. G.; Kouete, T. M.; le Roux, A.; Lee, A. T. K.; Lotter, M. C.; Lykke, A. M.; MacFadyen, D. N.; Macharia, G. P.; Madikiza, Z. J. K.; Mahlaba, T. A. M.; Mallon, D.; Mamba, M. L.; Mande, C.; Marchant, R. A.; Maritz, R. A.; Markotter, W.; McIntyre, T.; Measey, J.; Mekonnen, A.; Meller, P.; Melville, H. I.; Mganga, K. Z.; Mills, M. G. L.; Minnie, L.; Missoup, A. D.; Mohammad, A.; Moinde, N. N.; Moise, B. F. E.; Monterroso, P.; Moore, J. F.; Musila, S.; Nago, S. G. A.; Namoto, M. W.; Niang, F.; Nicolas, V.; Nkenku, J. B.; Nkrumah, E. E.; Nono, G. L.; Norbert, M. M.; Nowak, K.; Obitte, B. C.; Okoni-Williams, A. D.; Onongo, J.; O'Riain, M. J.; Osinubi, S. T.; Parker, D. M.; Parrini, F.; Peel, M. J. S.; Penner, J.; Pietersen, D. W.; Plumptre, A. J.; Ponsonby, D. W.; Porembski, S.; Power, R. J.; Radloff, F. G. T.; Rambau, R. V.; Ramesh, T.; Richards, L. R.; Rodel, M. O.; Rollinson, D. P.; Rovero, F.; Saleh, M. A.; Schmiedel, U.; Schoeman, M. C.; Scholte, P.; Serfass, T. L.; Shapiro, J. T.; Shema, S.; Siebert, S. J.; Slingsby, J. A.; Sliwa, A.; Smit-Robinson, H. A.; Sogbohossou, E. A.; Somers, M. J.; Spawls, S.; Streicher, J. P.; Swanepoel, L.; Tanshi, I.; Taylor, P. J.; Taylor, W. A.; te Beest, M.; Telfer, P. T.; Thompson, D. I.; Tobi, E.; Tolley, K. A.; Turner, A. A.; Twine, W.; Van Cakenberghe, V.; van de Perre, F.; van der Merwe, H.; van Niekerk, C. J. G.; van Wyk, P. C. V.; Venter, J. A.; Verburgt, L.; Veron, G.; Vetter, S.; Vorontsova, M. S.; Wagner, T. C.; Webala, P. W.; Weber, N.; Weier, S. M.; White, P. A.; Whitecross, M. A.; Wigley, B. J.; Willems, F. J.; Winterbach, C. W.; Woodhouse, G. M.: The bii4africa dataset of faunal and floral population intactness estimates across Africa's major land uses. Scientific Data 11 (1), 191 (2024)
Werb, O.; Matuschewski, K.; Weber, N.; Hillers, A.; Garteh, J.; Jusu, A.; Turay, B. S.; Wauquier, N.; Escalante, A. A.; Andreína Pacheco, M. et al.; Schaer, J.: New member of Plasmodium (Vinckeia) and Plasmodium cyclopsi discovered in bats in Sierra Leone – nuclear sequence and complete mitochondrial genome analyses. International Journal for Parasitology (2024)
Weber, N.; Nagy, M.; Markotter, W.; Schaer, J.; Puechmaille, S. J.; Sutton, J.; Dávalos, L. M.; Dusabe, M. C.; Ejotre, I.; Fenton, M. B. et al.; Knörnschild, M.; Lopez-Baucells, A.; Medellin, R. A.; Metz, M.; Mubareka, S.; Nsengimana, O.; O'Mara, M. T.; Racey, P. A.; Tuttle, M.; Twizeyimana, I.; Vicente-Santos, A.; Tschapka, M.; Voigt, C. C.; Wikelski, M.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Reeder, D. M.: Robust evidence for bats as reservoir hosts is lacking in most African virus studies: a review and call to optimize sampling and conserve bats. Biology Letters 19 (11), 20230358 (2023)
Hurme, E.; Fahr, J.; Eric-Moise, B. F.; Hash, C. T.; O'Mara, M. T.; Richter, H.; Tanshi, I.; Webala, P. W.; Weber, N.; Wikelski, M. et al.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Eidolon Monitoring Network: Fruit bat migration matches green wave in seasonal landscapes. Functional Ecology 36 (8), S. 2043 - 2055 (2022)
Puechmaille, S. J.; Gouilh, M. A.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Fenton, B.; Geiselman, C.; Medellin, R.; Mittermeier, R.; Racey, P.; Reeder, D. M.; Schaer, J. et al.; Vicente-Santos, A.; Sechrest, W.; Viquez-R, L.; Weber, N.: Misconceptions and misinformation about bats and viruses. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 105, S. 606 - 607 (2021)
Rosskopf, S. P.; Held, J.; Gmeiner, M.; Mordmuller, B.; Matsiegui, P. B.; Eckerle, I.; Weber, N.; Matuschewski, K.; Schaer, J.: Nycteria and Polychromophilus parasite infections of bats in Central Gabon. Infection Genetics and Evolution 68, S. 30 - 34 (2019)
Weber, N.; Wistuba, R.; Astrin, J. J.; Decher, J.: New records of bats and terrestrial small mammals from the Seli River in Sierra Leone before the construction of a hydroelectric dam. Biodiversity Data Journal 7, e34754 (2019)
Held, J.; Gmeiner, M.; Mordmuller, B.; Matsiegui, P. B.; Schaer, J.; Eckerle, I.; Weber, N.; Matuschewski, K.; Bletz, S.; Schaumburg, F.: Bats are rare reservoirs of Staphylococcus aureus complex in Gabon. Infection Genetics and Evolution 47, S. 118 - 120 (2017)
Saez, A. M.; Weiss, S.; Nowak, K.; Lapeyre, V.; Zimmermann, F.; Duex, A.; Kuehl, H. S.; Kaba, M.; Regnaut, S.; Merkel, K. et al.; Sachse, A.; Thiesen, U.; Villanyi, L.; Boesch, C.; Dabrowski, P. W.; Radonic, A.; Nitsche, A.; Leendertz, S. A. J.; Petterson, S.; Becker, S.; Kraehling, V.; Couacy-Hymann, E.; Akoua-Koffi, C.; Weber, N.; Schaade, L.; Fahr, J.; Borchert, M.; Gogarten, J. F.; Calvignac-Spencer, S.; Leendertz, F. H.: Investigating the zoonotic origin of the West African Ebola epidemic. Embo Molecular Medicine 7 (1), S. 17 - 23 (2015)
Schaer, J.; Reeder, D. M.; Vodzak, M. E.; Olival, K. J.; Weber, N.; Mayer, F.; Matuschewski, K.; Perkins, S. L.: Nycteria parasites of Afrotropical insectivorous bats. International Journal for Parasitology 45 (6), S. 375 - 384 (2015)
Weber, N.; Duengkae, P.; Fahr, J.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Phengsakul, P.; Khumbucha, W.; Siriaroonrat, B.; Wacharapluesadee, S.; Maneeorn, P.; Wikelski, M. et al.; Newman, S.: High-resolution GPS tracking of Lyle's flying fox between temples and orchards in central Thailand. Journal of Wildlife Management 79 (6), S. 957 - 968 (2015)
Schaer, J.; Perkins, S. L.; Decher, J.; Leendertz, F. H.; Fahr, J.; Weber, N.; Matuschewski, K.: High diversity of West African bat malaria parasites and a tight link with rodent Plasmodium taxa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110 (43), S. 17415 - 17419 (2013)
Weiss, S.; Witkowski, P. T.; Auste, B.; Nowak, K.; Weber, N.; Fahr, J.; Mombouli, J.-V.; Wolfe, N. D.; Drexler, J. F.; Drosten, C. et al.; Klempa, B.; Leenderts, F. H.; Kruger, D. H.: Hantavirus in bat, Sierra Leone. Emerging Infectious Diseases 18 (1), S. 159 - 161 (2012)
Weber, N.; Birnbaum, P.; Forget, P. M.; Gueye, M.; Kenfack, D.: L’huile de carapa (Carapa spp., Meliaceae) en Afrique de l’Ouest: Utilisations et implications dans la conservation des peuplements naturels. Fruits 65 (6), S. 343 - 354 (2010)
Weber, N.; Kalko, E. K. V.; Fahr, J.: A first assessment of home range and foraging behaviour of the African long-tongued bat Megaloglossus woermanni (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) in a heterogeneous landscape within the Lama Forest Reserve, Benin. Acta Chiropterologica 11 (2), S. 317 - 329 (2009)

Buchkapitel (2)

Behr, O.; Brinkmann, R.; Hochradel, K.; Mages, J.; Korner-Nievergelt, F.; Niermann, I.; Reich, M.; Simon, R.; Weber, N.; Nagy, M.: Mitigating bat mortality with turbine-specific curtailment algorithms: A model based approach. In: Wind Energy and Wildlife Interactions, S. 135 - 160 (Hg. Köppel, J.). Springer International Publishing, Berlin (2017)
Weber, N.; Fahr, J.: A rapid survey of small mammals from Atewa Range Forest Reserve, Eastern Region, Ghana. In: A rapid biological assessment of the Atewa Range Forest Reserve, Eastern Ghana, Bd. 47, S. 90 - 98 (Hg. McCullough, J.). Conservation International, Arlington, Virginia (2007)

Forschungspapier (5)

Weber, N.; Fahr, J.: Assessment of the bat fauna of Gola Forest, Liberia and Sierra Leone, with recommendations for future monitoring and research. Final project report to ‘Royal Society for the Protection of Birds’ (RSPB) (2011)
Weber, N.; Fahr, J.: Preliminary assessment of the bat fauna at Putu Iron Ore Mining concession, Liberia. Final baseline report to PIOM Inc., Liberia (2011)
Weber, N.; Fahr, J.: Assessment of the bat fauna at Oromin Mine, Sabodala, Senegal. Final baseline report to SRK, Canada (2010)
Weber, N.; Fahr, J.: Assessment of the bat fauna of Gola Forest Reserve, Sierra Leone, with recommendations for monitoring programs. Final project report to 'Royal Society for the Protection of Birds' (RSPB), Ulm University (2009)
Weber, N.; Fahr, J.: Survey of endemic and globally threatened bat species in the Fouta Djallon Highlands for conservation priorities in Guinea. Final project report to the Van Tienhoven Foundation for International Nature Protection, Conservation International & Guinée Ecologie (2007)
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